A Plea for Help (long w/ Pics) TIA


New Member
Hi All,
I’m a newbie for all intent and purposes. I’ve been doing my homework, reading, stalking fotkis, and I even PMed my hair idol (:blush:Thanks Eisani) for tips. But I’m not making as much progress as I would like so, I thought if I post some pics of what my hair is like, I could get everyone to contribute a few ideas on tweaking my products and regi.</SPAN>

I’m try to transition because relaxers (for me) are very expensive. It’s a trip to the BVI, to be exact. My aunt is the only one I trust to relax my hair and she’s in the BVI. My last relaxer (see siggy) was on 06/27/08. So, my choice are either to stretch in between trip, or transition. I’ve always stretch I just didn’t know what it was called. Consequently, I did it all wrong and so my hair is not healthy. If I had know 5 years ago what I know now, I may be WL. The longest my hair has ever been is, about 2 inches past BSL.

So, this is my 1st attempt at stretching properly. I’m having breakage and shedding issues and detangling makes me want to cry. Here’s my reggie:
Pre-poo overnight w/ ORS Replenishing Pak, evoo, and castor oil
Rinse next day; poo with diluted Pantene for relaxed hair
Condish with HE LTR or GVP version of Nexuss Humectress
Detangle and Bun in Shower
Next day; release bun add NTM silk touch leave –in and Hairveda coconut oil
Re-bun ; no combing until next wash day
Co-wash mid week, detangle and re-bun

During my mid-week co-wash I will pre poo with GVP Joico K-Pak then co-wash with HE LTR

Now for the pics:drunk:

Let start with what my hair look like straighten. As you can tell from my regi, I don’t use heat. If I do a DC session, I use a heat pak and cover the plastic cap and heat pak with a towel. That’s the only heat I use, usually every 10 days or so (I know, not enough)
So anyway, I went to the JCP salon and got my hair flat ironed for the holidays so this is what I call my starting length. I’m APL with thin ends, prob. b/c of all the shedding and breaking.

Hair Straightened 12-24-08

Here’s an idea of what my wet ponytail looks like after a wash or co-wash



Here’s my hair texture up close. I have about 3 to 4 inches of NG

Here’s my hair, wet with no product added. It’s a bad idea for me to get out of the shower before bunning. I get carried away with combing…

This is how much I usually shed on a good day. Twice as much on a bad day.

So, what can I do about this, shedding and breakage?
How do I manage all of this new growth?
What products do I need?
And what would you say is my hair type, b/c I have no idea, I think it’s 4b.

TIA for all your help!
I love your hair texture.
For the amount of hair you have, your shedding looks very minimal.

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I love your hair texture.
For the amount of hair you have, your shedding looks very minimal.

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Thanks MC. When I read post about members losing only 2-3 hairs on wash day, I'm convinced I'm losing more hair than necessary.

Bumping for more opinions. TIA
I agree that your shedding appears minimal and your hair looks healthy and beautiful to me.
my hair is no were as full as your but i get scared i know i shouldnt when i see shedding hair so i use a garlic shampoo or garlic deep con and use cpr shampoo for break age not all in the same day.i know you cant stop it but i dont want to see no hairs. maybe some more will come in to help you with this. dont worry cause you will work your self up.but they say what you are loseing is not excessive amount for your hair
Thanks baby42 for the tip on garlic products. I'm thinking about trying this along with my quest right now to find a moisture/protien balance.
You said that was shedding on a good day meaning that was the minimal of your shedding. I think that's quite a bit and I would get a fresh clove of garlic and slice it up. Then add about 3 tablespoons of water in something small with the sliced garlic cloves and nuke in microwave for about 10 seconds. You add that to 4 tablespoons of your conditioner and DC with it. Do this everytime you DC and it will stop.
You said that was shedding on a good day meaning that was the minimal of your shedding. I think that's quite a bit and I would get a fresh clove of garlic and slice it up. Then add about 3 tablespoons of water in something small with the sliced garlic cloves and nuke in microwave for about 10 seconds. You add that to 4 tablespoons of your conditioner and DC with it. Do this everytime you DC and it will stop.

