A little disturbed by a hair stylists suggestions...

I style and take care of my hair without a stylist, but I decided to treat myself and go to the salon for the first time in over 7 months and give my hands a break. :)

My stylist noticed my hair had grown a significant amount and she INSISTED that I desperately needed my ends trimmed, as if my hair was damaged.

I don't flat iron my ends (only my roots). I deep condition regularly and spoil it. I don't use relaxers or blow dryers. My hair is so healthy! I examine my ends and they aren't damaged at all.. . in fact this is the healthiest my hair has been my whole entire life!

My only justification is that she noticed my growth and automatically assumed that my hair needed to be trimmed? She was so adamant about it that it really disturbed me. I know my hair better than anyone and it is definitely not damaged or anywhere near it. It's unprocessed and well taken care of.

Any suggestions?
If the roots were puffy then it will make the hair look uneven and unhealthy. The stylist should have waited until your hair was straighten before making that suggestion.
That just seems to be their MO. Cut, cut, CUT! It wasn't necessarily malicious, but it certainly was ill informed.

I understand where you are coming from. I feel like when I go to my colorist/stylist in July, she is going to INSIST on cutting as well...and just like you I will be insistent that she not cut!