A Great Message for Today - 7/2/07

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Looking Deeper into our Spirituality

It is obvious that our spiritual walk and condition is critical to the Lord, and I hope we understand that it must be of critical importance to us as well.

First, we must be honest with ourselves as to how important this is to us.
Do we even understand what it means? How much value do we give it? Do
we have a clear definition of what it means? Are we even responding to
where the Spirit is drawing us too? Whatever the answers to these
questions, they will expose us as to where we are in our spiritual walk. One thing is certain, that it is to our best interest that we walk in it. And there is no doubt God gives it great importance. We cannot deny that.

Secondly, scripture reveals to us that the natural/carnal man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned [1 Corinthians 2:14-15]. So it must be clear to us as believers that spiritual discernment will never come to a carnal man. Our ability to receive revelation or instruction depends greatly upon our level of spirituality. We will therefore continue in a darkened state, not being able to know what is really going on in our lives nor of those around us.

Thirdly, what exactly is spirituality? Well, first we see that being spiritual has to do with one’s disposition or our internal condition. I believe true spirituality is the result of the inworking of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In essence, our willingness to allow the Holy Spirit liberty to work in us will
always guide us towards living a spiritual life. In its purest sense it’’s a knowing/awareness of the Holy Spirit within us, working His good pleasure, bringing us to maturity in those things that pertain to God’’s Kingdom.

I hope this small article has at least kindled a spark in your life to fan a fire within to truly eliminate whatever is hindering us from growing spiritually. Allowing the Holy Spirit absolute liberty to deal with anything that’s not pleasing in His sight.

I have become more aware today then ever before, that many of God’s children are not where they should be in their spiritual walk. Many who think themselves spiritual have allowed themselves to become entangled with the cares of this life and do not even realize it.

A spiritual individual carry themselves in a unique manner. They never look to seek for their own interest but those of others. They are thick skinned, never easily moved. They are consistent, loving and they are easy to love. They make themselves available, and are always looking to encourage those around them. They are givers, looking simply to help in any capacity. Oh yes, they seem to always have such a huge hunger for more of God. They easily enter into worship no matter the circumstances. They never give excuses for what they should be doing. They are the true pillars in God’’ house, for they always look to edify and strengthen the weak. Often those are the ones that have positioned themselves to be available for whatever God needs them for. They have a fire in their lives that effects everyone and everything they come in contact with.

Let’s determine to be one of these mighty men/women of valor, walking a truly spiritual life, reflecting Him whom we love and serve.