A new years promise to yourself


New Member
Every year most people make at least one promise to themselves. I like to put a twist on that promise in hopes of making it more personal. Sit yourself down in front of a mirror and become completely honest and open with yourself. List out loud the changes you want to make this year. When I say list them I mean list them with everything you got. You want that promotion this year, you want to meet your future husband, you want to make more money, whatever the promise you make to yourself make it with meaning. I have found that all too often I will make a flimsy resolution only to forget what it was when the next year comes around. I know that I cannot be the only woman that does this. At any rate, make this year count ladies. Make it count for you and your family. Especially you ladies who are holding your families together while doing the 9-5. Just a rambling thought. Happy new year to you all. I put this in the relationship forum because I feel that when you promise a better year for yourself that you are holding yourself accountable, no one else. Those promises cannot manifest unless you know and understand the type of relationship you have with yourself. Many of us have great relationships with ourselves. Women who know and understand what they have to achieve to succeed. However, many of us are leery of our own power. I believe it is the self doubt that many of us have within ourselves that automatically defaults the new years resoultion we set out to keep. I wish you all the best of luck this year. I hope that the relationships that we all have with ourselves are better and healthier come 2011. Good luck.

WOW!! Talk about self reflection and introspection. I need to be doing this with the quickness! :yep:

Thanks for sharing...
great post

also think of every day as a new beginning and just an important milestone as a new year is and watch things come to pan out even quicker