A MUST Read for Christian Fiction Lovers


With Love & Silk

You must read Soul Matters from Walk Worthy Press. (same publisher of Boaz Brown. This book touched me like no other fiction piece I've ever read! I was crying by the end of the book--and not just a little cry either--a serious boo-hooing session.

I was inspired and encouraged in a deep way. I can tell that the author truly prayed and sought God through the writing of this book.
Well, my older brother says I am the type that tells too much when I am telling someone about a movie or book, so...

You may want to go to amazon.com !
I started it but did not finish it mainly because I did not want to put it down, so I am going to finish it over spring break...but what I read was good
Hey I'm going to be reading this book very soon. Its the book club's book for March. Wow I'm hope I'm as moved as you.
It is now several days since I've finished this book and I do not want to start a new book because I became so attached to the characters in Soul Matters. I even find myself wondering how Wendy and her family (characters from the book) are doing and what they're up to. :lol: Then I must remind myself that it was fiction.
I finished this book today. Very well written. I enjoyed it so much. It hit some sensitive topics for me. I'm glad we read it, we'll be discussing it next Saturday.
kisz4tj said:
I finished this book today. Very well written. I enjoyed it so much. It hit some sensitive topics for me. I'm glad we read it, we'll be discussing it next Saturday.

Alright! You'll have to share some of the stuff from your discussion. Shoot, wish I could be there!