4b Naturals, How Do You Wear Your Hair On The Daily?

I protective style 99% of the time typically because I don't feel like twisting my hair up every day. Right now I have a flat twist updo. But its either in flat twists, 2 strand twists or coils. At the end of this month I will install kinky twist extensions.

I usually only wear it out on shampoo day.

Maybe we I have more length I may wear out styles. But too early to tell.
cornrow styles or twists with my own hair (no more extensions or weaves for me, wigs eh....maybe sometimes but not half as much as I used to). I protective style alot because I stay busy and plus I love it! I have mini-twists right now and in august im cornrowing my hair into a bun with a phony pony to top and that's it.
--Usually cornrows under wigs or headwraps.
--Mini braids during the warmer weather
--A braidout or puff 2-3 weekends out of the month (for date night)
I wear twist outs most days. When my hair was longer I would wear mini twists more often than having my hair out but I'm not comfortable with my length to wear twists like I used to.

I'm experimenting with wash-n-gos but um....not really working.lol
I used to wear half wigs all the time. Now I don't. Now I feel like everyone would know it's a wig or something.
A puff. That's it, that's all. When it grows out more I'll wear it down in a twist out or braid out.
I'm 4a/4b and I do wash and gos and twist outs. Twist outs are about to be out the door starting tomorrow. It's wash and go season. :yay:
Cornrows under wigs for 4 weeks at a time. I try to wear wigs that mimic type 4 hair, but sometimes they're hard to find:




I wear my own hair out for 2-5 days after I take down my braids, depending on how much free time I have that week. I tend to wear it in a big, funky fro when it's loose.
I love wearing twists, buns, fro's, braid-outs, etc. but mainly I wear my twists in a pinned-up style.
Cornrows under wigs for 4 weeks at a time. I try to wear wigs that mimic type 4 hair, but sometimes they're hard to find:




I wear my own hair out for 2-5 days after I take down my braids, depending on how much free time I have that week. I tend to wear it in a big, funky fro when it's loose.

I like your wigs. They look nice on you.
Twistout puff 95% of the time, mini twists or braids/twists with extensions the rest of the time. Once in a blue moon I'll wear a wash and go but that's rare
ETA I'm still trying to figure out about protective styling. I seal my ends and they're not rubbing against my shoulders yet. I figure my ends shouldn't spontaneously combust just in coming in contact with the air so I haven't been stressing out about it. I'm trying to up my PS for the next few months to see if it makes a difference in retention
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I recently started wearing twists in a pinned-up style. :love2:
I moisturize with water and a leave-in conditioner & seal with coconut oil everyday or every other day.

My hair hates wash & go's. :nono:
I wear buns, puffs, twistouts, braidouts, and sometimes my halfwig:grin:. My hair is not long enough to put my twists back into a bun so I also use hair pins to create a bun.:drunk:
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