A Long Stretch..


Well-Known Member
O.K. Last time I made 12 weeks no perm with hardly any problems. This time I am on week 10 and doing the same exact thing I did last time and I feel like, I am about to loose my mind with these new growth. I have about 2 inchs worth of new growth no kidding. I never, ever, ever...had growth like this before. It's to the point I almost broke today to perm. I think I might perm tomorrow. I need help not to break down or lose my mind people.......HELP....ME.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
Girl hang in there! Two more weeks will pass by in no time, protective styles like buns, phony ponies & braidouts will help make it easier to stretch since their low maintenence styles. Also conditioning & moisturizing often helps the new growth to become more manageable by making it softer. If I can make it through 24 weeks, Im sure you can make it through 12! ;)
Step Away From The Perm Box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont Do It You Can Stretch Until Your Goal Date You Can Do It, Soften That Newgrowth With Some Conditioner Bun Yourself And Be At Peace
First of all take a really deep breath. Next, pat yourself on the back because you're doing a WONDERFUL job, if you have gotten this far with little or no breakage. If your hair is still in good shape and you're still not experiencing any breakage, continue your stretch keeping your eye on your goal. I try to stretch as long as possible, but all bets are off after 10+ weeks depending on what my hair is doing. Stretching serves no purpose, if you're losing hair through breakage.

Good luck!
I am at week 19 now trying to stretch to 23...initially I was only trying to stretch to 14, but then I found out I am expecting so I have to wait at least until after my first trimester is over (depending also on what my doctor says). I also have about 2 1/2 inches of coily new growth. The only way I can cope with it by using what I call The Soaking Wet Bun Method. The foundation is Wild Growth Oil which I have found fantastic for calming down my new growth. Here's my technique:

1. Conditioner Wash/Rinse daily

2. Squeeze out excess water - do not blot dry- leave hair quite wet

3. Add Olive Oil/Wild Growth oil mixture to new growth, olive oil to length

4. Add Fantasia IC Leave in and/or Hollywood Beauty Carrot Creme for slip

5. Comb through with wide tooth comb

6. Comb through with medium-fine tooth comb

7. Comb through with ultra fine tooth comb in direction I want to place my bun, until smooth.

8. Place hair in ponytail with holder soaked in olive oil

9. Gently blot excess moisture from top of head and ponytail

10. Secure bun with bun cover/decoration

11. Put a little bit of gel on edges, brush with soft brush if necessary

12. Most important step! Tie down tight with satin scarf for as long as possible (at least one hour).

After all of this (which only takes about 10 minutes), I have nice shiny waves and a smooth hairline that stays all day. I have lost very little hair to shedding even with all the combing. This method will obviously only work in the warmer weather. You can stretch a little further!! Good luck.