6 mo.post relaxer


New Member
Here i am..im back..i know i know you all have been looking for me.
(lol yeah right!)

Here are some pictures from June with a fresh relaxer......











These are the pictures of my hair from December......






Sorry these pictures are so much smaller and are sideways but it was taken from my phone. I am kind of dissapointed in the growth i had..i expected to have much more growth.

What length am i? Am i still BSL?
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Looks like BSL to me, but a fuller BSL than before...if that makes any sense. I see growth!! Your ends look a lot fuller in the December pics too :)
Your hair gained a lot of thickness. It seems as if the length is ready to take off now. I would lockdown my regi if I were you, it's obviously working.
That is some silky hair, I've always admired it from your siggy. Stunning!

It is ultra full BSL but I doubt that it will take you long to reach MBL - in some pics it looks like you're there already! Well done.
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Thanks so much guys..i take a picture of my hair and sometimes it looks MBL and then sometimes it looks far from it.

I thought id be MBL by now but i guess im just a full BSL. i guess id rather be a full length than a thin one. ( I did get a slight trim so maybe that could be a reason for the thick ends.)

I have heard other ladies on the board talk about how their hair grows long then it gains fullness, then it grows long again and then it gains fullness. I think that is how my hair is growing now.
Beautiful hair. You will reach mbl by spring.

Can you show your starting pics on your siggy, it's hard to see them. Thank you.
Your hair is beautiful!! What's your regimen and what were you doing to your hair over the course of your 6 month stretch? How long did it take you to initially get to BSL and where did you start from? Also what's your hair type? (Lots of questions I know)
Thanks Ladies!!!

I dont think my hair is silky at all, it must be the lighting in my bathroom..lol.

@My_Friend here are some starting pictures for you:




(thats a growth picture for you from my last stretch)
@Princessdi: me and you hair twins *gasps and clutches her necklace* lol.. if my hair looked like yours id be very happy..lol

@brittle hair:
What's your regimen and what were you doing to your hair over the course of your 6 month stretch?

This is my favorite question to be asked because i have absolutly no hair regieme. Other than i wash my hair every 3-4 days,whatever im feeling. Whenever my hair starts to get "stale" like hard, dry or i cant comb through it, thats when i wash my hair. Im a strong believer in co-washing so i do that maybe every 2 days to about every night (not so much since its winter). Once again it really depends on what im feeling. I have just rediscovered Herbal Essence so i have just started using it to do washes and to cowash.

How long did it take you to initially get to BSL and where did you starts from?
I started from shoulder length in about 08 i think. I cut my hair to shoulder length in October 2008, so it took me a little over two years to get to BSl..but believe me it goes by quickly.

Also what's your hair type?
i believe i am 4 something. Yeah my hair is kinky and very tight colied.
OP, don't be disappointed. The thickness and luster of your hair is so much more defined in the December pics. You're suffering from hair anorexia. It is gorgeous.
@Malaliki: Gurl you'll make it..if i can make it most anyone can..lol.

@Lady Esquire: i think i may have a serious case of hair anorexia..i may need help..lol.