4b Texturized Hair


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to share a pic of my friends 4b hair that I Texturized.

I used this Texturizer mixed with an equal amount of a cheapie Suave Conditioner. I did the back first and then the front.


This is how it came out. Top portion untexturized, bottom portion Texturized.

LongLeggedLife said:
It looks almost the same...what did it do exactly, give it more 'hang'?
How long did you leave it on?

Yes she just wanted it to be looser and less tangly. Her hair normally shrinks up to el once it dries. But now it dries at sl. I'll see if I can find a befor pic. I didnt really time it I just watched it until it started to hang and then washed it out. I should have timed so I would know for the next touch up. (she decided on 6 months).
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It looks like she didnt get a texurizer. That's how I usually get mines done. Just loose enough for me to manage but not too straight.
oh, I see the top of the hair (the shrinkage). Wow!! That's a big difference. You did a great job! Does she like it? Her hair still looks natural but now she has sum hang time :)
I almost passed out. I thought you texturized!:lol: Her hair looks gorgeous. I think I may head that way myself. I'm tired of my bone strait relaxed hair.
^^ agree, please be sure. The first texturizer usually turns out like that, it even makes you think, geez why didn't I do this all along. But just like a perm a month or two later, there pops up that newgrowth - untexturized hair that you have to battle with. Soon your decision to texturize once or twice a year, becomes every 3months... 2months, and then just in time for a wedding, after six weeks lol! Your hair becomes straighter and straighter.
Guaranteed, that is the experience of most!
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Looks good:yep:. I saw a girl's hair like this(hers was a tad bit straighter)in Sally's my mom asked her what she did to it. She insisted she was natural, I thought otherwise:rolleyes:.
Looks good:yep:. I saw a girl's hair like this(hers was a tad bit straighter)in Sally's my mom asked her what she did to it. She insisted she was natural, I thought otherwise:rolleyes:.

Lol, I'm guilty of that...but only because non-LHCF Ladies won't understand that I cut the texturizer with Aussie 3 min, and I'm not trying to get into alla dat. I don't want someone slapping a texturizer in their hair, and then they loose all their curl, and end up like "why me???".
Great results. I am sure she likes the results and manageability.

I'm texturized. I never went bone straight in increments. I like the curly look and never straighten my hair. I did do another big chop in 2008 and relaxed. It took less than 2 months for me to go right back to natural/coily.
Great results. I am sure she likes the results and manageability.

I'm texturized. I never went bone straight in increments. I like the curly look and never straighten my hair. I did do another big chop in 2008 and relaxed. It took less than 2 months for me to go right back to natural/coily.

Same here...I Love being a curly girl! I only texturized to Define, not to straighten or loosen. My new growth is following the pattern of the texturized hair, so no need to touch up till Nov/Dec maybe.