4B relaxed hair looking to add Henna to my routine


New Member
Hello to all my sisters of LHCF, I have made up my mind to add another step to my hair care routine. I am looking for any tips on what's the best Henna product to use on my type of hair or what you might be using at this time on yours...

p.s. Any photos of you product would be GREAT... :yep:

right now i buy henna from henna sooq from the website it is called jamila henna i used it and i like it. also when you wash out henna the best thing to wash henna out with is conditioner like cheapie conditioners. i use vo5 champane kiss to wash my henna out don't use shampoos to wash the henna out because that will dry you hair out more.
right now i buy henna from henna sooq from the website it is called jamila henna i used it and i like it. also when you wash out henna the best thing to wash henna out with is conditioner like cheapie conditioners. i use vo5 champane kiss to wash my henna out don't use shampoos to wash the henna out because that will dry you hair out more.

Thank you so much for your response, and tips... I will look into this a.s.a.p.