A Prophetic Message To The Nation

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
given at the Presidential Inauguration Prayer Breakfast - January 21, 2013

My Lord and my God :pray:

Please, please watch this before they remove it from youtube....AGAIN!

ETA: Some of the links of this video are getting deleted left and right online:nono::nono::nono:. I do hope that you download it before watching, just so that you can see it. The devil is mad:yep:



Praying that the Christian women who pray on this forum watch this in earnest.
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Oh my gosh! I'm at a conference so I can't see it now. Can you give me a synopsis??
Rabbi/Pastor Jonathan Cahn is the keynote speaker at the Presidential Inaugration Prayer Breakfast on January 21, 2013.

He gives a prophetic word from the Lord to America and its leaders, including President Obama. He called for repentance amongst other things. This is the first time in my lifetime that I have heard a prophetic word such as this...straight from the Holy Spirit.:yep:

You must see it to fully get it...please watch when you get home or tomorrow early.

EDITED: Apparently, President Obama was NOT in attendance. Sorry for the misinformation.
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I am so glad I got to see this. Thank you Nice & Wavy. I pray this message does not fall on deaf ears.. I was praying in the Spirit before I realized it.

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I am so glad I got to see this. Thank you Nice & Wavy. I pray this message does not fall on deaf ears.. I was praying in the Spirit before I realized it.

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YW, Mrs.Haseeb. This video message is going around to many and the pastors and other ministers that I know are all saying that they weeped while they repented. This is surely a wake up call to the Church. This year will be trying for all of us and if we are not prepared, we will feel it for sure.:nono:
This year will be trying for all of us and if we are not prepared, we will feel it for sure.:nono:

My prayers lately have been focused on praying for all believers that we will be prepared with the full armour of God. Preparing for anything else futile without it.

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so many signs are evident and have been for a long time. I believe that as Christians, all we can do is continue to pray earnestly and fervently that those who do not know the Lord will come to know him and that those who know him and have turned from him will return to Him.

Our Lord is coming and every generation sees the signs of his coming and the judgement. It is important to recognize that we have to maintain our gaze on God and continue to do His works.

sidenote:I found a different version online and there were trumpets and praise and worship near the end. That was very touching.
so many signs are evident and have been for a long time. I believe that as Christians, all we can do is continue to pray earnestly and fervently that those who do not know the Lord will come to know him and that those who know him and have turned from him will return to Him. Yes indeed:yep:.

Our Lord is coming and every generation sees the signs of his coming and the judgement. It is important to recognize that we have to maintain our gaze on God and continue to do His works. Absolutely!

sidenote:I found a different version online and there were trumpets and praise and worship near the end. That was very touching.
Must watch it:yep:. I will read the book to get more clarification of some of the things he spoke about in the video.
He mentioned several times, the Harverter's, (I know this is spelled wrong,but I don't know what he was saying) I guess it book or some type of a prophetic writing. What is it? I'd like to read it myself?
He mentioned several times, the Harverter's, (I know this is spelled wrong,but I don't know what he was saying) I guess it book or some type of a prophetic writing. What is it? I'd like to read it myself?

check out the link I posted, mystery of the harbinger is what he was saying, I had to google it because i couldn't understand what he was saying
He mentioned several times, the Harverter's, (I know this is spelled wrong,but I don't know what he was saying) I guess it book or some type of a prophetic writing. What is it? I'd like to read it myself?
It's called The Harbinger written by him. I will take what he says about those things lightly until I read and discern it for myself, but the message of repentance is undeniable and profound.:yep:
given at the Presidential Inauguration Prayer Breakfast - January 21, 2013

My Lord and my God :pray:

Please, please watch this before they remove it from youtube....AGAIN!



Praying that the Christian women who pray on this forum watch this in earnest.

I wanted to listen to all of this but there is one fundamental aspect that he keeps getting wrong...America was not founded as a Christian Nation



I do think the Politicians have to be careful in stepping over the church's right to practice it's religion in peace.

I will continue and we all should continue to pray over the leadership of this nation that GODLY people not politicians or pharisees come to power and continue to use the church like Ralph Reed



I think the best thing to do is pray!
I wanted to listen to all of this but there is one fundamental aspect that he keeps getting wrong...America was not founded as a Christian Nation



I do think the Politicians have to be careful in stepping over the church's right to practice it's religion in peace.

I will continue and we all should continue to pray over the leadership of this nation that GODLY people not politicians or pharisees come to power and continue to use the church like Ralph Reed



I think the best thing to do is pray!
Please listen to the entire message. I do appreciate the links you posted.:yep:

The point of his message is repentance, no matter if America was founded as a Christian nation or not, there is no denying that this country is far from God. He is speaking out openly about sin, the leaders of this country and giving a call to Christians to repentance. This message comes from the Holy Spirit.:yep: That is what is needed (repentance) and that is why I posted this thread. Some things we must chew the meat and spit out the bones.:yep:
I will share this: I am doing the 21 day fast which will end for me on Sunday. What I kept on hearing in my prayer time today and yesterday was "repentance for the end is at hand/near" all I can say is that this video is.on time and I am sharing this with people...
Please listen to the entire message. I do appreciate the links you posted.:yep:

The point of his message is repentance, no matter if America was founded as a Christian nation or not, there is no denying that this country is far from God. He is speaking out openly about sin, the leaders of this country and giving a call to Christians to repentance. This message comes from the Holy Spirit.:yep: That is what is needed (repentance) and that is why I posted this thread. Some things we must chew the meat and spit out the bones.:yep:

Okay I will!!!
I will share this: I am doing the 21 day fast which will end for me on Sunday. What I kept on hearing in my prayer time today and yesterday was "repentance for the end is at hand/near" all I can say is that this video is.on time and I am sharing this with people...
I just finished a 21 day fast, and I heard the same. The Lord is surely speaking loud and clear for all who are listening.

The video is right on time and tell them to download it before watching because its being censored online...:nono:
Please listen to the entire message. I do appreciate the links you posted.:yep:

The point of his message is repentance, no matter if America was founded as a Christian nation or not, there is no denying that this country is far from God. He is speaking out openly about sin, the leaders of this country and giving a call to Christians to repentance. This message comes from the Holy Spirit.:yep: That is what is needed (repentance) and that is why I posted this thread. Some things we must chew the meat and spit out the bones.:yep:

Truth here Nice & Wavy. There were definitely some "bones" but it was touching the way he encouraged repentance and the fact that he was bold enough to say all he said before the president. My heart has been on the youth as well of America and I've been praying for mercy for them. Between tv, music, movies, and school they are trying to turn them into a generation of Godless, depraved individuals. I hope the message reached the ears of some parents who will repent and change things for their children.

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Thanks for posting the video, sis... I'd listened to it and have downloaded a copy.... This part of your comment is what I got from listening to him as well.

The point of his message is repentance, no matter if America was founded as a Christian nation or not, there is no denying that this country is far from God. He is speaking out openly about sin, the leaders of this country and giving a call to Christians to repentance.