9 Signs You're Just Not That Into Him


Well-Known Member
1. You still casually sext your ex.

Can't help it if he's just more sext-ually skilled than your new guy, right? Not exactly. Even virtual cheating is cheating—or at least a sign that you're not serious about this new flame.

2. It's been four weeks, and he still hasn't met a single one of your friends.

Um, they've been busy? There's a difference between wanting to know how you feel about things first and straight up lying to your friends about who you're hanging out with. If it's the latter, he's probably not a keeper.

3. His wardrobe drives you crazy.

Oh no, why is his collar popped again? Do you think he would notice if you just swatted it down quickly? If this (or any other silly insignificant thing) is annoying you so much that you can’t look directly at him, it's probably time to end it.

4. Your online dating profile is still live.

It's not like you even look at it... that often. OK, maybe only when you're bored (or at work, or watching TV).

5. When someone casually introduces him as your boyfriend ...

Your response is somewhere between an awkward laugh and a full-blown rebuttal. "Oh no, we're just... yeah, no, it's not... ha, it's whatever... we haven't officially..." Just stop.

6. You ditched him for a solo night in with Netflix and Chinese food.

And it was awesome! You didn't even miss him. In fact, you didn't even text him. Wonder how his night was? Not as fantastic as yours, we can tell you that! But seriously, your dates can't be that good if an evening in with “Orange is the New Blackwas way better.

7. You flipped out when he left a toothbrush at your place.

What are we living together now? Is that like him marking his territory? What's next, boxers and protein shakes strewn about your apartment? Oh...he just forgot it...there's a chance we may have overreacted.

8. You never saved him in your phone. :look:

This is like naming the puppy—once you give it a name (and a permanent spot in your phone), you're stuck with it.

9. Your desire to break up with him dips and peaks through the week.

You were kind of sick of him on Sunday after you cuddled for an hour, then he sent you that sweet text on Wednesday, but then you had nothing to talk about on Friday night... Just admit it: You're not that into him.
I agree with this list... :yep:

I've done some of these before when I wasn't all that into a guy. Especially the ones in bold (below).

I'll even add to the list:

-You don't even have a desire to tell your girl friends that you're dating someone, and you don't talk about him. :look:

-You still think about your ex

-You feel like you're "Settling" when you're with him, and you wonder if there's anyone else "better" out there.... :look:

-Little things he does annoy you (I guess this is sort of on the list already :giggle:)

-The thought of you "being with him" (*ahem*) makes you sick.... :barf:

-You don't fantasize about him

-You find yourself not needing/wanting to spend THAT much time with him because you don't want him to get "too attached" lol :lol:

1. You still casually sext your ex.

Can't help it if he's just more sext-ually skilled than your new guy, right? Not exactly. Even virtual cheating is cheating—or at least a sign that you're not serious about this new flame.

2. It's been four weeks, and he still hasn't met a single one of your friends.

Um, they've been busy? There's a difference between wanting to know how you feel about things first and straight up lying to your friends about who you're hanging out with. If it's the latter, he's probably not a keeper.

3. His wardrobe drives you crazy.

Oh no, why is his collar popped again? Do you think he would notice if you just swatted it down quickly? If this (or any other silly insignificant thing) is annoying you so much that you can’t look directly at him, it's probably time to end it.

4. Your online dating profile is still live.

It's not like you even look at it... that often. OK, maybe only when you're bored (or at work, or watching TV).

5. When someone casually introduces him as your boyfriend ...

Your response is somewhere between an awkward laugh and a full-blown rebuttal. "Oh no, we're just... yeah, no, it's not... ha, it's whatever... we haven't officially..." Just stop.

6. You ditched him for a solo night in with Netflix and Chinese food.

And it was awesome! You didn't even miss him. In fact, you didn't even text him. Wonder how his night was? Not as fantastic as yours, we can tell you that! But seriously, your dates can't be that good if an evening in with “Orange is the New Blackwas way better.

7. You flipped out when he left a toothbrush at your place.

What are we living together now? Is that like him marking his territory? What's next, boxers and protein shakes strewn about your apartment? Oh...he just forgot it...there's a chance we may have overreacted.

8. You never saved him in your phone. :look:

This is like naming the puppy—once you give it a name (and a permanent spot in your phone), you're stuck with it.

9. Your desire to break up with him dips and peaks through the week.

You were kind of sick of him on Sunday after you cuddled for an hour, then he sent you that sweet text on Wednesday, but then you had nothing to talk about on Friday night... Just admit it: You're not that into him.
If he doesn't contact you, you do not speak.

Your period came early/late and now you have an excuse NOT to see him.

You hate receiving gifts from him.

You get a text and are disappointed it's him.

Your vagina has a DO NOT ENTER sign whenever his crayon is near. You need the jaws of life. :look:

You respond, "K," and whatever short answers you can when you do respond.

You tell him you're a terrible texter.

