4B Puff/Twist Out Every Day?!


Well-Known Member
So, I just want to know if there are any 4B ladies who wear puffs EVERY DAY? If so, what is your regimine?

I'm trying new things as I am only a year and some change as a natural, and I'm tired of twisting my hair weekly. I do this because I suffer from horrible dandruff, and I have to wash frequently. BUT, this past week, I've been wearing a puff every day, and for some odd reason, my hair isn't itching like it normally does with my twists. Go figure :ohwell:. I'm actually DCing now with AOWC on dry hair, and I'm going to wear a puff tomorrow.

Chime in, 4Bs, please and thank you! :grin:
I just got a banana clip and have been doing a puff with that. I got the style from Kimmaytube. I like it cause it's quick, simple and nice enough to go to work in a professional setting.
BUMPING for more responses.

I know that every head of hair is different, but I really am thinking about trying this puff thing for a while. I feel like my scalp has felt better this past week w/o my twists.
When wearing my hair out (I think 2 weeks or so was how long my last stretch was--I'm lazy and hate to deal with hair on a daily basis so I'm usually in braids/twists)...I will wear a COMBED OUT afro puff every day. Yes, I will comb my hair out every morning. At night, I put my hair in big plaits and put on my baggy and call it a night.

My hair stays moisturized so the only time I will moisturize it is wash day after washing. Otherwise baggying nightly keeps the S Curl I applied on my hair on wash day my head till the next wash day. By braiding my hair nightly, I keep tangles at bay....and I never find myself needing to detangle coz tangles just don't visit me. They're skurred of me so stay the hayle away. :giggle:
I wear a puff 99% of the time (trying to wear more protective styles lately though)
I use pantyhose, never pull my hair too tight, stopped using gel on my hairline and my hairline hasn't suffered. My hair also stays off my neck/clothes
I do still twist or braid it up nightly

ETA I don't really get itchy scalp in twists but I wash my hair just as much as if it were loose and I actually oil my scalp when I'm in twists/braids
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I wear a puff 98%-99% of the time and retwist and rebraid nightly. When I wear twists my hair itches. Actually in any protective style. I do what works for me.
I wear a puff 99% of the time (trying to wear more protective styles lately though)
I use pantyhose, never pull my hair too tight, stopped using gel on my hairline and my hairline hasn't suffered. My hair also stays off my neck/clothes
I do still twist or braid it up nightly

ETA I don't really get itchy scalp in twists but I wash my hair just as much as if it were loose and I actually oil my scalp when I'm in twists/braids

I have been using pantyhose as well, but I've been using ecostyler to slick down the front. What is your reggie when wearing puffs?

I wear a puff 98%-99% of the time and retwist and rebraid nightly. When I wear twists my hair itches. Actually in any protective style. I do what works for me.

The itching with twists is why I have opted to try this puff stuff. What is your reggie?
For those that wear puffs all the time and retwist every night, how to you retwist the part that you slicked down in the front to lay flat? Is this part not hard?
For those that wear puffs all the time and retwist every night, how to you retwist the part that you slicked down in the front to lay flat? Is this part not hard?

This is why I stopped gelling my edges. I can go way longer between washes that way
For those that wear puffs all the time and retwist every night, how to you retwist the part that you slicked down in the front to lay flat? Is this part not hard?

I don't twist, I braid, but I also don't slick down the front using any product. I just use may hands to smooth my hair back after coming it backward with a comb. That's it. I'm not too worried about the fuzz. I actually don't care for hair that looks glued to the scalp. :giggle:

No gel here; didn't even use a scarf.
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Nonie, thaaaaaaank you ma'am. I like how neat your hair looks here and am happy to hear that I can just brush my hair back and make a puff with no product. So one last question, when you braind your hair at night do you add product and how mant braids do you do?
@Nonie, thaaaaaaank you ma'am. I like how neat your hair looks here and am happy to hear that I can just brush my hair back and make a puff with no product. So one last question, when you braind your hair at night do you add product and how mant braids do you do?

I make them as big as my hair will allow. The idea is to keep my hair detangled and to have it stay that way. I don't make them too small coz I don't like work, but I also don't make them so big that some hair is sliding out or that I have to pull tight to get all the hair in. This is an example of the braids I might make, but I could've made them bigger too if I wanted. You just want to keep your hair stretched.


I do not moisturize my hair daily. I moisturize after I wash my hair while it's damp with S Curl. Style and airdry (the puff I posted above was done with damp hair that had just been S Curl moisturized and combed). In the evening when my hair is dry and before bed, I spray it to make it soft again (coz S Curl on damp hair = hard, dry hair), then braid it. The order is grab some hair, spray well with S Curl, comb through taking advantage of the slip from S Curl (no water this time) and then braid. Then do the same with the next section. Put on a baggy and go to sleep. The next morning, undo braids and comb while damp. Hair combs so easily. Style and leave along till bed time. Day 2 hair isn't usually as shrunken as Day 1, but it still is shrunken but I don't mind. My hair stays soft and moisturized all day. No need for any more moisture after wash day. I just baggy every night after braiding and enjoy soft moisturized hair the next day. The puff below is from day 2 or 3 since I last moisturized:


As long as I baggy nightly, my hair stays very moisturized until I wash it again. And because I braid every night, even with the shrinkage you see, my hair combs with ease.
I know i'm late but i'll throw my two cents in anyway. After co-washing in twists I untwist one section at a time. Apply my leave-in (using infuseum 23 + aragon oil) and ORS olive oil and some eco styler gel to the hair. use my denman on the ends to pop the curls. Once the whole head is done I spray the outside of my hair with the leave in and apply a bit more eco styler - I use a streached out head band for my puff. It comes out really curly.

Pics in my fotki :)
I'm almost 1 year post BC. (BC'd after a 4 mos. stretch) I wear puffs about 95% of the time.

I co-wash or wash with whatever shampoo and conditioner I grab. Before twisting apply a leave-in. Currently it's Oyins Hair Dew. Then I twist my hair with Qhemet Amla and Olive Heavy Cream. Sometimes I use the Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie or the Milk. If I want more defined curls I use ORS Lock and Twist Gel. In the morning I untwist. If it's decent I wear a twist out. If not I put it up in a puff.

I rarely retwist at night unless I'm looking to wear it out the next day. I just do a pineapple and put on my bonnet.

In the morning I spritz with water or the shea mositure shine and hold spritz. If I need moisturizer I add that and then I use some sort of oil. I dampen my edges with a bit more water and then apply eco styler. I use a nylon knee high or a stretched out goody band.
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I think you can only do this successfully if you have coarse or maybe even medium strands of 4b hair. (Successful as in retain and grow length)
My retention is OK, not as good as when I'm hardcore PSing, and I'm a superfine 4b-4zzz head. However that retention is only possible because I HAVE to stretch it by either banding or wearing a flat twist out puff. If I just let it go into it's natural shrink state it snags, breaks, and SSKs like nobody's business.

I CW 2-3x a week, keep up the protein every 2 weeks, and moisture DC alternate weeks from the protein. I shampoo only 2x a month, once a month the shampoo is both chelating and clarifying--it's too drying otherwise.