6 Weeks Post BC + Humidity's Effects on the Hair *PICS*


New Member
I left for NJ on the 21st and spent 6 days on the E. Coast - 5 of which were on LBI languishing about near the ocean. I noticed a definite difference in my hair with the addition of the humidity - it was so SOFT! :lachen: I had hand in hair disease like you wouldn't BELIEVE! I think my hair has grown a bit too - it seems larger, which for naturals translates to "longer" :grin:

Day 2: Dry Jumbo Twist Out - as you can see, the shape is a little "special" :lachen:


Day 4: First Attempt at "Plopping" ( I used a towel - no T's available)




Day 5: Moooooore Plopping - still a tad damp (ignore my goof face in #2)



Day 6: Last Day on the Beach - Slept on Plopped Hair (it was bright out :lachen:)


Here's what I used on my hair all week - Suave Tropical Coconut, Pre-mixed oil (coconut, olive & acai) and Gel Mix ( Long Aid Curl Activator Gel, Elasta QP Feels like Silk & a few drops of Jojoba Oil)

I've learned that I LOVE plopping. Bump Shingling - Plopping + Cold Water Rinse is where it's at for curl definition as far as I'm concerned. I looked at Shingling pics from people with my hair type, and their results weren't much different. This takes a fraction of the time and product. :yep: I'm kinda mad now that AZ has NO humidity b/c sticky as it was, it made my hair and skin feel GREAT. I'm going to work on getting products together that replicate that feeling.
Your hair is so gorgeous! You definitely wear those styles well. I can't wait to have your length so I can try these techniques. Thanks for sharing lady!
All week anytime we went out my stepdad (who is white) would be like "All the girls are so jealous of your hair and earrings..they can't stop staring!" :lachen:

My Grandmother declared it 'chic' and continued to lovingly mangle it throughout the trip and a stewardess on my flight back stopped by my seat and said, "You have great hair!"

I did kinda feel like a sideshow though because I was the only fro on the whole friggin island with the exception of a few nice jewish boys in the early throes of puberty. :rolleyes:
Pretty face and hair!

Did you have to detangle every day ?

Off to search on "plopping."

I only detangled with a comb before the first plopping attempt. The next day when I did it I just finger combed/detangled and then that last night I put my hair in a pineapple/high puff and in the morning spritzed with water and fluffed. No detangling.

I haven't had any crazy knots either so I'm going to keep it up, and maybe only do a deep detangling once a week when I DC. Keeping it moisturized seems to really be helping.
Beautiful--you and your hair! :yep:

When I went to VA Beach this summer, the humidity was insane--but my hair never felt better. Just soft and moist and wonderful.
I looooooove your hair!! Those 'plopping' pics are fab!!! :yep:

Let me tell you, I live in NY and that humidity was killing me!! I am hatin' that your hair looked so good in it!! :look:
You Look Great! It has really Grown Since Your "Chop" And It Looks Amazing. Love the Definition.:grin:

Everything you're doing is working quite well.:yep:
Loving the pics!!!! How long did it take you to get there?

You mean to this length or to the beach..? :spinning:

I transitioned for 17.5 months, and chopped on July 15, 2009. I've been completely natural for almost 6 weeks. :yep:

Do you think it the weather difference will you be able to do the same back home?

I put the plopped hair in another high pony last night. When I woke up it was hard and a little shrunken. :nono: But I mixed some V05 moisture milk in a spray bottle with water - spritzed and shook. My hair dried soft and it's still defined. It's not as soft as it was in NJ, but it's softer than usual. :yep:
As always I love the hair. :lick: Those jumbo twistout look great. Do you finger comb thru or just separate to get the big hair appearance?

The last time I wore my WNG I plopped and it was great. As a Jerze Girl the August heat and humidity can be a curse (it gets so darn uncomfortable) but a blessing it keeps the hair and skin glowing.

Yeah LBI isn't really the spot to see other Naturals or other that look like us in general. I did see quite a few when I was AC at the begnning of the month. But I love going to the Shore (beach) and enjoying the ocean.
Your fro can do no wrong. I did not even read your post. I just came in to look at your pretty pics.

ETA: after i read it, you've seemed to handle the humidity nicely.
I'm a need you to stop coming up in here with all these cute styles. LOL nah, your hair looks f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s! Not sure what plopping is but it looks good on you! Love it!
I LOVE your plopping! :lovedrool: Tell me more! Tell me more! I thought it was something that could only be done with 3c-ish wavy type hair! Shoot... that makes me want to go au natural! :yep:
Ok, I'm back.... I just stalked and re-stalked your fotki and I must say that I am SICK and GREEN with envy! :fistshake: I'm wondering if I should try the natural thing...:scratchch

I want a big fro like yours! :afro: