5 hours in a salon? are you serious?


New Member
I just spen five hours in a salon. Semi permanent hair color, and flat iron (I am transitioning). Five hours. She took about 30 minues just to blow dry after being under the dryer for about 45 minutes and spent an hour and a half on flat ironing my hair. Aaaaah.
:perplexed....You could probably have done a whole day at work and got paid for that time...are they mad? And how many clients do they see in one day, two?:nono:
:lol: 5 Hours? That's it? Typical black salon. That's why we all have memberships here.

Remember when you had to damn near bring a bag lunch to the salon?

For 5 hours you should have BSL Micro braids down your back. Durn shame.
The thing is my hair is about 1/4th natural, and I like to wear it straight (shoot me). Doing it myself takes a lot longer because I'm 4b and have really thick hair

My hair is wrapped for the night, but I'll post pics tomorrow :)
:perplexed....You could probably have done a whole day at work and got paid for that time...are they mad? And how many clients do they see in one day, two?:nono:

She sees about 7 to 8 clients a day. She has a woman wash hair for her, she only applies chemicals and styles. It's also very pricey. Luckily she gave me a discount ($65 for flat iron and semi permanent).

Luckily I'm a student, so I didn't miss any money...
yeah that can be a pain; literally. :ohwell:
i think i've been there 5 hours once too... and, i was her only customer!! :huh::huh:

i'm learning how to do/care for my own hair (box perm-- optimum, looks good so far, just ordered my new solia tourmaline, etc) in efforts to go to her less. she's a great stylist and my hair looks PHENOMENAL when i leave, but $80 every 4 weeks is too much right now, not to mention sitting there for 5 hours.

I considered going back to the salon on a regular but changed my mind after she combed out my 4a 4b hair with a wide tooth comb DRY! I spent 4 hours getting color, deep conditioner and a rollerset and $70.
5 Hours? That's it? Typical black salon. That's why we all have memberships here.

Remember when you had to damn near bring a bag lunch to the salon?

For 5 hours you should have BSL Micro braids down your back. Durn shame.

Typical black salon and yes I would always bring someone with me so that could run out and get me something to eat.
Wow!!! 5 hours is way too long for color & a flat iron. I have been in the salon for a few hours but that was usually having a weave taken out, getting a touch up & then getting my weave re-installed.

I have to admit, of the 6-7 ladies at the salon today, 3 of them had food with them. I was there for about 2 hours for a wash, dc, rollerset & blow out but I ate before I went. I was at the sink by 3:30, under the dryer in rollers by 4:15 and being blown out by 5 p.m.
:lol: 5 hours? That's it? Typical black salon. That's why we all have memberships here.

Remember when you had to damn near bring a bag lunch to the salon?

For 5 hours you should have BSL Micro braids down your back. Durn shame.


Sad, but true. I remember spending up to 10 hours in my salon back home on Saturdays. Get there at 8am and staying until 6 or 7 pm :nono:
When I used to live in Philly, I had a favorite salon that I used to go to. When I went on Saturday, I was literally there ALL day. I know how you feel, that why I am a DIY now (except for touch- ups)...I am sick of it.
I think that is why I can never ever go back to the salon. I can spend 5 hrs at home....

If I ever go back to a relaxer...... I would have to learn on my own.....
I remember those days. I am so thankful for my current beautician. Finding the right one who gives a flip about your time ......is golden!!

I never stay longer 2.5 hours. Never.
I feel that your pain that use to be me only longer - I would get there at 6:30 a.m. and not leave until around 3:00 - that was years ago, never again. I'd rather go to a super expensive salon that will have you in and out like clock work than to deal that ever again.

Sad, but true. I remember spending up to 10 hours in my salon back home on Saturdays. Get there at 8am and staying until 6 or 7 pm :nono:

I used to go to a beautician after work at 6pm and we would be leaving together after 1am. Sometimes we would go have a drink at the bar next door. She was expensive but GREAT! I still got out at the same time if I went at 4pm. I would tell my grandmother I was going to get my hair done after work and she would say, see you tomorrow. :rolleyes: Luckily she was moving and I was forced to find a new salon, my new stylist gets DD and I out within 3-4 hours, both of us were getting relaxers, deep conditioners, rollersets, and trims. We are both transitioning so we haven't been to her since last year.
5 hours is just waayy too long to be in a salon.

On my first salon visit (many years ago), I think I may have been in there about 3 hours, and I thought that was too long. :look: So, after that experience, I became a DIYer and never went back to a beauty shop again. As a result, I save tons of money and spend my weekends doing what I want to do.
That is one of ther major reasons I don't go anymore I hate spending all night Friday or all day Saturday in the shop. I used to go to the loop and get my hair done by this guy he no longer lives in Chicago but I was out of there in less than three hours, but he didn't double book either. Every salon after him usually has like five people booked for the same time.
That is one of ther major reasons I don't go anymore I hate spending all night Friday or all day Saturday in the shop. I used to go to the loop and get my hair done by this guy he no longer lives in Chicago but I was out of there in less than three hours, but he didn't double book either. Every salon after him usually has like five people booked for the same time.

Yup, can't stand waiting for hours in the salon like a prisoner. They might as well open up a restaurant/ hair salon (however unsanitary, lol) the way they keep women in there all day. The worst feeling is waiting for a stylist to open up sitting in the waiting area while they ignore you. And then when they're ready, call you over like a lil slave child.

lol That's just my experience. I will never go back!!

Also, "When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better."

This is so true.
^^^Yes, I used to hate sitting in the waiting area, waiting for the stylist to call me. Then later on sitting under the dryer after it clicked off and my hair was dry, waiting for the stylist to finish with someone else.

The last time I was in a salon I was there for 5 hours. The longest I was in a salon was 8 hours. I'm so glad I have my Friday nights and my Saturdays free now.
That's nothing..I remember back in DUMB hair days (junior high/high school), I only went to 1 stylist. And she always took FORVER.

Well the day before prom, my Dad dropped me off at her shop at 4pm. I was due to be done by 7pm. My Mom arrived at 7pm to get me and as far as I had gotten was my hair washed. There was about 6-8 heads ahead of me. And instead of my Mom pulling me out of the shop kicking and screaming, she knew how much having a cute hairdo for prom meant to me. So we sat there and waited. Never once complaining since others were also there waiting. Even managed to get in some good sleep. By the time all was said and done, my Mom and I walked out of that shop with my hairdresser at 5am the next morning. By the time we got home, my Mom took a shower and got ready for work and I took a shower and got ready for school with my cute prom hairdo. All my Dad could do was shake his head in disbelief. My Mom and I never uttered a word about the experience to each other, yet our eye contact let it be known that our 6yr relationship with that stylist had come to an end......
That's why I do my own. May take me longer but I'm not paying someone for waiting around, plus, I do it with care and patience. Hope you liked the result though?
I guess I'm the only one who doesn't think that's that long to be in a salon for what she did. Yes, it's a long time, but most of us would take the same amount of time, if not longer, to do the same thing. If I rollerset and flat-iron my natural 4a hair, it's going to take me all doggone day. Rollersetting would take 30-45 minutes to set, 2-2.5 hours to dry, 1-1.5 hours to flatiron, and that doesn't include washing and deep conditioning the hair. If it takes me that long on my own, I expect it to take the same amount of time for a beautician. To me, that type of time just comes with the territory, especially if you've got a significant amount of natural hair to work with. JMHO :ohwell:.
I guess I'm the only one who doesn't think that's that long to be in a salon for what she did. Yes, it's a long time, but most of us would take the same amount of time, if not longer, to do the same thing. If I rollerset and flat-iron my natural 4a hair, it's going to take me all doggone day. Rollersetting would take 30-45 minutes to set, 2-2.5 hours to dry, 1-1.5 hours to flatiron, and that doesn't include washing and deep conditioning the hair. If it takes me that long on my own, I expect it to take the same amount of time for a beautician. To me, that type of time just comes with the territory, especially if you've got a significant amount of natural hair to work with. JMHO :ohwell:.

I guess if you're being worked on for 5 hours.. yeah.. but if you're being worked on for 1.5 hrs.. and 3.5 hrs of sitting there ...:nono:

I've walked out on many a stylist before... like the shampoo girls would say runaway is here (that's me) and knew to shampoo me within 1/2 hour of sitting down bc I would be ghost... but they know you're not going to leave when your hair is wet ... :rolleyes:

I like doing my own hair and I like going to the salon... now the current person has me in and out at like no more than 1.5 hours..

ETA: And if I'm at home ... probably 45 mins if I don't stop to do something else in the middle... perhaps less.
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That's why I want to learn how to do my own hair, I sit at the salon 4-5hrs every visit. Sometimes I get a wash.wrap and flat iron or touch up and flat iron. I have limited my trips to every 2mths and make sure I go on a weekday when I am off. I had an old stylist that I would be there 7hrs and most of the clients has short tapered cuts me included
What black women do for our hair, huh?

I found a braider that I have to go see soon and she said it would take her 6-7 hrs to do my hair.

I asked WHY?

She said she liked to take her time. So I drove 45 minutes to her house to see her work and decided that because she was CHEAP and also good because i saw her pictures and she was doing someone elses hair when i walked in, that I'd just have to take a damn DAY OFF WORK and bring a bag lunch to go get my hair done by her.

It was either that or go to the African Braiding shop and have them rip out my edges doing my braids in 4 hours or go to someone who takes her time and wait 6-7 hrs and still have my edges in tact.

I already know i gotta bring a bag lunch, books, magazines, might bring some movies over, etc. :nono:

Trying to keep justifying it by saying that its BRAIDS, so I only have to this ONE time. I'll be damned if i'm in a shop for over 6 hrs getting a wash/set or a basic relaxer.