More Earnest Attempt @ Shingling *PICS!*

Now tell me why when I first saw those pictures I thought it was a model until I realized what this thread was about!

Your hair looks absolutely lovely. I wish I could get my hair to do that! Maybe one day! :)

Stop playin! :blush: I think you probably could get you hair to do its verson of this. :lachen: Everyone's hair is so different you never know how it will respond, but you'll probably end up loving the results. :yep:

This looks great! And the Lipstick or gloss is on POINT! Love it!

This is L'Oreal HIP Liquid Lipcolor in 'Tainted'

I love your hair! And your styles are always beautiful... you're really pretty!

Your BC pics are one of the reasons I decided to transition for at least 18 months :yep:


I can't believe I'm someone's inspiration. I used to stalk fotkis like nobody's business talking bout 'one day my hair is going to look like THAT!'. That's the best compliment ever. Good luck with your transition - looks like you're doing great so far! :yep:

meant to ask what are boogers? LOL

When the product clumps and turns white in your hair. They look like giant conditioner/gel boogers. :rofl:


Did you do all of the above after putting on all of the product?

Also, every activator gel I come across in stores has that funny jheri curl smel... does yours have that smell and then it goes away? If so does that just happen when it dries, or with the smell of ther products covering it up? Or is that activator odorless??

o and did i mention I.LOVE.YOUR.HAIR!!!!!!!!!!:worship2:

I put in the product first - then plop, shake, diffuse etc. The gel did have a scent...I've never smelled a jherri curl so I don't know if that was it. :lachen: I thought it was nice though, and it faded by the time my hair was dry.

Gorgeous, girl!

So this is shingling? I thought this was just laziness and reluctance to try to get a comb through my hair.

But what is "plopping"? I guess I've never really shingled because I don't "plop"?

I thought shingling was using something like a Denman brush and your fingers to separate and smooth each clump of hair/ curl downwards from root to tip after applying your products.

No, you're right. Real shingling involves smoothing each individual coil with product but uh....I got a lot of coils and I'm lazy. :perplexed That's why this is a 'more earnest attempt shingling' I added MORE product and I used smaller sections, but I doubt I'll ever have the time or patience to go all out like they do on the Miss Jessie's website. This is close enough for me. :spinning:
Lawd, that third pic - simply stunning! From the looks of it, I'd say your earnest attempt is a bona fide success! :yep:
No, you're right. Real shingling involves smoothing each individual coil with product but uh....I got a lot of coils and I'm lazy. :perplexed That's why this is a 'more earnest attempt shingling' I added MORE product and I used smaller sections, but I doubt I'll ever have the time or patience to go all out like they do on the Miss Jessie's website. This is close enough for me. :spinning:
No, you're not. You just have better uses for your time. I've got a lot of coils too, and I'm with you on that. I was using "lazy" ironically in reference to myself.
ok, your hair is simply beautiful but i need to know that lip color you are wearing asap :lachen:

ETA: Ok, I found where you listed it in the thread. whhewwww. i was about to have a heart attck. guess whose going to walgreens later today? lol thanks for sharing the gorgeous pics!