A dream denied....


Well-Known Member
Right now I feel so confused and uncertain about what God wants from me. I feel like my prayers are going unanswered. I feel like my dreams are like shooting into the dark. I feel like I have tried my very best but I have STILL failed. I do not know what my next move is and I am sitting here in tears because I cannot figure it out. I do not know what God wants out of my life. I was trying to go back to school but now that that has fallen through, I do not know what's next.

I need some sound advice, encouragement, something.....
delitefulmane boo you better get on your knees and prayer and thank God for what you have and what you will have. I'm in your boat I was wondering who that was with the pretty hair in row 4 lol. Take the time to mourn what that dream if you believe it's gone. Then take a step back and see was it my will or his will. Maybe it's not for not and maybe God grounded you to purge you and tweak you in order to have you ready for the goal ahead. At times we will go raggedy still trying to just get by and God may have called it time to get you where he needs you to be.

Regroup,pray,fast,study the word,reach out to folks who you know is in your circle who want to see you really do great not just for you but for God.

Big hugs honey.
I do not know what my next move is and I am sitting here in tears because I cannot figure it out.

The answer will come. Even if at the "last minute", the answer will come.

I believe that sometimes He doesn't want us to know His exact plan. Sometimes, He just wants us to trust that He has a plan.

Be at peace with the promises that are in His word. He will not forsake His children.
delitefulmane said:
Right now I feel so confused and uncertain about what God wants from me. I feel like my prayers are going unanswered. I feel like my dreams are like shooting into the dark. I feel like I have tried my very best but I have STILL failed. I do not know what my next move is and I am sitting here in tears because I cannot figure it out. I do not know what God wants out of my life. I was trying to go back to school but now that that has fallen through, I do not know what's next.

I need some sound advice, encouragement, something.....

Wait on the Lord and be of good courage...he will reveal his plans for you, use this time while you wait spending time with Him and preparing yourself.
BE still and know that He is God.....

We don't always know nor understand what God is doing but know that He knows what's best for you and at what time.

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Prosper isn't always in a natural sense, He wants us to prosper WITH Him...

Stay encouraged sis! :yep:
Denied, or Delayed? I have shared this before but God has postponed my career for an entire year, but he used that time to draw me closer to Him. I know that delay is not always denial! When he gives us a dream, sometimes we are the only ones that understand it. Pray for Gods will and that he strengthen or either take the desire away depending on His will. Be encouraged! He has good plans!
OP, God's destiny for you is in His control. No one can stop His plan for your life. God is working behind the scenes to make things even better for you than you could have imagined. The favor of God will move you to your divine destiny.
You are not in the position you hoped to be in at this moment...maybe, He is setting you up to rely more on Him? He can open (and close) doors that we can't. Rely in Him and listen...truly listen...for His guidance, discernment and wisdom. He will guide your next steps.
Delay doesn't always means denied. Our timing is not God's timing. 8 years ago I received a vision to host a conference in my city. At the time I was married to a minister and I just knew that we would do this conference together. It was received and didn't happen. All of these years the idea and dream stayed with me but I had no knowlegde of how to get this done without a church backing. I was/still am struggling financially barly surviving and I knew that a conference would take money. Delay doesn't always means denied.

Here I am today and let me tell you about God. The vision lived in my heart and now it is coming to life. The 3 day conference is scheduled for October of this year. Not only is the conference coming to life but out of that vision came a newly formed Ministry. I had to go though some things and battles to get here but I'm here and the vision lives on.

Hold on sis, God knows what He is doing even when you don't have idea of what He is doing. He's working it out for your good. Just press on
Shimmie posted this in the Prayer Line thread; as soon as I read your post, I thought this would fit perfectly.

II Kings 4:8-37. The Prophet Elisha told a Shunammite woman that she was going to have a child. She had no children and her husband was old so when she became pregnant and gave birth to a son she was so excited-it was a dream come true. Later, as a youth the boy fell ill and died in her arms. This clearly was not what she had in mind when Elisa promised her a child so she went to find him. She told him that the son she had hoped for had died-her dream had died. In short, Elisha prayed and her son, her dream was resurrected and restored to her.

Your dream may not be dead/denied.

This disappointment, by far, is the HARDEST I have ever had to deal with. It is affecting me spiritually, and mentally with equal strength. I have been praying for God's will in my life but it seems like nothing is coming of it. My prayers and petitions seem to be going on deaf ears. I am not sure what season this is for me but it must be a season of waiting. Thank you to everyone who has responded and even those who wanted to but didn't .

Please keep me in your prayers.
delitefulmane you better stay on your face then go into action. At times what feels like a dead season isn't. What you do in this season of waiting if it's just a delay will make or break you for the next season. Recently I thought I had my blessing job. I got let go 2 months afterwards. I got put in a season of purge and renewal. See at times God will ground you so he can fix whatever is needed before you get up in the air. I mean think about it if a plane has some knowing issues but still goes in the air the likelihood of it making it isn't good. So much would be lost and so much would be at state. It's better to ground the plane and fix the issue then let it go so when it's up there it won't come down prematurely.

