A Change of Pace - Day 1 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
I love this Ministry and each of you. Here's a wonderful change of pace for each of us to enjoy the fruitful blessings of:

It's from this Ministry: Fasting from Wrong Thinking – Change from the inside out!

Edited to add: I'll be adding each day to this same thread. :yep:

Here it is....


Revolution Day 1

As we launch this brand new fast from wrong thinking, we will specifically be dealing with the subject of money and finances.

We are living in troubled times financially, and we need to break free from the limitations of the world’s economic system, and breakthrough into the truly abundant life that Jesus promised we could have.

Living patterns are changed and developed over six weeks; as we give ourselves to a new way of thinking over the next 40 days regarding God’s economic system, our financial condition, along with many other things, will change—watch and see!

Today we’re fasting (ABSTAINING) from the thought that says, “Money equals prosperity.”

Let's change it today:

1. Money doesn’t bring prosperity; but God brings prosperity & provision. Philippians 4:19 says, “My God shall supply ALL your needs...” - this includes ALL areas of your life.

2. Let’s re-define ‘prosperity’. Prosperity IS God’s presence in your life. Genesis 39:2 says the Lord was with Joseph, so he was a PROSPEROUS MAN.

3. God’s presence causes EVERYTHING YOU PUT YOUR HAND TO, to prosper—Genesis 39:3. Because God was with Joseph, God caused everything he did to prosper.

4. When the Lord is with you, you will have what you need. Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego, PROSPERED in the fiery furnace, because of the 4th man in the fire! (Daniel 3:22-25) Money wouldn’t have delivered them; but notice it was the PRESENCE OF GOD, that DID
5. God’s presence is with you NOW! In Matthew 28:20, Jesus said, “And lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS....”


My God shall supply ALL my needs. I believe in Re-Defined Prosperity. God’s presence in my life is true prosperity. His presence causes everything I put my hand to, to prosper.

I expect to have everything I need, because the Lord is with me! His presence is with me, and IN me, NOW, in Jesus Name.

Hello, Divine Prosperity!


Our thoughts are precious jewels, let them sparkle and shine with the Light of God's promises.

Love and blessings to everyone. :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:
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Thanks and this is some good stuff!!

Hey Lady 'Star' Light. :kiss: Blessings and love to you. I pray that all is well with you and your loved ones.

As for me.... right now....

I'm headed right here..... :sleep2: :lol:

Much love to you 'Star'. :Rose:
I was coming in to see if anyone posted the fast infomation. Thanks Shimmie. We all need to renew our minds. I'm looking forward to reading these again daily!

2.Let’s re-define ‘prosperity’. Prosperity IS God’s presence in your life. Genesis 39:2 says the Lord was with Joseph, so he was a PROSPEROUS MAN.
I love that! Imma just meditate on that for the rest of this week!
I was coming in to see if anyone posted the fast infomation. Thanks Shimmie. We all need to renew our minds. I'm looking forward to reading these again daily!

2.Let’s re-define ‘prosperity’. Prosperity IS God’s presence in your life. Genesis 39:2 says the Lord was with Joseph, so he was a PROSPEROUS MAN.
I love that! Imma just meditate on that for the rest of this week!

That's a wonderful meditation, indeed :yep: Thank you Prudent1 for placing an emphasis upon this. It brings peace.

I'm going to keep each day of the 'fast' medications in this thread, to keep them all together as an easier reference for everyone.

Day 2 ... coming right up. :yep:
Here's Day 2 ... Just for each of you. :flowers:

Revolution Day 2

We often think that more money will solve our problems. But the truth is - we need a lot of things that money can’t buy!

Today, we’re fasting from the thought that says, “I need more money!”
Who hasn’t thought that once or twice (a day)?

Let’s change it today:

1. God is your source. We often think that God will be our source of money; but He is our source PERIOD. (2 Corinthians 9:8) He is your sufficiency.

2. We don’t need more money, we need more of God in our lives! As you stay full of God (His Word, the assurance of His love), you will have what you need. We don’t leak (He’ll never leave us), but we forget. (Romans 1:21) As you stay thankful, you stay FULL of God.