Thanks for that recipe.:grin:I'm going to do it too.
You said that was shedding on a good day meaning that was the minimal of your shedding. I think that's quite a bit and I would get a fresh clove of garlic and slice it up. Then add about 3 tablespoons of water in something small with the sliced garlic cloves and nuke in microwave for about 10 seconds. You add that to 4 tablespoons of your conditioner and DC with it. Do this everytime you DC and it will stop.

I knew I could count on you for some help!:hug3: Thank you bunches and bunches. I had a bad experience with some clarifying poo last night so I'm doing a DC tonight. I'll try this. Just to clarify, I only add the water off the garlic to the conditioner right? And I won't smell stinky, right? Thanks again.
I knew I could count on you for some help!:hug3: Thank you bunches and bunches. I had a bad experience with some clarifying poo last night so I'm doing a DC tonight. I'll try this. Just to clarify, I only add the water off the garlic to the conditioner right? And I won't smell stinky, right? Thanks again.

:lachen: I had to chuckle. Yeah, just add the water not the garlic clove or you will be stinky. That's why I said add it to your condish so it won't smell so bad.
Your hair is so pretty! I'd like to trade you mine.:rolleyes::lachen: It will probably take me 2 years or longer to reach your length!
Everyone is different when it comes to hair. I tend to shed "A LOT" but that's normal for me. My hair is healthy, growing and I'm able to retain length so that's what's important to me. I've started adding Amla Oil into my deep conditioner and sealing with the oil a couple of times a week. I've noticed much less shedding but I still shed a lot compaired to most people. I say if your hair is healthy and growing, don't worry too much about the shedding. Breaking is another matter. If your stretching, you really need to be extra careful with detangling and putting tension on the hair (ie: pony holders, etc.) Don't touch your new growth until wash day. Check out Sylver2 (RA) Fotki album (she's on month 11 of a year stretch and she has waist length hair). That girl knows what she's talking about and she also has some YouTube videos that shows what she does during stretches.
thanks for this thread and the nuked garlic suggestion. i've been dealing with shedding too. not sure if i've always shedded this much but i want it to stop.
Wow, if that's all I shed on wash day, that would be the least of my worries!:grin:

Your regimen sounds a lot like mine and I have been transitioning for 2 years. Your hair looks healthy and I would think that the shedding you have is normal. (that's just not normal for me b/c I do shed a lot). If you think about it, you would normally shed hairs on a daily basis, but you don't comb everyday, so the hairs you shed on wash day seem to be your weekly allowance of shed hair.

The members that chimed in about the garlic shampoo and the garlic recipe gave you good tips; garlic will nip it in the bud.

Good luck!
Wow, if that's all I shed on wash day, that would be the least of my worries!:grin:

Your regimen sounds a lot like mine and I have been transitioning for 2 years. Your hair looks healthy and I would think that the shedding you have is normal. (that's just not normal for me b/c I do shed a lot). If you think about it, you would normally shed hairs on a daily basis, but you don't comb everyday, so the hairs you shed on wash day seem to be your weekly allowance of shed hair.

The members that chimed in about the garlic shampoo and the garlic recipe gave you good tips; garlic will nip it in the bud.

Good luck!

Thanks for chiming in! Your current stretch and the update on your hair /color is a thing of beauty. I think I've always shed quite a bit. I hate losing hairs. I'll add the garlic idea to my regi and see where this goes. I'd hate to cave in and relax now.
Everyone is different when it comes to hair. I tend to shed "A LOT" but that's normal for me. My hair is healthy, growing and I'm able to retain length so that's what's important to me. I've started adding Amla Oil into my deep conditioner and sealing with the oil a couple of times a week. I've noticed much less shedding but I still shed a lot compaired to most people. I say if your hair is healthy and growing, don't worry too much about the shedding. Breaking is another matter. If your stretching, you really need to be extra careful with detangling and putting tension on the hair (ie: pony holders, etc.) Don't touch your new growth until wash day. Check out Sylver2 (RA) Fotki album (she's on month 11 of a year stretch and she has waist length hair). That girl knows what she's talking about and she also has some YouTube videos that shows what she does during stretches.

Sylver2 is the ish when it comes to stretching. I've stalked her fotki, believe you me! Thanks for the words of encouragement.