A Prophetic Message To The Nation

I will share this: I am doing the 21 day fast which will end for me on Sunday. What I kept on hearing in my prayer time today and yesterday was "repentance for the end is at hand/near" all I can say is that this video is.on time and I am sharing this with people...

Instead of repentance after the hedge was removed we vowed to re-build. Sept 11th attacks should have brought us back to God with a genuine repentance, instead we have sunk deeper into sin.
Listen - this is no coincidence. The Lord has been drawing me nearer to Himself recently... I've been studying Noah and the flood and gathering notes on what happens when God shuts the door. I truly believe time is drawing near for His imminent return for those who belong to Him and then the tribulation.

God instructed Noah to get in the arc, but the rain didn't come until God Himself shut the door 7 days later... I believe He is giving us a time to repent and also for all those who He has foreknown to be Him to come to faith.

Thanks for sharing this Wavy...
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Truth here Nice & Wavy. There were definitely some "bones" but it was touching the way he encouraged repentance and the fact that he was bold enough to say all he said before the president. My heart has been on the youth as well of America and I've been praying for mercy for them. Between tv, music, movies, and school they are trying to turn them into a generation of Godless, depraved individuals. I hope the message reached the ears of some parents who will repent and change things for their children.

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I pray this for the children as well!:yep:

Thanks for posting the video, sis... I'd listened to it and have downloaded a copy.... This part of your comment is what I got from listening to him as well.
YW sis :love3:

If you haven't... please read the book. He has asked the video be removed from online but didn't say specifically why though.
I haven't gotten the book as yet, but will do so soon. I'm wondering what type of flack he has gotten because of what he said....hmmmmm
Instead of repentance after the hedge was removed we vowed to re-build. Sept 11th attacks should have brought us back to God with a genuine repentance, instead we have sunk deeper into sin.
Listen - this is no coincidence.
The Lord has been drawing me nearer to Himself recently... I've been studying Noah and the flood and gathering notes on what happens when God shuts the door. I truly believe time is drawing near for His imminent return for those who belong to Him and then the tribulation.

God instructed Noah to get in the arc, but the rain didn't come until God Himself shut the door 7 days later... I believe He is giving us a time to repent and also for all those who He has foreknown to be Him to come to faith.

Thanks for sharing this Wavy...
YW, Momi.:love2: This post is so on point...so on point!:yep:
Is there another link, the one's I tried have been removed.

ETA: It appears he removed the link himself


Here's an explanation:


It appears Hello Dolly summarized it on this site: http://lit4ever.org/revivalforum/index.php?topic=26016.0

Hello Dolly said:
Hurray! This is a video we all should watch several times. The Church is being called
out by the Lord to repent for ungodly living and to return to bible principles and truths.
His Words are truth. Put Jesus first in your life. Seek his face...seek His wisdom. There is no wisdom apart from Him. Remember the first commandment. Dedicate yourself to Him, body, soul and spirit. Romans 12. Be salt and light in this dark world. Love what Jesus loves and hate what Jesus hates. Praise and glorify Him throughout the day.


This link appears to be working for now (I'm listening):

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He mentioned several times, the Harverter's, (I know this is spelled wrong,but I don't know what he was saying) I guess it book or some type of a prophetic writing. What is it? I'd like to read it myself?

check out the link I posted, mystery of the harbinger is what he was saying, I had to google it because i couldn't understand what he was saying

The Isaiah 9:10 judgement :
Part 1

Part 2
I watched him on Sid Roth and he has a whole lot of prophecy's/harbingers seems that he focused on wall street quit a bit. I havent looked at the yt video but I know I need to repent.
^^I just started This Present Darkness, I think we definitely need to discuss The Harbinger ...
You must read "Piercing the Darkness" as well...excellent book!

@Iwanthealthyhair67 - This Present Darkness is one of my top 5 Favorite Books! I think I will dust it off and read it again...

Please report back when you finish :drunk:
I know you must have read "Piercing the Darkness" too...great books!
You must read "Piercing the Darkness" as well...excellent book!

I know you must have read "Piercing the Darkness" too...great books!

Yes I have! It has been a while though...

I think I will bump up the Christian Fiction thread.
I watched him on Sid Roth and he has a whole lot of prophecy's/harbingers seems that he focused on wall street quit a bit. I havent looked at the yt video but I know I need to repent.

Wall street...market not doing great. Eeeeeek!
check elishalist. they have a ton of prophetic revelant messages for today . they may also have the copy you are looking for
He came to my church this year. His message was compelling and very much commonsense. He kept saying that he is not saying that on a certain day that destruction will come to this nation because he doesn't know a specific day. But he did say that God is warning us as a country and we're continuing in the wrong direction.

I pray that this country turns back to God. But even if it doesn't, that my own family be ready.