6 inches in 6 months


Well-Known Member
Is it possible? While I transitioned, I managed to get the normal 5-6 inches during the 54 weeks that I transitioned. I want to personally challenge myself to double that but I would like to know if anyone else would like to

A)Join me
B)Suggest the best way to achieve this

Here are the elements that I already have in my possession. I really don't want to go over board and buy any more growth promise products because I'm running out of space with all this stuff I have.

Here's THE list of things I have that all MAY contribute to rapid hair growth.

  • MSM powder(2 bottles)
  • Flowers of Sulfur
  • MN(monistat)
  • Cayenne pepper and rosemary shampoo and conditioner
  • Biotin pills(2 bottles)
  • Aloe Vera Juice--aubrey organics and dessert essence(I think)
  • Castor oil
  • ORS Hair Fertilizer
yes ma'am i use all of that except the cayenne pepper and the ORS stuff. I think another thing that contributes to alot of growth is frequent cowashing. I recently started cowashing daily and Ive noticed less breakage and my hair seems thicker. Id like to join you.
alright now :) Since there hasn't been a lot of interest, I wont start a seperate thread. But. . .howabout this! I was cleaning up and have misplaced my sulfur mix