3. Abide in Him today. (John 15:7) See yourself in union with Jesus. Meditate on being “In Him”. Start with 2 Corinthians 1:20.

4. Let His Words abide in you today. (John 15:7) As His Words become the fiber of your being; and become one with you, you can ASK anything in His Name, and it will be given to you. AMAZING!

5. Don’t limit God. In Psalm 78:41, they limited God. This means that they set the boundaries. They defined what God could do, and how He could provide. This was their downfall.

6. God has countless ways to provide for you. It might be money or a business, or an idea, or wisdom, or a better budget, etc. He can give water from a rock; bread from heaven; food for a multitude from 5 loaves; coins out of a fish’s mouth...Expect Him to provide HIS way.


God is my source. I refuse to limit how God can provide, or what He can provide me with. I abide IN HIM and His Word abides in me, and therefore I can ask for whatever I wish, and it will be done. I stay thankful and full of God.

Money is not my source.
My job is not my source.

God is my source, and I expect His ideas, wisdom, provision and supply, in Jesus’ Name.


Have a wonderful and blessed day of love and peace, everyone. :Rose:
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Glad someone else is doing this fast...it started Sunday; he starts with redefining prosperity...good job. God first, all else after.

Thanks for posting Shimmie!

I was coming in to see if anyone posted the fast infomation. Thanks Shimmie. We all need to renew our minds. I'm looking forward to reading these again daily!

2.Let’s re-define ‘prosperity’. Prosperity IS God’s presence in your life. Genesis 39:2 says the Lord was with Joseph, so he was a PROSPEROUS MAN.
I love that! Imma just meditate on that for the rest of this week!
Glad someone else is doing this fast...it started Sunday; he starts with redefining prosperity...good job. God first, all else after.

Thanks for posting Shimmie!

I love this fast! I am in! Thanks Shimmie.

It's a wonderful change of thoughts... :yep:

Laela,...Joy.....Prudent1.......... All of you, precious 'you', whomever else is reading, enjoy the gift of each of you and who you are to those who love you, read your posts/threads, and just being in someone else's lives. Your thoughts written and spoken have given much to many that you know or even 'not'.

God is giving His Beloved ones a refreshing break from the media, the clowns, and the frowns. He promised us that not a hair on our heads would perish.

Hmmmmmm, :scratchch: Our head, our hair, our thoughts...are all 'One' with Him.

Not one hair......not one worry..........not one care, has He not carried within His heart of Love for each one of ... His 'One' His Love... you... we... are.

A change of pace... for God has ordained 'peace' for us. :sleep2:

For you... :heart:

Re: A Change of Pace - Day 3 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

:flowers: Be Blessed ... :love:

Revolution Day 3

Today we are fasting from the thought that says,

"I wonder if prosperity will ever come my way."

This mindset is preventing true success from flowing through our lives. When we wait for it to come to us, we miss the point of what it really is.

Let’s Change It Today:

1. You already ‘got it’. Prosperity is not something we find; it is something we ARE. Genesis 39:2--The Lord was with Joseph, so he became a SUCCESSFUL and PROSPEROUS man. Notice, prosperity was not something he HAD; it was something HE WAS.

2. WE HAVE A BETTER COVENANT! (Hebrews 8:6) In Joseph’s case, God was WITH him. For us, God is also IN us. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”

3. Say what God says about you. Declare NOW that you are a prosperous and successful man or woman. Proverbs 18:21...LIFE is in the power of your tongue.

4. You have a treasure in you. (2 Corinthians 4:6) We have this treasure in earthen vessels. Don’t doubt the treasure in you. WISDOM, GREATNESS & SUCCESS ARE ALREADY IN YOU. The kingdom of God is in you. Rom.14:17.

5. Discover the secret of serving! Jesus said, “The greatest among you is the servant of all” (Matthew 23:11). When you believe in the greatness God put in you, you will want to help others succeed; and the river of success & blessing will flow through you.
6. You will not fail. Failure can only come when we try to find prosperity “out there.” It is in us. God put it there.


I don’t need to wait for success to come my way. I am a prosperous and successful person, because God is with me AND in me.

Wherever I go, I bring success.

To prosper is not something I do, it's something I am. I say what God says about me. Regardless of my circumstances, success is in me. I have a treasure inside of me.

That treasure makes me secure and confident so that I can freely and gladly serve others and become a river of success and prosperity to flow through, in Jesus’ Name.

Amen..... and Amen.
Re: A Change of Pace - "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

We have a 'Covenant' with God and with God, Covenants are never broken....
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 3 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

That's a serious stronghold..one that had kept me paralyzed for a while.. always thinking my circumstances will change my disposition, how I'd feel, etc., when it is my thinking that changes my circumstances. Once I got to that 'place', I didn't have to wait until I receive something.. a new job, new house, car, etc. for me to be happy; it's a vicious cycle.
I'm happy, in spite of my circumstances.. would laugh at anything/situation. Even last week, when I pulled over to the side of the road with an overheated car, my DH reminded me by text: In everything, give thanks... which I'd already done by the time I got that text. :laugh: Especially when I realized I'd pulled over in front of a church! LOL Here I am on the side of the road giving thanks and praise. My DH is at work and I'm less than 5 mi from my mechanic. I called the mechanic and he calmly walked me through what I need to do first before I drive the car to his shop for service.

I tell you, Shimmie, we gotta live this life for real! I'm praying my teenager -- and other people I know - finally 'get' this message on contentment for themselves. You don't know until you know in your knower, ya know? I know you can relate... :yep:

I'll share some great Scriptures that speak to being CONTENT:

"Let your character be free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, 'I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,' so that we confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid"
(Hebrews 13:5-6)

"If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content" (1 Timothy 6:8)

"Besides You, I desire nothing on earth" (Psalm 73:25)

"But godliness actually is a means of great gain, when accompanied by contentment"
(1 Timothy 6:6)

"I wonder if prosperity will ever come my way."

This mindset is preventing true success from flowing through our lives. When we wait for it to come to us, we miss the point of what it really is.
I always enjoy the fasts from wrong thinking. This one in particular is really on point. It addresses every thought I've been having lately. I got so excited when I got the intitial email.

This is really helping me get back to looking within myself and up to God rather than looking at my circumstances and looking around me for a solution.
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 3 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

That's a serious stronghold..one that had kept me paralyzed for a while.. always thinking my circumstances will change my disposition, how I'd feel, etc., when it is my thinking that changes my circumstances. Once I got to that 'place', I didn't have to wait until I receive something.. a new job, new house, car, etc. for me to be happy; it's a vicious cycle.
I'm happy, in spite of my circumstances.. would laugh at anything/situation. Even last week, when I pulled over to the side of the road with an overheated car, my DH reminded me by text: In everything, give thanks... which I'd already done by the time I got that text. :laugh: Especially when I realized I'd pulled over in front of a church! LOL Here I am on the side of the road giving thanks and praise. My DH is at work and I'm less than 5 mi from my mechanic. I called the mechanic and he calmly walked me through what I need to do first before I drive the car to his shop for service.

I tell you, Shimmie, we gotta live this life for real! I'm praying my teenager -- and other people I know - finally 'get' this message on contentment for themselves. You don't know until you know in your knower, ya know? I know you can relate... :yep:
I'll share some great Scriptures that speak to being CONTENT:

"Let your character be free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, 'I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,' so that we confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid"
(Hebrews 13:5-6)

"If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content" (1 Timothy 6:8)

"Besides You, I desire nothing on earth" (Psalm 73:25)

"But godliness actually is a means of great gain, when accompanied by contentment"
(1 Timothy 6:6)

For Real.... we do have to 'live' this life, "For Real".

Laela thank you for 'ministering' this Truth. There have been so many 'cares' of this life, that I have allowed to lay their weight upon my thoughts, and you laid it out crystal clear... We have to live this life for real. ... 'changing our thoughts.'

And God has made it so easy, in spite of and above any circumstances that could ever exist. God's Word is 'fresh' oil, and it always rises to the top. In Psalm 92, God Word says, He has anointed us with fresh oil. The ranscid oil (old and negative thoughts) have been cleasnsed from our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

We have been given the gift of this Life of having the Mind of Christ, ruling in our hearts, and minds, puring our thoughts. The negative can no longer rise above it, for it has no power over us. Jesus gave us thoughts of pearls, His word, His promises worth far more than anything we imagine.

But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox;
I have been anointed with fresh oil.

My eye also has seen my desire on my enemies;
My ears hear my desire on the wicked
Who rise up against me. ------ Psalm 92:10-11
I always enjoy the fasts from wrong thinking. This one in particular is really on point. It addresses every thought I've been having lately. I got so excited when I got the intitial email.

This is really helping me get back to looking within myself and up to God rather than looking at my circumstances and looking around me for a solution.

Isn't it refreshing? I see it as a 'vacation' that has God's permission to 'stay' in my life. God is so awesome, because He just steps in and overrides it 'all', no matter what it is...God just cancels it all out and gives us His sweet peace instead of the noice of the intruders of our minds.

Blessings HCMN...
A Change of Pace - Day 4 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 4

Today we're fasting from the thought that says,

"Things might not get better. They seem to be getting worse!"

This thinking is not an option today or EVER! No matter how bad things have gotten financially or in ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE, God has promised that they will get better.

Let’s change it today:

1. The path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter until the full day (Proverbs 4:18).

2. God is the God of increase, not decrease. 1 Corinthians 3:6 says, “One plants, another waters, BUT GOD GIVES THE INCREASE.”

3. You have a covenant of increase from God. Psalm 115:14 says “May the Lord give you increase”. Deuteronomy 1:11 says, “May the Lord..increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised.”

4. Eliminate the ‘half empty glass’ mentality. In fact, don’t accept it half full either! Think: My cup runs over! (Psalm 23:4)

5. Your life is going to end up better than it started! Ecclesiastes 7:8 says, "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning." Haggai 2:9 says, "The latter days of this house shall be greater than the former."

6. EXPECT THE BEST TODAY! In Luke 15:22 the father said, "bring the best robe, and put it on my son..." You are God’s child. He wants the best for you. Believe for goodness and mercy to follow you all the days of your life.


No matter what is happening in this world, things are getting better and better for me! God has made me righteous through His blood; therefore, my path is getting brighter and brighter every day.

My inner man is being renewed, day by day.

I have a covenant of increase and God is increasing me, and all that I have, more and more. I expect the best today. He has saved the best for last and therefore I expect my coming days to be better than my past days, in Jesus’ Name!

Re: A Change of Pace - Day 5 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

Here is Day 5 --- Five is God's number for 'Grace'

Receive it, Precious Ones. .. :kiss:


Revolution Day 5

God has called me to help RE-DEFINE prosperity. So, today we are going to continue to fast from the thought that says, “Prosperity is defined by our financial status.”

Let’s change it today:

1. True Prosperity will change my financial status; but is not defined by my financial status. 3 John 2 says, ”Beloved I wish you to prosper and be in health, EVEN AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS.” As your soul prospers, it improves everything in your life.

2. True Prosperity is defined by: Soul Prosperity. When your soul is filled with God and His Word, it affects EVERYTHING YOU PUT YOUR HAND TO, including your finances. (Psalm 1:1-3, Joshua 1:7-8)

3. True Prosperity is defined by: the Presence of God in your life. Remember, Joseph was defined as prosperous, BECAUSE THE LORD WAS WITH HIM. (Genesis 39:2.)

4. True Prosperity is defined by: The power of answered prayer. John 15:7 says if “God’s Word abides in us, we can ask WHATEVER we wish, and it will be done for us.”

5. True Prosperity is defined by: Grace and righteousness. Romans 5:17 says in the Amplified version, “Through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, we reign as kings in this life.”

6. True Prosperity is defined by: Seeking first the kingdom of God. Matthew 6:33 says, “...and all these things will be added to you”. Put God first in your thoughts, your money, your priorities—and God will supply!

Think It & Say It:

I live in Re-defined Prosperity and will not be defined by my financial status. True prosperity will change my financial status; but it starts in my soul. I am filled with God’s Word. I am filled with God’s presence. I am filled the power of answered prayer. I am filled with grace and righteousness. I am filled with the kingdom of God. I am a truly prosperous man or woman, in Jesus’ Name!

Re: A Change of Pace - Day 6 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 6

Today, we're fasting from the thought that says, "I can’t succeed in this economy."


1. You have the power to succeed in any economy. Believe it. Deuteronomy 8:18 says, "...God has given you the power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant." Notice what God gives you: the power to get it. This promise is for YOU. Meditate on it.

2. Tap into the ROOT to success—meditating on the Word of God. Psalm 1:1-3 says, "...As long as you flood your mind with the Word of God, God will fill your life with success." Your success is connected to the Word of God, not the economy.

3. Expect open doors. That’s the favor of God. He opens doors for YOU that no one can close (Revelation 3:8). He wants to overtake you with increase and favor. (Psalm 115:14) Favor surrounds YOU like a shield. (Psalm 5:12) Fill your mind with FAVOR-EXPECTATION.

4. You have a covenant with God. This is what makes you different. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all succeeded in times of FAMINE and economic trouble. (Genesis 24, 26 & 28) You have been promised the same blessing as them! (Galatians 3:29) Expect it!

5. Refuse to let the economy or anything else determine your limitations and possibilities. ASK SUCCESS. THINK SUCCESS. EXPECT SUCCESS. It will always come. (Ephesians 3:20)


I have the power to succeed even in the worst economy. God will establish His covenant in this earth through me. I choose to fill my mind with the GOOD news rather than the current news. The Word is my meditation, day and night. I expect open doors. They are coming to me every day, somehow, someway. I have a covenant with God. I think big success; ask big success; and I expect BIG success, in Jesus’ Name!
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 7 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

Happy Sunday, Angels. Sorry to post this so late in the day. However, this being Day 7 of the 40 day fast, I am reminded of this:

Seven is God's number meaning 'Completion'

What do you need 'completed' in your life? What do you need 'closure' in? Completion makes way for new beginnings, new adventures, new joys, new blessings, new mercies, which are new every morning.

I love the color blue, for blue is such a clear, soothing, peaceful color to see. And in as a clear blue sky, you shall each have crystal clear 'clarity' with all that you surrender to the Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

The Holy Spirit of God is with you... each of you. Most Clearly.
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 7 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 7

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says,

“Something that good could never happen to me.” Often we see good or great things happen to others, but we just don’t think it could happen to us.

Let’s change it today:

1. Expect good things to happen to you EVERY DAY! Psalm 23:6 says, “Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life...”

2. Think Big! Renew your mind to God’s language. For example: “Ask for the nations” (Psalm 2); “Speak to the mountain” (Mark 11); “your descendants shall be as numerous as the stars” (Genesis 15); “you shall possess the land” (Numbers 13), etc. God uses BIG language and gives us big dreams.

3. Ask Big! Ephesians 3:20 says, “God is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we can ask or think.” Start asking and thinking the way God says to.

4. Never stop dreaming and envisioning a better life. In Acts 2:17 God says: 'In the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.’

5. Take your seat! What do I mean? God has seated us with Jesus Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). He has given us DIVINE point of view. We are already positioned ABOVE our wildest dreams and expectations, so let’s begin to expect them today!


I give up small thinking. I expect good things to happen to me every day of my life. I agree with God’s way of looking at things. I decide to think bigger every day; and to ask for the things God said I could ask for. I accept the visions and dreams that the Holy Spirit wants to give me. I have been given power, love and a sound mind—to fulfill God’s purpose for my life, in Jesus’ Name.
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 8 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

Angels, the number ' 8 ' represents "New Beginnings".

Starting today, look for all things 'new' in your life. The 'new' things are there, in abundance all around you.

The current 'moment' that you are in is 'New'. So is the next and the next to follow. All brand new.

You have new hair growth... :yep: Reach up and touch in and whisper a loving thanks to God for bringing it through, just for you.

You have new eyelashes, new brows, and oh, it that a new smile I see? It's there even behind a tear, a smile is there waiting, all brand new.

You see even the little things are new, so don't over look them. For God says 'despise not small beginnings...'.

So angels, this is your day of new beginnings. Cherish them, for they are 'fruitful' and they shall be mulitplied, many fold.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

God is Blessing you... :Rose: :yep: :Rose:
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 8 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 8

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says,

"I don't have enough."

It says, "I don't have enough money. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough friends. I don't have enough experience. I don't have enough education..."


1. The God-of-more-than-Enough lives in you. Adjust your thinking now. ENOUGH is inside of you. JEHOVAH JIREH—The Lord, the Provider—is in you.

2. Whatever you SEEM to not have enough of, SOW. If you don’t seem to have enough friends, sow friendship. Proverbs 18:24. You will reap whatever you sow, in multiplied harvests.

3. BELIEVE: GOD WILL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS (Phil 4:19); and the DESIRES of your heart (Psalm 37:4).

4. Meditate on the power of Jesus HANDS. When the little boy gave his 5 loaves and 2 fish, he put it in the hands of Jesus...it was multiplied to feed 5000. (John 6:1-14) Whatever seems to be lacking in your life—put in the hands of Jesus—commit to Him, and He will multiply it. Whatever His hands touched was healed, delivered, empowered.

5. Expect the blessing of God to come upon you AND overtake you. Deut. 28:2 (This “blessing” is your inheritance because of the cross—Galatians 3:13)

6. Meditate on the words of Jesus: “I have come that you would have life in abundance, to the FULL, till it overflows.” (John 10:10b Amplified)


The God of more than enough—El Shaddai—lives in me. THEREFORE, I always have enough, God shall supply ALL my needs, according to His riches. My God is more than enough. He fills me to the full, and His blessings overtake me.

He gives back to me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, in Jesus’ Name!
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Re: A Change of Pace - Day 9 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 9

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says,

“God and money don’t mix.”

Many people think that they have to choose if they are going to have more of God in their life, or more money and success in their life. The truth is, you can have both God and money; but you can’t SERVE both God and money.

Let’s change it today:

1. Money is not evil. But the love of it is the root to evil. (1 Timothy 6:10)

2. The love of money is not the same as HAVING money. The love of money is a distorted relationship with money. It’s being dependent upon it, rather than dependent upon God.

3. Put God first. When you put God first in your life and your money, you’ll have plenty of both—life and money. Proverbs 3:9-10 says, “Honor the Lord with your substance and the first...and your barns will be filled with plenty.”

4. LOVE GOD. There’s nothing that can fix MORE things in your life than these 2 simple words: LOVE GOD. (Matthew 22:37)

5. Seek first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). One of the words for “kingdom” here is: God’s way of doing things. Seek God’s way of handling your choices, your relationships, your finances, AND THEN—all the things you need will be added to you.


I love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength. My relationship with Him is everything to me. I put God first in my thoughts, my life and my money. I choose to do things God’s way, and expect my every need to be met by God. I choose to use money to advance God’s kingdom and covenant in this earth, in Jesus’ Name!
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 9 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

^^^I love this one, Shimmie... know why? I've learned that people tend to look at those who have been blessed financially as lovers of money, when in fact someone can be lacking in finances or poor, and desire money so much that they don't realize they are serving it! Always looking for that get-rich quick scheme, gambling, etc. That is a form of selfishness, which is not of God at all.

Joseph was blessed, to be a blessing. God paved the way for Israel, through Joseph's wealth and success. Imagine that...:spinning: But he was successful because he kept God's Commandments and was a man God could trust with wealth..he turned away from Potipher's wife because he didn't covet his neighbor's wife nor desired to commit adultery.

The Bible clearly speaks against stinginess and encourages generosity, a characteristic of God:

Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

1 John 3:16-18 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

James 4:3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Colossians 1:1-29 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father. We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, ...

This thinking fast is not only revolutionary but revealing...

Have a blessed day, Chica!
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Re: A Change of Pace - Day 9 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

^^^I love this one, Shimmie... know why? I've learned that people tend to look at those who have been blessed financially as lovers of money, when in fact someone can be lacking in finances or poor, and desire money so much that they don't realize they are serving it! Always looking for that get-rich quick scheme, gambling, etc. That is a form of selfishness, which is not of God at all.

Joseph was blessed, to be a blessing. God paved the way for Israel, through Joseph's wealth and success. Imagine that...:spinning: But he was successful because he kept God's Commandments and was a man God could trust with wealth..he turned away from Potipher's wife because he didn't covet his neighbor's wife nor desired to commit adultery.

The Bible clearly speaks against stinginess and encourages generosity, a characteristic of God:

Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

1 John 3:16-18 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

James 4:3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Colossians 1:1-29 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father. We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, ...

This thinking fast is not only revolutionary but revealing...

Have a blessed day, Chica!

Laela this post is so rich, thank you so much for sharing.

I apologize for not seeing this sooner. The forum's website is running very slow for me on both of my computers, so it's been a challenge to open and read and post messages as I normally would. It will be fixed soon. It's no one's fault, things happen with web systems, especially when there are upgrades which take time to work out the kinks and such.

In light of today' word, and the word of God which you have shared, I am applying this to :Rose: Beverly and :Rose: Nikos, who work so hard to keep this site running for us to have a place to share what's on our hearts.

I am praising God for there peace through each transition of this website, that all needs are met and that God's wisdom overflows to direct them for total resolve and new ideas to bring them into more prosperity. And that God's prosperity continues to flow in loving perfection in their personal lives as well. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Blessings to you and precious hubby, Laela. Keep that word flowing for you are truly a blessing... totally. :bighug:
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 10 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 10

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “More money will make me happy.” While it seems like ‘lack’ and poverty cause much stress--money is not the stress reliever. God’s Word is.

Let’s change it today:

1. Re-define the source of happiness. The supreme happiness in life is the assurance that you are loved! (Mark 1:11) Jesus’ knowledge of God’s love for Him, made Him the happiest man in the world! (Hebrews 1:9)

2. Stop condemning yourself. Romans 14:22 says, “HAPPY IS THE MAN WHO DOES NOT CONDEMN HIMSELF.” Jesus declares you righteous. Reject condemning thoughts.

3. Love the anointing of God, not money. (Hebrews 1:9) Jesus was ANOINTED with joy beyond others. You have that same anointing—1 John 2:27.

4. Ask God for wisdom and understanding. That will bring true happiness. Proverbs 3:13 says, “Happy is the man who finds wisdom and understanding.”

5. Recognize the root of riches. WISDOM produces wealth and riches (Proverbs 8:18). GET WISDOM.

6. Be a giver. You are more happy when you are giving. (Acts 20:35). And giving will always lead to receiving—Luke 6:35.

Think it & Say it:

My happiness doesn’t come from money—it comes from knowing I am loved by God. I refuse to condemn myself and therefore I expect to walk in divine happiness. I love the anointing and walk in the joy of the Lord. I receive wisdom from God every day, resulting in happiness and riches, in Jesus’ Name!
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 11 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 11

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says,

“There just isn’t enough to go around—not enough money, not enough jobs, not enough opportunity.”

Let’s Change It Today:

1. Expect abundance. Renew your mind to our God of abundance. John 10:10 says He came to give you life in abundance, to the full, till it overflows.

2. Expect profusely abounding favor. Luke 4:19 says this is day when salvation and THE FREE FAVORS OF GOD PROFUSELY ABOUND!

3. Believe in the SAME JESUS as in the Bible. Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever...

4. Remember His abundance yesterday, and expect it today! He provided more than enough loaves in John 6:1-14; more than enough income in Luke 5:4-7; more than enough healing in Acts 10:38.

5. Believe in the power of asking. (James 4:2) You have not because you ask not---If there isn’t enough of something in your life, ask God who gives GENEROUSLY (James 1:17).

6. Know Him as Provider. That’s one of His names: Jehovah Jireh—The Lord your provider!

Think It & Say It:

I expect abundance today because Jesus came to give me abundant life. He is the God of MORE than enough, and I expect His favor and blessing to profusely abound in my life. He is Jehovah Jireh, and because He loves me, He will provide for my every need, in Jesus’ Name.


Our Jesus... More than enough.... :heart2:
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