Big hugs love..you got this know believe that.
delitefulmane you better stay on your face then go into action. At times what feels like a dead season isn't. What you do in this season of waiting if it's just a delay will make or break you for the next season. Recently I thought I had my blessing job. I got let go 2 months afterwards. I got put in a season of purge and renewal. See at times God will ground you so he can fix whatever is needed before you get up in the air. I mean think about it if a plane has some knowing issues but still goes in the air the likelihood of it making it isn't good. So much would be lost and so much would be at state. It's better to ground the plane and fix the issue then let it go so when it's up there it won't come down prematurely.

Big hugs love..you got this know believe that.

I never thought about it this way. :scratchch but this makes perfect sense. IF only I could see the diamond in the coals. I am hurting so much right now. I am angry at God, truth be told.
delitefulmane why be mad at God? I have been there but that won't do nothing but delay the process for real. It hurts but wounds heal. We have a vision of what things should be and how they should go but that isn't always what God made you for. Sometimes we have to be open to things and quite ourselves to listen. Pray,study the bible like no other. We can't go out representing God with any authority being raggedy in spirit. The devil would take that raggedness and shred us like shredded wheat.

Cry,be mad but don't sin. Journal,do something healthy like working and eat right,do something fun and be. It hurts I know real well but God won't move til it's time. Do what is needed and it may not feel good but it's time. DO you really want to delay what will have to happen one way or another?
delitefulmane why be mad at God? I have been there but that won't do nothing but delay the process for real. It hurts but wounds heal. We have a vision of what things should be and how they should go but that isn't always what God made you for. Sometimes we have to be open to things and quite ourselves to listen. Pray,study the bible like no other. We can't go out representing God with any authority being raggedy in spirit. The devil would take that raggedness and shred us like shredded wheat.

Cry,be mad but don't sin. Journal,do something healthy like working and eat right,do something fun and be. It hurts I know real well but God won't move til it's time. Do what is needed and it may not feel good but it's time. DO you really want to delay what will have to happen one way or another?

:cry::crying3: It's funny how the Holy Spirit works through other people, and they do not even know it. Thank you. You're right. I need to study and pray and get over this anger. You know, it's hard to quiet ourselves sometimes because our thoughts come in louder than what the Holy spirit is instructing.
DeLiGhTfulmane (((hugs))) I know how you feel, I too had a dream delayed. I remember feeling hurt, angry and confused.

Now is the time to seek God, and ask Him to reveal His good and perfect will for your life. A dream delayed doesn't necessarily mean a dream denied, God knows "why" ask Him, seek Him, He will guide you. Sometimes we wonder why some things happen, but His ways aren't our ways, But his way is always the better way. Continue to seek Him in prayer and trust that He has You, whatever happens!
Shimmie posted this in the Prayer Line thread; as soon as I read your post, I thought this would fit perfectly.

II Kings 4:8-37. The Prophet Elisha told a Shunammite woman that she was going to have a child. She had no children and her husband was old so when she became pregnant and gave birth to a son she was so excited-it was a dream come true. Later, as a youth the boy fell ill and died in her arms. This clearly was not what she had in mind when Elisa promised her a child so she went to find him. She told him that the son she had hoped for had died-her dream had died. In short, Elisha prayed and her son, her dream was resurrected and restored to her.

Your dream may not be dead/denied.

This was the sermon at my church on Sunday! Praise God for confirmation! OP please know that God has your situation under full control!
do not loose heart everything will work out for your good ...there will be more disappointments but there will be many, many more victories ...


This disappointment, by far, is the HARDEST I have ever had to deal with. It is affecting me spiritually, and mentally with equal strength. I have been praying for God's will in my life but it seems like nothing is coming of it. My prayers and petitions seem to be going on deaf ears. I am not sure what season this is for me but it must be a season of waiting. Thank you to everyone who has responded and even those who wanted to but didn't .

Please keep me in your prayers.
I agree with everyone else. Pray, study the word, keep the faith. I would also encourage you to plan out your life and some goals you hope to achieve in the next year or two. It will give you a sense of working towards some type of purpose (even if you don't know exactly what you want to do). You never know what epiphany or what God will reveal to you in the process.

Sometimes things don't happen at the particular moment you want them to because it's just not the right time in your life. You have to have patience...as the song goes, "He may not come when you want him, but he'll be there right on time." But be working towards some other goal or a possible backup plan in the meantime. I think we get even more frustrated and exasperated when we feel "stuck." Don't allow yourself to feel stuck. Good luck girl. :sneakyhug:

PS - you're only 24 girl! we're not supposed to have life all figured out right now! it's ok to make mistakes and change our minds about what we think we want to do.