a moment of gratitude


Well-Known Member

Thank you for another great day you have blessed me with. Thank you for the opportunity to witness to another person. Thank you for the Holy Spirit to navigate in this world. Thank you for my health. Thank you for my job. Thank you for my vehicles. Thank you for my children. Thank you for my marriage. Thank you for my mom and dad. Thank you for the Love and mercies you shower me on a daily basis. I express my gratitude. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Thank you OP for this thread. I need to say:

Thank you L-rd, for all the opportunities coming my way. Thank you for protecting us and providing for us. I may not have all I want (now or not ever) but I am definitely thankful. Thank you that my daughter will be confirmed despite our leaving the school this year. Thank you that my children are good christian examples and that they absolutely have respect for their Jewish heritage as well as the religions of others. I am grateful that they are loving little people. It could not have been possible without YOU. No matter what, I thank you! I thank you! Baruch Hashem Ad-nai Yeshua Ha MOshiach!!!!!!!!LELELELELELELELE
Dear God,

Thank you for blessing me to see another day and to experience the joy that is life. Thank you for the blessings you shower down upon me continuously even when I am ungrateful. I thank you for the friends that I have. I thank you for the family I have. I thank you for my apartment and that I have the ability to pay all of my bills every month. I thank you for my peace, my health, my strength. I know that you are heaven and earth and I will forever praise your name and your spirit. Amen.
Dear Father, Thank You for loving me when I didnt love myself. Thank you for blessing me with special people in my life who has geniune hearts. I pray for the people do not have a special relatioship with you and I hope they hearts become unharden and experience the wonderful peace and happiness you have bestowed up me. I love you and noone comes before you.
Dear God,

Thank you for it all. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. Without you I don't know where I would be. Everytime I look back I can't help, but thank you. You kept me when I didn't want to be kept. Loved me when I didn't know how to love. Blessed me when I wouldn't bless you. So in return I'll ask every morning, what do You want me to do today?
