50 something LHCF ladies where are???


Well-Known Member
Springing from the 40-something thread I thought I'd fish for some kindred spirits :grin:. I joined the half century club last Fall and hey, it's all good.

Anybody wanna stand up with a sistah? What's up with your hair these days. Me - mine is thinning on the top. Matter of fact I put up a thread about that. I don't think it's overly much and I won't spazz about it. I'll keep doing my ayurvedic regime and keep it moving to waist length.

Hey., maybe hair does grow faster in summer months. That being the case look out, I'm in Florida now!
:woot: Joined the club May 09 and loving life.

Only hair complaint is that the white hair will not cover very easily any more with rinses. They last maybe a month. Otherwise everything is lovely. There are a few of us out here on our way to WL hair. Send us some humidity from FL so we can enjoy a growth spurt :yep:
We have 50 something ladies in the 40 plus thread....:grin:

Slide on over.....:grin:

Hey there young thing "JF"!!!! How 'bout you tell 'em 'bout us over here???? :yep: I don't wanna go over there and hi-jack; that's just rude. So, I'll entrust you with the task of letting them know.

Thanks in advance.

52 years young in the house....and I have a 5 year old!

Issues: Just wishing I had known the right way to grow my afro-textured hair sooner.

Grey: Only thing that really covers it well is Bigen.

Pushing to BSL. Pretty much using the Cathy Howse products and techniques but I do use other products too.
I'm 53.
Don't notice too many issue other than more grey popping out here and there. I usually Henna/Indigo.
Well, welcome ladies. Since everyone's coming in with an intro of sorts guess I should say something too:

I joined the half century club last October :grin: and it's been a blast - not a dull moment (from divorce to relocating over 1,000 miles away from home without a job and ooh, the stories I could tell; but won't). I've had silver/grey hair since I was 14. Now, it's white. Unfortunately, I allowed several people bully (yeah I said bully) me into dying it. Being a recent graduate a "friend" told me that I would be competing with young folk for jobs and that I needed to dye my hair (well, not so recent grad as in '05). I balked and balked and finally acquiesced. He did comment, "get the job; then let it go all you want". I felt like I oculd do that. But, the rebellious side of me had me pull a piece of hair front and center out and dyed everything except that piece of hair. Well, my my did I get comps about it. For some reason folk thought my hair grew like that. Well, as time went on I would un dying the whole thing (lazy really, didn't feel like separating). Well, to fast forward, I'm back on it and am back to taking a piece of hair out front and center. I kinda liked that look. I'm newly relocated so am back in the "looking for a job" routine. I figured just in case PJ was right I'd better go ahead and dye. Several people including one whom I know loves me, my DD, did acknowledge I look much younger when my hair not white. Show you how I got issues, i just don't see it. I have the never to think I'm cute, white hair, silver hair, fat butt and all :drunk:. Again, JUST IN CASE I ain't, I dye.

Here I am with Sisterlocks and my silver/white hair front and center at a Port Saint Lucie Sam's Club. I have since painstakingly removed those babies. Ay yi yi, took me about a month to get 'em all out. :blush:


Come see my sometime for what's up now. Oh, and PLEASE sign guestbook, or say SOMEthing to let a sistah know ya stopped. It's encouraging! http://public.fotki.com/lovinlocks/

Hey C, I love Bigen. Haven't seen it since I've been here in Central FL. I'm sure it's around though and will keep an eye out. I've been using the blue/black dyes. For some reason I like the concept. I don't think Bigen has that. Either way, I like Bigen enough that I'd use it over my fav blue/black. It just seems trustworthy or something, LOL.
:wave: Right here!

Tried covering my gray a few years back with lousy results. I have chemical sensitivities and I can't do a lot of experimenting with different things, so for now I just live with it. We'll see how it looks in the long run.

Coming off several years of life kicking me hard, things are looking up. I've lost about 40 pounds. Still have some more to go on that.

I'm thinking of taking up dancing. A relative in her 80s just had a dance recital. Also, I recently met the wonderful Carla Laemmle, a former dancer, at her book signing. People kept trying to get her to reminisce, but she wanted to talk about the world today and tomorrow.

The lady knows how to party: she timed the release of her book and her documentary DVD to coincide with her 100th birthday.

WOW DV, that's some interesting stuff. I did not know much of it. Thanks for sharing. I love dance and yet I had never heard of this woman. Well, good for her on all her success.

And YOU, young lady. KUDOS on your 40-lb weight loss. Were I to lose that much you couldn't tell me nuttin' . . .shoot i'd be 130 lbs. wooo whooooooo. I'd like to lose 30. Guess I should get busy at it instead of "likin'" to.
WOW DV, that's some interesting stuff. I did not know much of it. Thanks for sharing. I love dance and yet I had never heard of this woman. Well, good for her on all her success.

And YOU, young lady. KUDOS on your 40-lb weight loss. Were I to lose that much you couldn't tell me nuttin' . . .shoot i'd be 130 lbs. wooo whooooooo. I'd like to lose 30. Guess I should get busy at it instead of "likin'" to.

Thanks! After DH lost 100 lbs I HAD to get moving.
I will be 51 in August, I have been natural for the past 7 or 8 years. I just stopped dying hair last year and it has thicken up a lot. My crown is completely gray and is the thinnest part of my hair so I am on a learning curve of how to take care of grey hair.
There are plenty on here that are 50 plus but its such a good community there hasn't been much need to have a separate thread. Many of the struggles ladies over 50 have are shared by ladies younger.

I'm sure if you get the conversation started, people will jump in.
I will be 51 in August, I have been natural for the past 7 or 8 years. I just stopped dying hair last year and it has thicken up a lot. My crown is completely gray and is the thinnest part of my hair so I am on a learning curve of how to take care of grey hair.
Many ladies have problems with their crown. It tends to be the driest, coarsest and thinnest. My crown isn't gray at all but it started thinning years ago. I found that I needed to keep my scalp hydrated to prevent even more thinning. I think too many years of going weeks without letting water hit my scalp and then sitting under hot dryers with relaxers exacerbated the issue.

There is definitely a learning curve with gray. For my hair, I have to keep it hydrated because my grays dry out faster than the rest of my hair. And they curl when hydrated but when the water is gone, I just have straight pieces sticking out. But if I take care of it and cleanse and condition on a regular schedule, it blends with the rest.