6 Month Update Full SL (PICS!)


New Member
Well it's been 6 months since I started taking care of my hair...and I am motivated just enough by my progress to keep going with full force. It's not much, :nono: and I know I have a long way to go, but with all the great heads of hair on here, I learn something new every day!:user:

I am just getting so OCD about my ends!:wallbash: I trimmed them with my last relaxer, 10 weeks ago, so I don't THINK they're split, just thin. (I baggy religiously) Or does everyone's hair look like this when wet??? Are length shots better done while wet or dry? Should I make an appt to have her trim the ends or should I wait another 10 weeks for my next relaxer (I'm scared of splits crawling up my strands)

Honestly, I think it's just that fact that the ends were around before my HHJ, and I cant literally make them "thicker". If only... :grin: Maybe a 2 inch mini chop when I hit APL?

This is my hair wet; fresh relaxer in both pics

This is what it looks like dry. I was so happy to see my hair straight after my relaxer and roller set/wrap because I NEVER wear my hair out. Sorry I don't have a straight hair pic from January...but it wasn't pretty :)

Anyway thank you all for reading the "mini vent"...feedback is appreciated! More pics and reggi in my fotki

EDITED TO ADD: ok so I took a pic of my AIRDRIED hair and I think I can stop panicking! I just always used to do length checks after a cowash when wet. I think dry is better!
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The dry shots look great! I think your ends just look like that because they're wet. My ends look thinner too when they're wet, but I have a lot of hair so I know that's not the case. I've also seen a lot of other members whose ends look thinner while wet as well.
I think your hair looks good and you've made great progress in 6 months. I don't think you should trim your ends unless they're split or damaged.
Well it's been 6 months since I started taking care of my hair...and I am motivated just enough by my progress to keep going with full force. It's not much, :nono: and I know I have a long way to go, but with all the great heads of hair on here, I learn something new every day!:user:

I am just getting so OCD about my ends!:wallbash: I trimmed them with my last relaxer, 10 weeks ago, so I don't THINK they're split, just thin. (I baggy religiously) Or does everyone's hair look like this when wet??? Are length shots better done while wet or dry? Should I make an appt to have her trim the ends or should I wait another 10 weeks for my next relaxer (I'm scared of splits crawling up my strands)

Honestly, I think it's just that fact that the ends were around before my HHJ, and I cant literally make them "thicker". If only... :grin: Maybe a 2 inch mini chop when I hit APL?

This is my hair wet; fresh relaxer in both pics

Anyway thank you all for reading the "mini vent"...feedback is appreciated! More pics and reggi in my fotki

Hi there, congrats, very nice progress:yep:. You know what, in February last year I started my journey with about the same length as you and + the infamous W shape. I didnot want to trim it so I kept it the way it was. I am glad I did that because one year later the W was gone (my hair grows faster on the back) and overall my hair has grown pretty nicely since then. Hope that helps and happy hair growing :grin:
I personally think you should wait to trim. Especially since you are always baggying and never wearing your hair out. Besides, whatever you are doing is working because your ends look much better 6 months later in your last shot. Just think of how great your hair will look if you keep it up 6 months from now. :gorgeous: (Gorgeous)

BTW...Like you requested, this is the closest picture I have with my ends being wet. YOU KNOW I LOVE THE ROLLERSET!!
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You ends have thickened up alot! What are you using?

I am using a little bit of everything! My product folders in fotki have grown exponentially :lachen: I just like to baggy all the time. I would have "officially" joined the challenge on here but I'm horrible at posting regularly.
Your hair looks great! I see the improvement in your ends as well. Keep it up.

It's not too late to join the APL by DEC 2009 Challenge girl (click link in siggy). I think you can do it!!!!
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I think your hair looks wonderful! Length and thickness has gotten better.

I've only been here since February, but I'm still learning the best way to take length shots. I took my siggy pic after a fresh relaxer and I moisturized my ends. Big mistake! My ends look so wispy and thin! I know they don't look like this IRL. I'll take my next length pic 1-2 weeks post and dry. I should be able to capture the thickness I have.
I think you're making wonderful progress and my ends look really thin when wet also. If you're not wearing your hair down then I wouldn't trim unless necessary. Otherwise keep up the good work :clapping:
Very nice progress! Six months may seem like a long time, but it really isn't. That's a lot of improvement in that time frame.