The way he breathes annoys you.

When he talks about the future you change the subject.

You go to places no one you know will be there.
If he doesn't contact you, you do not speak.

Your period came early/late and now you have an excuse NOT to see him.

You hate receiving gifts from him.

You get a text and are disappointed it's him.

Your vagina has a DO NOT ENTER sign whenever his crayon is near. You need the jaws of life. :look:

You respond, "K," and whatever short answers you can when you do respond.

You tell him you're a terrible texter.

The way he breathes annoys you.

When he talks about the future you change the subject.

You go to places no one you know will be there.

OMG!!!! :lachen: YES!!! As crazy :spinning: as it sounds, I had an ex who I definitely liked as a FRIEND, but romantically I just wasn't feeling him like that, and the way he would even BREATHE was annoying to me!!!! :lol:

I hate hearing people's breathing through their nose.....it makes me feel like they have a lot of snot or something up there.... :look: Idk...I can't explain it lol. Or maybe I just really wasn't that into him haha. :lachen:
If he doesn't contact you, you do not speak.

Your period came early/late and now you have an excuse NOT to see him.

You hate receiving gifts from him.

You get a text and are disappointed it's him.

Your vagina has a DO NOT ENTER sign whenever his crayon is near. You need the jaws of life. :look:

You respond, "K," and whatever short answers you can when you do respond.

You tell him you're a terrible texter.

The way he breathes annoys you.

When he talks about the future you change the subject.

You go to places no one you know will be there.

:rofl: :lachen:
You fall asleep b/c you know he'll want sex

You look at him but don't desire him

You dream about other men

You see other men and lust after them in a way you don't lust your SO
You avoid spending time with his family.

No more holiday vacations together...you tell him that you are going on vacay with just your bff because xxxx (make up some BS reason..she's depressed, lonely, whatev).

You would rather skip going to an event, that you would otherwise LOVE to attend, than go with him. And then you wonder if you can still go without him.

You drop hints that you're not sure you'll ever get married.

You hate to see him eat.

You return his gifts by "accidentally" leaving them at his house.

You sneak back his stuff to his own apt.

You missed a couple of his calls and purposefully not return them (or do some other thing that might piss him off), knowing he'll be mad...and secretly hoping he'll be upset enough to leave you alone :look:

You try to set him up with other women, like "OMG, I saw/met this girl today. She would sooo make a good wife for you!!! Like you, she loves/does *insert item that you and him differ on*." :look:
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If he doesn't contact you, you do not speak.

Your period came early/late and now you have an excuse NOT to see him.

You hate receiving gifts from him.

You get a text and are disappointed it's him.

Your vagina has a DO NOT ENTER sign whenever his crayon is near. You need the jaws of life. :look:

You respond, "K," and whatever short answers you can when you do respond.

You tell him you're a terrible texter.

The way he breathes annoys you.

When he talks about the future you change the subject.

You go to places no one you know will be there.

#3 will never happen for me (gifts should be seen as rewards for having to suffer such :lol: ) but I agree with everything else. :lol:
Allllllllllllllllll true! I'll add:

--You use slydial to "return" his call because you don't want to talk with him but you want to leave him a voicemail message.

--You avoid taking him to your favorite spots (restaurants, lounge, etc.) because you know the end is near and you don't want to run into him at those spots in the future.

--You don't put as much effort into looking nice when you go out with him. You don't get "ready" -- you just go as you are.

--You notice things about him that you don't normally notice about other people -- the way he walks, where his hairline ends, how he chews his food, etc.
If i m not into someone i simply forget about him .Forget to reply to his texts,hardly ever return his calls .I dont even do it on purpose I just dont care enough to remember.
-I avoid him but give him just enough to stick around (if i "kinda" like him as a person)so i answer 1 out 5 calls or less .
-I never want to hang out with him and make excuses for it.
-I cancel plans last minute ,so if we were meant to see each other on friday afternoon either thurs or friday morning i will come up with a reason for Not seeing him . :look: .Most times i wont set a date and will play busy even if i m not.
- I dont have desire to touch him or kiss him .His cologne makes me sick .
-I can see all his flaws and add them to the list of things that i dont like about him . :perplexed
-When he texts me i roll my eyes and say "what now " and dont read the text until an hour later .
-I delete his number several times.
You missed a couple of his calls and purposefully not return them (or do some other thing that might piss him off), knowing he'll be mad...and secretly hoping he'll be upset enough to leave you alone :look:

You try to set him up with other women, like "OMG, I saw/met this girl today. She would sooo make a good wife for you!!! Like you, she loves/does *insert item that you and him differ on*." :look:

I used to do these to guys ALL the time! :look:

Idk about #6 in the OP. I do that to my SO and I lurve him. But sometimes...I just got to ditch him for no reason at all, that's all :look:
I'm finding these lists true and sad because I don't remember the last time I've actually liked a guy :perplexed