I think I have finally come to the right place. For the moment I am tired of talking about hair. I have had dreams since the summer before I turned 14 (I will be 27 next month), so many I could probably write a book. I had one last night that was really creepy. My family has been nothing but supportive because I do share my dreams, expecially with the minister who did the eulogy for my father who passed this past Thanksgiving.
Side note: I do have dreams, I don't know if I could call them prophetic...
For example, my father had been sick for 3 years with what the doctors said was psoriasis. 6 days before he went to his doctor for an appointment, I had a dream that he told me he had cancer. I shared the dream with my mother, but my dad said he didn't want to know what it was. The day of his appointment, after I got home from work, he told me, "Darling, they say it's skin cancer." I thank God for the dream because it did help me prepare for what I had known all along - that what he was going through was not psoriasis, it was actually a rare type of cancer called mycosis fungoides.
A couple of months ago I had a dream (2 actually, 2 nights in a row) about something happening in southern California involving a LOT of water and something in New York. I have been recently looking for a place to relocate to and California and New York have always been at the top of the list. Something in the back of my head keeps telling me, "Don't go there!" So I will be obedient and will not look any further in these 2 areas.
Something just doesn't feel right!
Anyway last night the dream I had was very interesting. I was sitting in my living room with my mother and brother. My mom kept pacing and saying, "There are 2 ways, but noone has thought about the 3rd!" She was just rambling and pacing back and forth while my brother looked on. I was also looking down on the situation, but knew what she was talking about. It had been about the mark of the beast; the chip that could either be implanted in your hand or forehead (I won't be here; I will be raptured!) It was kind of like I wasn't on earth but looking down from above watching people go through the tribulation period.
The antichrist had not come forth, but plans to mark people was already in action. I saw this weird red symbol (like one that emits from a register scanner, see attachment: reminds me of the V: The Miniseries symbol, except there were no dots, only a weird arrangement of 6 lines) come out of nowhere and maneuver through our living room in search of something to scan. I got the feeling that people were being marked without given the chance to make a choice, and that it didn't matter, they would still go to hell. Or that they had received the chip, and this scanner from nowhere would randomly scan people chips in their hands for some reason or another. I remember saying I would have to invest in a steel body armor costume to avoid getting scanned.
I have a load of dreams like this, but nothing that ever made me feel so lost and hopeless. I have no plans of being here when things start to go down!!