7 Easy Tips For Smooth, Silky Braidouts That Last!


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies, We here at LHCF love overselves some braidouts, so I decided to share a few tips that I've learned over the 5 years that I've been doing this style. Hope somebody gets something out of it. Here goes:

1. Clarify Hair.
This ensures that there will be no gunky buildup to weigh your down.

2. Don't towel dry.
After final rinse, simply squeeze excess water from hair with your hands then place plastic cap over hair. Its very important that the hair remains very wet for the silkiest sets.

3. Lighten Up!
Meaning go easy on the leave in's. Nobody likes a dry crispy braidout, so many of us try to compensate by piling on the leave in's before braiding. But this can actually have an adverse effect. Too many products make the hair heavy, dull and stiff and can even cause more dryness. Your best defense against dryness is a good deep conditioner and no more than 2 maybe 3 leave in's in small amounts. I use a few squirts of a liquid leave in condtioner and a few pumps of a good moisturing wrap foam then I use a nickel sized amount of serum to seal it all in, that's it.

4. Detangle, detangle, detangle.
Now I know the thought of combing wet hair strikes the fear of God in most of us. However, if you've used a good, slippy condtioner, keep the hair wet and be very gently you should have no problems. Part the hair into the sections that will be braided and detangle one at a time. Re-wet hair with spray bottle filled with water only if it starts to dry out which it probably will. Start from the bottom and work your way up first with widetooth comb then with small tooth comb. Please keep in mind that you will need some patience but it's well worth it. Make sure that you continue with the small tooth comb during the entire braiding process this is what creates the smoothness once the hair is dry. Very important.

5. DO NOT, REPEAT, DO NOT undo braids until the hair is completely
and thouroughly dry.
I can not stress enough how important this is. If the hair is even a little damp it will be frizzy. Thouroughly drying the braids also locks and sets the style, making it last for days.

6. Don't add oils until hair is dry.
This goes back to tip #3. If you add oils and moisturizers while the hair is wet how will you know if you're adding to much. We want light, fluffy braidouts that blow in the wind and swing back and forth with the slightest movement of the head. Not weighed down, juiced up, jheri curlesque helmet hair!:lachen:
7. Invest in a good satin bonnet.
My braidouts now last for atleast a week without rebraiding anything. I just add a little coconut oil and serum each night and sleep with satin bonnet on. Wake the next morning, fluff, style and go.

So Ladies I hope this post wasn't too long but I'm sure if you follow these few simple steps you'll fall in love with braidouts all over again.
Thank you for the tips. They are great. Thats just how I do my braid outs with the exception I do use coconut oil while the hair is wet. I have never had weighed down braid outs. Its comes out with lots of shine. you can see in my siggy. and my profile pic too.
Thank you for the tips. They are great. Thats just how I do my braid outs with the exception I do use coconut oil while the hair is wet. I have never had weighed down braid outs. Its comes out with lots of shine. you can see in my siggy. and my profile pic too.

Hi, I'm glad you liked them. Yes your braid out is lovely, but I'm mostly reffering to myself with #6 because when I first started doing these I use to load each section with tons of leave ins and oil it was a disaster! So when I started putting oil on after my hair was dry I could just gauge how much I needed to use better:yep:
Hi, I'm glad you liked them. Yes your braid out is lovely, but I'm mostly reffering to myself with #6 because when I first started doing these I use to load each section with tons of leave ins and oil it was a disaster! So when I started putting oil on after my hair was dry I could just gauge how much I needed to use better:yep:

I know what you mean, some people go nuts with the oils. LOL.. I just apply a dab of coconut oil on the wet hair Im about to braid after I detangle. My hair sucks it up. The other oils are too heavy. I don't go nuts on the leave in either. Your post makes me miss braid outs right now. Im in twists and 15 weeks post relaxer. When you do your next braid out I wann see pics. :yep:

Thank you so muc for the instructions Im gonna pass it on to my sis.
Great tips, Silkii! I've never tried braidouts, but twistouts are absolutely my favorite hairstyle. Man, I wish I could get mine to last 7 days, but after just one of my sweaty workouts, it's back to bunning for me.:ohwell:
I know what you mean, some people go nuts with the oils. LOL.. I just apply a dab of coconut oil on the wet hair Im about to braid after I detangle. My hair sucks it up. The other oils are too heavy. I don't go nuts on the leave in either. Your post makes me miss braid outs right now. Im in twists and 15 weeks post relaxer. When you do your next braid out I wann see pics. :yep:

Thank you so muc for the instructions Im gonna pass it on to my sis.

I actually have a few pis in my album. The link is in my siggy. And I'm actually wearing a braid out now, but I don't have a digital camera right now but I'll try to get some pretty good shots on my sister's phone. I'll post them later.
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those are good tips. I actually get my best braidouts when I use:

(maybe aloe, glycerin, water spritz to hair)
Sebastian's Potion #9 (cheap Sally's version)
a leave in (NTM or Silicon mix leave in)
light application of olive oil

For me if I don't use oil then my waves won't clump together and it will look to fluffy and wild. When I use a light application of oil, I have better wave definition and my hair definitely still flows and bounces. If I use too much then it's just a hot greasy mess! If I use serum then my hair goes flat quickly.

Mine also last for about a week too. I totally second #5. That stuff will be frizz-ay otherwise. Thanks for your tips.