A limit on how many times to be in love?

Is there a limit on how many times to be in love?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 100.0%

  • Total voters


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
Okay I been just wondering, if I really think long and hard I have been in "love" twice. Is that too many? I loved one of them more than the other, but I believe I was truly in love with both of them. People say that you can only truly be in love with a man whole-heartedly once. So what if I meet someone who I truly love again he will be number 3...right?

Do anyone believe that you can only love someone once, and the other times where just infactuations, or crushes? Also does it count if the other person loved you the same? If that person didn't is it truly love?
I believe that you can love as many times as you allow yourself to. Falling in love is not an accident, it's a choice. When people love someone less than the previous it's probably b/c they never totally let the previous man/woman go.
I think you can be in love multiple times. As we grow in life situations, perspectives and what not do change. I think we need to be careful of letting ourselves get to the point of falling in love and realize that its something serious and precious that we should guard. But if it happens 2/3/4 times I think that's ok.
I think people are capable of falling in love more than once; although I believe that after a few times, people can get bitter or jaded which is what sours the other experiences.
...love to be in love.

Sure it's possible.

At some point, I think it can become unhealthy, but that's a different thread.
I've been in love 3x,one of them i loved w/all my heart-i would have done just about anything for that person.The heart wants what it wants...you can't tell it "u can't love this person,you've already loved that one".