7 Mistakes Single Women Make (nice article)


New Member
Interesting article my friend sent me (I don't know if maybe she was trying to tell me something lol)... but seriously. I think its synthesizes several points that women make on this forum frequently. So it may be redundant, but its nice to have it all in one place lol.

Just in time for V-day too! I'll be forwarding this one to my single friends directly!:yep:


Dating Advice: 7 Mistakes Single Women Make


It was a humbling and shocking experience to read Lori Gottlieb’s new book, Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough—but I’m so glad I did. Gottlieb is a single mother who, at 37, wanted a biological child and had one on her own. She wrote a story in the Atlantic about being a single mom trying to date; based on that article, her new book takes a deeper look at modern relationships and dating. Now, before you get all up in her face about her controversial title, let’s get something straight here… “There’s a big difference between compromising and settling,” Gottlieb told me over the phone. “I don’t want the takeaway to be, pick the next guy off of Match.com and marry him. I’m saying, you don’t have to do anything differently if you don’t want. But if you feel like it hasn’t been working and you’re wondering why you haven’t met Mr. Right yet, think about looking for the qualities that are important. You can find someone you’ll be really happy with and fall totally in love with. These guys are all around you but you’re not giving them a chance. You could be passing up tons of Mr. Rights. And you’re going out with all the Mr. Wrongs. It’s less about what you wear or do on a date than it is about having healthier standards. You can still have the fairy tale, but it will look different from what the media portrays as the fairy tale.…The same unrealistic expectations we have about dating, we have about marriage, too. Married people have said that this book makes them appreciate their husbands more.”
Here’s what many single women do that we might want to reconsider:

1. We feel entitled.
Gottlieb: “Women try to be good friends to each other. We say, ‘You deserve this, you’re so great! You’re such a good catch! Any man would be lucky!’ [Men don’t say that to each other.] We are good catches, but we also are human and we’re not perfect and somebody’s going to have to put up with us for the rest of his life. And we forget. My dating coach said, write down all the reasons a guy would not want to date you. At first I didn’t think I had that many things, because you think you’re a pretty good catch. He said, what you think of as quirky, endearing, and cute, is really annoying to someone else. But he would love you so much that he would overlook that. And you need to overlook things in him. Everybody has to compromise.”

See our tips: 12 Good Things That Come Out of a Bad Date!

2. We think we have unlimited options.
Gottlieb: “You walk into a store and you know you want a sweater and it has to go with this outfit and it has to be this color, and you’d like to be on sale. You find something great, but you wonder if there’s something better out there, so you keep searching. In the end, after three more weeks of searching for the perfect sweater—was it so much better than the one you could have bought originally? Whether it’s with men or sweaters…if you just think you have unlimited options for the rest of your life, of course you’ll keep looking, who wouldn’t?”

3. We’re judgmental.
Gottlieb: “The guys I interviewed for the book said women judge them so much. Women gave me 300 reasons they wouldn’t go on a second date with a guy, and men gave 3. When guys are ready for that stage of life, they find someone who is good enough that they’re totally in love with—but that person may not seem to the outside world to be as appealing in superficial ways—maybe she’s not as accomplished or funny as the last girl. Whatever he sees in her, he does. Guys don’t sit and micro-analyze a woman the way a woman would with a man. He knows she’s not as hot as the last girl he dated, but that’s okay. She’s hot enough.”

4. We’re pickier than men.
Gottlieb: “With online dating, we judge based on objective criteria (height, sports nut), rather than subjective (attraction), which you can’t judge until you meet the person. When you read other people’s profiles, don’t make assumptions or rule them out because of one thing they wrote. You can fall in love with a guy who wrote that he likes Madonna, but you can’t fall in love with a guy who isn’t kind.”

5. We go for the alpha males.
Gottlieb: “In cities where you find a lot of really ambitious, Type A, driven people, like in NYC and L.A., with the entertainment business and Wall Street…you get a lot of ‘maximizers’ [people who keep looking over their shoulder for something better]. Maximizer women date maximizer men. They will be just as picky in a bad and unhealthy way. The men who are actually available and wanting commitment and who are smart and funny and cute—maybe one guy is a little bit shorter, so he’s not getting the women. Maybe he’s not smooth initially or in big groups, but he is one-on-one. These are the kind of people who when you’re 35, 45, 55, that you’ll be happy with when you’re married, and the guy who is super charming at the party and has the crowd of women around him, maybe he’s not going to make as good of a husband. Maybe he’s not going to call you back. That guy is going to be judgmental and picky, and who wants that?”

Related: Sex Question: Who Finishes First?

