A Co-Worker Commented on My Hair Growth

Royal Glory

New Member
The past couple of days, I have been feeling a little like nothing much was changing with my hair. But those are the times when I just exercise my patience.

I CWC'd my hair last night/this morning and wore it down today. This morning, a close co-worker barely got "Good morning" out before she said, "Girl, your hair is really growing!" I thanked her, smiled, praised God and went to my desk.

It's nice how, just when we need a little encouragement, God reminds us that we are on the right track.
I just had to share. :)
Congrats! It is nice that someone noticed your growth. It's really easy for us to think that nothing positive is happening, since we're looking at our own hair everyday.:yep:
Awwww...That is always so nice when that happens, when someone notices... It just gives you a lift, especially when you feel like you aren't making any progress. You should see me, I have a big old grin on my face like I got the compliment (smile).
Royal Glory said:
The past couple of days, I have been feeling a little like nothing much was changing with my hair. But those are the times when I just exercise my patience.

I CWC'd my hair last night/this morning and wore it down today. This morning, a close co-worker barely got "Good morning" out before she said, "Girl, your hair is really growing!" I thanked her, smiled, praised God and went to my desk.

It's nice how, just when we need a little encouragement, God reminds us that we are on the right track.
I just had to share. :)

Congratulations RG:)
Royal Glory said:
The past couple of days, I have been feeling a little like nothing much was changing with my hair. But those are the times when I just exercise my patience.

I CWC'd my hair last night/this morning and wore it down today. This morning, a close co-worker barely got "Good morning" out before she said, "Girl, your hair is really growing!" I thanked her, smiled, praised God and went to my desk.

It's nice how, just when we need a little encouragement, God reminds us that we are on the right track.
I just had to share. :)

So true ;)
Royal Glory said:
The past couple of days, I have been feeling a little like nothing much was changing with my hair. But those are the times when I just exercise my patience.

I CWC'd my hair last night/this morning and wore it down today. This morning, a close co-worker barely got "Good morning" out before she said, "Girl, your hair is really growing!" I thanked her, smiled, praised God and went to my desk.

It's nice how, just when we need a little encouragement, God reminds us that we are on the right track.
I just had to share. :)

Royal Glory, You are lucky. Whenever I wear my hair down after a long time, I get "Is that your REAL hair", " It looks fake", "Why do you always wear your hair up when you have that much hair", "If I had your hair, I would know how to wear it" or (my personal favorite) "I thought you were a chicken head, I didn't know you had hair". Not too mention - rude people touching, pulling and sticking their fingers in your hair without asking.
It happens at work, church and other social events like family reunions or lunch with friends. It's really good to hear someone just get a compliment.
congratulations!! thats so nice to hear.

i also feel like my hair isn't growing, but when i told my friend she agreed with me wholehearted explaining patiently that washing my hair more than twice a month was the craziest thing she has ever seen.

but i refuse to give up. maybe i get the motivated but stories like this make me smile and keep on!!

goodluck i wish you more beautiful growth and many compliments as well!!
Royal Glory said:
The past couple of days, I have been feeling a little like nothing much was changing with my hair. But those are the times when I just exercise my patience.

I CWC'd my hair last night/this morning and wore it down today. This morning, a close co-worker barely got "Good morning" out before she said, "Girl, your hair is really growing!" I thanked her, smiled, praised God and went to my desk.

It's nice how, just when we need a little encouragement, God reminds us that we are on the right track.
I just had to share. :)

Congratulation, very encouraging!
diamondlady said:
Royal Glory, You are lucky. Whenever I wear my hair down after a long time, I get "Is that your REAL hair", " It looks fake", "Why do you always wear your hair up when you have that much hair", "If I had your hair, I would know how to wear it" or (my personal favorite) "I thought you were a chicken head, I didn't know you had hair". Not too mention - rude people touching, pulling and sticking their fingers in your hair without asking.
It happens at work, church and other social events like family reunions or lunch with friends. It's really good to hear someone just get a compliment.

Wow, diamondlady. People are something. Sometimes they just don't know how to simply give a compliment. Just be confident, though, that that is what they meant. :)

I would simply share with the ones who ask "why do you always wear it up...or if I had your hair, I would...", if they are sincere and you think it is worth the time. I guess all you can do with the rude ones is let them know how it makes you feel.

And don't forget, you have us. We will give you plenty of compliments and encouragement. Post some pics and show it off!
Congrats.... I know it's a good feeling to finally get compliments on your hair. It makes you feel like all your hard work is paying off.
Congrats RG! We never can tell the progress because we stay up in our hair everyday. It's good when someone else notices.