A Chilling Rebuke of Joel Olsteen

I do know that Joel Osteen studies the word. They have a big bible study during the week. They also have a large teen ministry. They do so
much for the sick.

When my family and I were in Houston for several months we watched him and his positive message was a blessing for us. So many people are in Houston being treated at MD Anderson for cancer. His positive message and approach and testimony about his mother and her battle with cancer gives hope to many. He tends to preach to his local congregation and their needs. He has many members and visitors that are receiving cancer treatment and it is evident in his sermons.

God wants us to have hope and be positive. I cannot count the cancer survivors and fighters that I have seen going to his church or talking about watching his sermon. At such an uncertain and scary time in your life or a loved ones life, fire and brimstone sermons are so defeating. They are very fragile and it can be overwhelming. It has encouraged so many to pick up their bibles and praise the Lord and to continue reading the scripture from their hospital beds and read about the good things.

I think preaching to the specific needs of your congregation is important. I think this is why his sermons are full of good things, he is preaching to his local congregation. Many of his members are hospital staff and caregivers and they need to know that God loves us and wants the best for us and that we can make it through these difficult weeks, months or even years of caring for a family member with cancer or cancer patients at work. The patients themselves need to hear the good that God does, the miracles that Jesus has performed. We need to hear these types of sermons to help prop us up for the hard week ahead.

Eta: I didn't watch the video or read the posts

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y

You can't encourage people without dealing with the sin and telling people to repent. This cute flowery message does not come from the Bible. What's the point in giving them hope in this life for them to end up in the Lake of fire? The word says, knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men. It didn't say anything about the encouragement and mercy of the Lord, it said TERROR. The Bible also says that if we have hope only in this life we are of all men most miserable. What he's doing is giving people hope only in this life. Nothing he is saying is of eternal value.

The apostles and early believers told people the politically incorrect truth, point blank range and they saved thousands, they offered real salvation. All Joel Osteen is doing is offering a false salvation to make people feel good and as a result signing off on his own demise and those who listen to him.
If only this were true. This is not a clear view of Christianity at all :ohwell:

People who hold this view must skip over 98% of the New Testament and apologize to the Apostles (who all died as martyrs). While I am sure Joel shares very inspiring messages - and I've even read testimonies from people who have heard him talk and were encouraged to learn more about the Bible. This qualifies him as a motivational speaker - but a preacher of the gospel he is not.

Galatians 1:6-9 ESV

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.

OK I haven't watched the video as I am at work but I absolutely love Joel Osteen!

I subscribe to his podcast and listen every week; his messages give me so much hope when I feel like all is almost lost and always reminds me that God is for me and has great plans for me which are written on the palm of His hands. I love Joel's approach. I think hard core fire and brimstone preaching has it's place and so does a more gentle grace approach. When i'm in a dark place and my mind is getting unhealthy and i'm seeking God & want to listen to the Word, as much as I love TD Jakes for example, I don't think to listen to him, I think to listen to Joel Osteen

We're all part of the body of Christ guys, and the body has many parts. No one part is best or more spiritual or more effective than the other, they all have different purposes. Joel Osteens ministry is a great part of the Kingdom of God on this earth in this generation and a huge blessing to me and i'm sure so many others by judging the size and reach of his church.

We're all on a journey, even Pastors and i'm sure we've all said things and when we thought about them in hindsight or went digging in the Bible or even with time, we realised it wasn't quite right so I wouldn't judge the poor guy; if he's preaching Jesus we're all on the same side!
OK I haven't watched the video as I am at work but I absolutely love Joel Osteen!

I subscribe to his podcast and listen every week; his messages give me so much hope when I feel like all is almost lost and always reminds me that God is for me and has great plans for me which are written on the palm of His hands. I love Joel's approach. I think hard core fire and brimstone preaching has it's place and so does a more gentle grace approach. When i'm in a dark place and my mind is getting unhealthy and i'm seeking God & want to listen to the Word, as much as I love TD Jakes for example, I don't think to listen to him, I think to listen to Joel Osteen

We're all part of the body of Christ guys, and the body has many parts. No one part is best or more spiritual or more effective than the other, they all have different purposes. Joel Osteens ministry is a great part of the Kingdom of God on this earth in this generation and a huge blessing to me and i'm sure so many others by judging the size and reach of his church.

We're all on a journey, even Pastors and i'm sure we've all said things and when we thought about them in hindsight or went digging in the Bible or even with time, we realised it wasn't quite right so I wouldn't judge the poor guy; if he's preaching Jesus we're all on the same side!


Please check out the video I'm interested in knowing your thoughts after you've seen it.

Unfortunately Joel is denying essential tenants of
the Christian faith which makes him a heretic.

I really appreciate everyone's feedback on this subject. The antichrist will come in the last days promising peace and prosperity - we must learn to try every spirit to see if it is the spirit of truth or error. If not - many will find themselves deceived by him Hate to get all deep but this needs to be said. "Once you receive the mark of the beast you can no longer receive salvation".
There definitely has to be a balance in spreading the Gospel. I also see Joel as a motivational speaker because I haven't seen a balance. He's a good encourager, but what about being relatable to the people he speaks to? Like as far as I have seen, he portrays him and his family as so happy go lucky. Especially at his age most people have been through something that would help them minister. I don't doubt his sincerity, but his words would have more weight i guess.