6. We think, “I love me more.”
Gottlieb: “We don’t need a man. We don’t. But if you want one and you go around with this attitude of ‘I love me more,’ [what Samantha said in the Sex and the City movie, after she dumps a hot guy who helped her through cancer (and female audiences cheered)] well, a relationship is about reciprocity, so you need to love yourself and you need to be able to have some selflessness and love somebody else. Women take Samantha’s message as really empowering. If you don’t want to be alone—maybe Samantha does—that’s a dangerous message.”

7. We think he needs to share every interest.
Gottlieb: “We say, ‘I’m a writer, but he doesn’t read! I’m creative.’ But people can be creative in different ways, and the fact that he doesn’t read the same books that you do, well, maybe he wants someone who he can talk about the baseball game with but you’re not that person. The guy doesn’t have to be one-stop shopping. You’re not going to share every single interest, and that’s okay. The shared interest should be, Do we want the same things out of life? Do we both want to be married right now?”

Marry Him is in stores this Thursday, February 4. Watch Lori Gottlieb on the Today show on Feb. 4 and catch her in NYC on Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. at Borders (57th and Park Avenue), or in L.A., Feb. 10 at 7 p.m., Borders (Westwood Blvd.).
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I read the article also... I totally agree with #5... Let's just say as I got older I matured :yep:
Great list, thanks for posting.

I probably wouldn't buy this book because it seems like mostly common sense but she makes wonderful points.
I intended on posting this this morning, decided to go to church and forgot about it. Thanks for the post OP! Number #6 really made me think in particular. As an independent female, who 'doesn't need anybody' yada, yada, yada, it made me realize that the below just may be the excuse that it keeping so many us of us single, because we don't want to be seen as vulnerable and 'needy'. (and I wasn't dumping Jason Lewis either, no, no, no, I still can't believe that Samantha did that)

6. We think, “I love me more.”
Gottlieb: “We don’t need a man. We don’t. But if you want one and you go around with this attitude of ‘I love me more,’ [what Samantha said in the Sex and the City movie, after she dumps a hot guy who helped her through cancer (and female audiences cheered)] well, a relationship is about reciprocity, so you need to love yourself and you need to be able to have some selflessness and love somebody else. Women take Samantha’s message as really empowering. If you don’t want to be alone—maybe Samantha does—that’s a dangerous message.”
6. We think, “I love me more.”
Gottlieb: “We don’t need a man. We don’t. But if you want one and you go around with this attitude of ‘I love me more,’ [what Samantha said in the Sex and the City movie, after she dumps a hot guy who helped her through cancer (and female audiences cheered)] well, a relationship is about reciprocity, so you need to love yourself and you need to be able to have some selflessness and love somebody else. Women take Samantha’s message as really empowering. If you don’t want to be alone—maybe Samantha does—that’s a dangerous message


I never understood why men hate SATC so much. This one example from the show is the DUMBEST example to use for this topic

Did they happen to FORGET why Samantha said that? Richard was a notorious CHEAT. She couldnt keep him out of her sight. She had to sex him up like 18 times a day hoping he'd be too terrible to cheat on her. Is that a relationship? To constantly worry about your partner? No trust whatsoever, running around in a pearl thong and stilettos wondering if he was screwing the chambermaid?

Spare Me. She did what was best for her and I applauded it and I still do and I believe no woman should stay in a relationship where she doesnt trust the other. You hear about women constantly stalking their partners due to infidelity in the past, isnt it better for the person to leave than live like that?

Um, I'm not single but I'm going to have to beg to differ.

1. We feel entitled.
Not much to say. I do kinda feel entitled but I've learned to compromise somewhat.

2. We think we have unlimited options.
I do kinda feel this way too.... There are SO many men out there, I've met plenty of "good enough", problem is you get sick of them after awhile.. if you're easily bored like me.

3. We’re judgmental.
This I am not.

4. We’re pickier than men.
I feel that most women aren't picky enough.
Unfortunately I've been guilty of being male-like here.
Sometimes my lust has canceled out my brain.

5. We go for the alpha males.
Yes, being an alpha female I tend to go for the same in men.
I have dated beta males but the really soft and sensitive men bore (and/or scare) me. That said alpha does not equal a**hole.

6. We think, “I love me more.”
Yup, I DO love me more than I will ever love any male I haven'd birthed.
It's not dangerous, it's healthy!

7. We think he needs to share every interest.
Yeah, I used to but gave that up a long time ago.
And Thank God, I need me time sometimes, as does he.

When I met my current husband I had a list, yes a LIST.
Being married before I know what I want and don't want so he had to have at least 7 of these 10 items checked.
He did.

Now I'm missing the other 3 though.....

Hmmm, maybe I'm not the one to talk.....