A little album upate!! Nioxin leave in results.

Your hair is absolutely gorgeous. :love: Congrats on hitting armpit length. :clap: Bra strap is just around the corner for you.
Oh girl...your hair is so pretty. I have been wanting to try to it. What's the best way to use it that you would recommend?
As an executive member of PJA (Product Junkie Anonymous) I order you to
cease and desist with these raves about this product and showing its results on your fabulous tresses.

Thank you

*FYI I went looking for this product all this past weekend like a, well a PJ and couldn't find it. Then I saw a post today where someone said they got it from Ulta. I was like Oh, Ulta!!!! OK, Gotta go get it. Ungh...
The life of a PJ.
dreemssold said:
Your hair is beautiful :up:! Thanks for sharing!


The dream goal length right there in living color...

I love my NTM leave in...but...umm...ain't nothing wrong with adding another one...you know...to rotate..:look: