A bit confused....


New Member
As a baby I was christened in a Roman Catholic church and over the years I have attended different churches on and off but have recently started to attend a Catholic church. I have yet to be confirmed and will have to attend a course before this is to take place. My understanding of a confirmation is that it is the firm commitment made to Christian discipleship. If you are still following what does it mean for me once I have been confirmed? though I do intend to speak to my Father at the church for clarification.

I know some people that have lived a certain way and then are saved but what does this essentially mean? Also have you/ do you give up the things you would previously do e.g. going raving etc etc.

hope this makes sense so far :perplexed

I mean there's two types of people I have come across the person that lives a typical as you would life but goes church every Sunday or the other that devout themselves fully to God and is obedient to him but what is the general difference?

As I'm just a bit confused by everything people are bombarding me with.

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I know some people that have lived a certain way and then are saved but what does this essentially mean? Also have you/ do you give up the things you would previously do e.g. go raving etc etc.

hope this makes sense so far :perplexed

I mean there's two types of people I have come across the person that lives a typical as you would life but goes church every Sunday or the other that devout themselves fully to God and is obedient to him but what is the general difference?

As I'm just a bit confused by everything people are bombarding me with.


you said it yourself, "the other has devoted themselves fully" :grin:. Alot of people feel justified by JUST going to church. They feel since they are "nice" or "ok" that everything is good. But God requires Holiness and Sanctification. Which means we are to be SET APART from the world for the use of God. Alot of people are faithful in church, but they havent surrendered their lives and will unto God. They still full of madness and strife and envy and hatred. I'm not saying that we wont struggle with these things in our beginning salvation but some people have no desire to be free and are content with the way they are. You might here them say "Well God know my heart"...which is true...nothing is hidden from God, but His word say ONLY the pure in heart shall see God..But the one who is committed to Christ, has the mind to please God no matter what and to die out to his own self. Some feel like because they know the right things to say, or know the scriptures they are fine, but who is applying the word of God to their lives?? People will fall out in church and Praise God loudly and have all the "church sayings" down...but who is really delievered? Who has overcome the world and its temptations? (fyi..nothing wrong with praising God...I do :grin:) Dont be fooled by anyone's position or title...i dont care if they "Bishop", prophetess, deacon, deaconess, usher, pastor, apostle...whooeeverr...look at the FRUIT!!! You shall know the tree by the fruit it bears...meaning you know someone is Christian by the life they live. You will be suprised how many missionaries and pastors are on their way to hell because they feel justified by a title and position , but they have no alleigance or devotion to God..They dont lean on the word of God, but they lean on the praises of men.and they feel because men are pleased, that means God is pleased, but no sir! Men can adore someone but God sees them as filthy..so be careful with that

on to the next question....
I know some people that have lived a certain way and then are saved but what does this essentially mean? Also have you/ do you give up the things you would previously do e.g. go raving etc etc.

When people use the word "Saved" thats exactly what it is...We are saved from the judgement to come..saved from the wrath of God..but the bible says Those who endure to the END shall be saved. There is a doctrine called "Once saved always Saved" but that isnt biblical. Ezekiel 33 says once you turn from your righteousness, that its remebered no more. God saved the children of Israel from Egpyt and promise to bring them into the promise land but thier unbelief and diobedience cause them to be cast into hell. So you can be on the path to salvation and get off it.

Yes, I had to give up ALOT of things coming into God! lol but I realize now that they wasnt good for me anyway. ive been saved awhile and STILL giving up things lol.Thats the mistake some people make when serving God..They do all and everything they can to enter into God but then they get complacent during their salvation and leave that first love. that excitement and zeal leaves and they become dry and common. But through your walk with God, God will always be shinning a light on things to give up, or areas to work on....growing and maturing in God doesnt stop..you will be doing that until you leave this earth....hopes this helps!
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Alicialynn86 Thanks alot for your comment it really helped. :yep: Don't think I need to speak to the Father at my church anymore lol Gosh I feel abit silly for my posting. But just felt alone with this because I'm like the only member of my immediate family that is trying to go to church again for myself because I want to know God personally but also because I want for my son to grow up within the church.

But yes everything you have said makes sense :thankyou:
@Alicialynn86 Thanks alot for your comment it really helped. :yep: Don't think I need to speak to the Father at my church anymore lol Gosh I feel abit silly for my posting. But just felt alone with this because I'm like the only member of my immediate family that is trying to go to church again for myself because I want to know God personally but also because I want for my son to grow up within the church.

But yes everything you have said makes sense :thankyou:
Don't ever feel silly for posting...there are no silly questions when it comes to asking questions about the church.
Girl dont feel silly!! We all need to ask questions! I am the only one in my family thats in God as well, but that just give me strength to keep going because I know that I am my family's hope. And if they see that I can live this life, it will give them courage that they can to.:yep:

@Alicialynn86 Thanks alot for your comment it really helped. :yep: Don't think I need to speak to the Father at my church anymore lol Gosh I feel abit silly for my posting. But just felt alone with this because I'm like the only member of my immediate family that is trying to go to church again for myself because I want to know God personally but also because I want for my son to grow up within the church.

But yes everything you have said makes sense :thankyou: