A HOT DAMN MESS!!!! My head is tow' up!!!


New Member
I got my hair done yesterday and it looks like I rolled around in the damn grass.

My friend wanted me to go and I said no because I was sure her stylist didn't do natural hair. She called and asked her stylist did she do natural hair and the stylist (Caroline) said yes.

So I went and asked if she could do some flattwist w/ some hair added. She said yes and when I get back with the hair she tells me that she's not able to do it (ok, you do natural hair but can't do f***ing flat twists?). So I'm like that's ok, I'll head up to the natural salon in Norwood and let someone else do it. She started looking all crazy because I was about to bounce then said she can do something else. So I'm like whatever, you do natural hair, just do something, what ever you want to do.

This looneytoon decided that she was going to put some rods in my hair. :look:
And when she took it out I looked like a 42yr. old crack head. It was curly in the top, nappy in the back, DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY, and super greasy. It basically looked like some burnt crispy cornflakes was glued to the top of my head.

I was so f***ing pissed.
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And this is the killer part................

After she was done I walked to the restroom and there were 2 natural stylist in the back!!!! WTF!!!!!
They looked at me and told me my hair was f***ed up and I should have came to them. I told them that I asked Carolyn if she did natural hair or if there were natural stylist here and she lied to me and said that she did natural hair and didn't even mention that 2 natural stylist were even in the shop!!!!!
I'm not pissed because she f***ed me up. I'm pissed because she LIED!!!!
If she didn't know how to do natural hair, all she had to say was that there were natural stylist in the back. But this bytch just had to be greedy and take my damn money.

The bytch Carolyn works at Deborah's in Eastlake right around the corner from the BBS store.
How stupid. What kind of outcome was she expecting? I can't believe she thought she could just put rods in natural hair and get a good style.

She lacks commond sense.
Oh snaps! That's just ugly as heck! Please tell me you didn't pay her for that and that lying she did. Did you confront har about the natural stylists inthe back?
good2uuuu said:
Oh snaps! That's just ugly as heck! Please tell me you didn't pay her for that and that lying she did. Did you confront har about the natural stylists inthe back?

My friend was paying anyway.
I laugh at her *** all the way home.
"Look what YOU paid for! Don't you feel special!!!!"

I had to hold my mule!!!!
This other girl came in the shop and saw that I was looking hot fire pissed and she asked who did my hair and I told her that Carolyn did it and it was f***ed up. She had got loud and *igggggnit* for me.
OMG. What a funny story. I was dying. I'm sorry to hear about it though. We've all had horror hair stories.
That was really messed up, I feel for ya as I'm natural myself and know how it is can be when a stylist jacks it up :mad: . That was really funny tho :lachen:
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Dang girl.............sorry that happened to you. At least you can wash it out and get your healthy kinks back. Imagine if she tried to straighten it or somethin. There's no telling what kinda damage could been done.

Hunny.....nobody knows your hair better than you!!!!!!!!!!
BEWARE OF STYLISTS (especially if the entire salon is not catered to naturals)
Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl I'm so glad someone else paid, because if not it would have been some serious trouble up in there, Catsuga I seen some of your other post regarding others bad stylist replies and you seem to be a fierce momma, that Carolyn better be thanking God. :lachen:
Catsuga, I'm so sorry this happened to you but the story IS funny. Btw, do you have any pics of this "burnt crispy cornflakes"? Please, please, please tell me that you do.
This story is toooooooo funny! I am in tears, laughing out loud. I really am sorry this happened to you but thank God it's only a styling problem and not a damage problem. Oh goodness. I am so glad she didn't press your hair. But chile I have to admit, I too, want to see the pictures--burnt cornflakes on top on your head, now girl, u have got to admit this is too funny.
Catsuga how was her reaction? Did she try to play it off like it was pretty? You know start fluffing up the sides and telling you "your hair came out lovely".