A nice beauty supply experience


Well-Known Member
I went to the BSS to buy some CON shampoo and 10 en 1 rinse for my mon and Dudley's PCA Moisture Retainer. ANyways, I've been losing my battles with these stores and their minimum purchases so I walk in and say, " Even though you're not supposed to have one, what is your minimum for charging?"

The guy was a young Asian guy probably in his 20s and spoke clearly. He probaby was born here or came very young. He says, "You're absolutely right. Just go get whatever you need.".

So I buy my stuff which included a comb, and some Super Dax Light Pomade, one set of wire mesh rollers.

As I walked around the store, my son kept trying to annoy me so that he could leave early (at least he didn't do the 'I have to pee' thing that he used to do). The guys joked around with my son telling him that the cat was going to turn into a tiger if he didn't listen to his mom and stuff. He was shouting in the store and the guy told him that they would call the cops on him. My son even knocked over a mini display of shampo becasue he was twirling around and they just laughed as my son picked it up and said to me : I want to live! Please don't hurt me!"

Finally they rang me up and at the last minute I added a gliter lip gloss. My total came to $27.20. The guy laughed and said, "And you were worried about minimums?" After I signed the receipt I relaized that I forgot to buy a hair net for my rollersetting---and I asked him if he would run my card again---he said just take it and the other guy put it my bag. t was only 99c but hey I got it for free.

Of course I noticed Salerm 21 vials on the way out and I picked up one (to look at) and the guy actually started explaining to me that were three types and what each one was for and how each one was used. I was so impressed because I always assumed that they just knew the names of the products but not much else.

Anyways, I asked him for a business card and told him that it was my new favorite store. I don't think PJS can be loyal to a ny one BSS but at least he won't charge me a minimum when I need to go there!!!!

That made my day..I don't know why but it was a pleasant experience.

But we won't get into what happened afterward at the $%@@$% post office when I went to get a priority mail box to ship the stuff in! It ruined the abovementioned experience!!!

Oh yeah, so once I go back to work(I'm on vacation), I won't post so much anymore okay.......don't worry. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Daviine I'm glad you had a good hair product shopping experience.

I wish the black women in my local hairshop knew what the products did. I just laugh to myself when they reccomend totally crap products to other poor customers who just don't have a clue. Just like some of the salon ladies their hair is either jacked up or covered, so they should have NO licence to be selling or recommending anything to anyone.
Might I ask which beauty supply shop this was? I live in NYC, too and like to patronize shops that are "friendly."

Sounds like a shop I go to in Harlem. The Asian guy in there is always very pleasant and friendly.
This one is called Flatbush Beauty Supply on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn between Tilden and Albemarle. I've never seen him there before but I hope he's there more often!!
Is it the one next to Staples? (I think there's another one further down the block) If so, I've been in that one before a few years back but I don't remember how the associates treated me. Since I just live about 4, 5 blocks from there, it's time for me to make a visit (PJ in the making LOL)
Yes it's the one next to Staples. I hope my experience wasn't an isolated one!!!! Crossing fingers!!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif