A big chop, 3'' cut, and heat damage in one year I'm tastin APL pics


Active Member
At the end of May 2009 I decided to end my 8 month transition and BC. I liked it but wasn't comfortable wearing it natural so immediately got some kinky twist. Then for my back to school style I got my hair dyed at the beginning of September ( done professionally ). This cause severe damage to my hair and I ended up cutting off three inches of hair. So i felt pretty much bald and put my hair in some micros and nursed my hair for the next 4 months. Finally it looks like my hair has grown! The orange blond color is the hair I started with in some areas ( like the back all the hair was cut off) My BC pic is in my fotki.

This is my air dried hair, then put into a puff on January 21, 2010

wind blown hair when i came home from school :grin:

air dried hair, my growth from color

length shot, sorry hair is kinda frizzy, it was crazy windy today

I plan on getting a Bkt in a week or two so i can wear some wash and go's and not have so much shrinkage, I think I'm going to use Dreamhair.