A lot of teenage girls buying Minoval in the States....


New Member
this is what I heard through the grapevine when I was in th U.S. a couple of weeks ago? Has anyone heard about this? Any regular users here? bonjour
Hi: Do you know of anyone personally who is using it and what kind of reviews is the Minoval getting there? A couple of Haitien ladies told me that Minoval is de riguer in Haiti. I guess that means like "it's hot!"lol but here in Canada I do not hear much about it. I was talking to these ladies in the U.S. One lady showed me how she had grown her edges back in with the Minoval. She has not used it for a while, because she was just using it for that mainly, but she did apply it all over. Her hair is not short. She implied that mainly, her reasons for not keeping it up were financial but she had no hair loss or thinning as a result of not keeping up her use of it. Two ladies and one teenager that I met use the Minoval and had positive things to say about it. Bonjour
I know people that use minoval and like any other product, what may work for one may not work for another. I haven't personally used it but my cousins from Haiti got good results and when my mom tried it she felt that it didn't "go" with her hair. I would say to try it and see how it works for you.
blessedangil03 said:
I know people that use minoval and like any other product, what may work for one may not work for another. I haven't personally used it but my cousins from Haiti got good results and when my mom tried it she felt that it didn't "go" with her hair. I would say to try it and see how it works for you.

I have two associates that have used this at various times. Girl A used it and it worked wonders for her. She doesn't take care of her hair very well and it never grew very much. The last time I saw her w/ her hair out, it had grown in nicely. Girl B used it and said that it did nothing for her. When I saw her, she had the same broken hair. She was still putting it up in a ponytail w/ rubberbands and gluing tracks to her scalp:ohwell:.
yes minoval is the main ingredient that rogaine has in it...minoxycidil(i spelled it wrong)..but i believe its cheaper than rogaine...i just brought a bottle of it last night it was like 2.64...ive used it off and on...but i havent been consistent with it...i asked a Haitian lady that use to work with me about it...she said she knows of it and that her hairdresser uses it and her mother from Haiti does...
Thank you ladies: Does anyone know of anyone who used it exclusively for growth and not just to fill damaged hairline and got a lot of length out of it? bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Thank you ladies: Does anyone know of anyone who used it exclusively for growth and not just to fill damaged hairline and got a lot of length out of it? bonjour

I know someone who spears by it. I used it about a year ago and wasn't pleased. I use something called Alter Ego Cren. It is a dominican product and I find that it works best for me. Not only does it promote growth but also prevents hair loss. Check out the website www.alteregousa.com
And which product is that on <Altergousa> that you are referring to? I do not see any reference there. It makes a statement but no name and its a press to order only for what I can see. Am I missing something? Thank you. Bonjour