4B Naturals, how did you get your hair to move past neck length?


New Member
So I feel as though my hair doesn't want to really grow :wallbash:, the front keeps growing, but the back feels like it isn't moving much, and also I feel like overall there is no real growth. So I want to know, all you natural 4a, 4bs what have you done to grow your hair past shoulder length and beyond??? Please let me know...thanks :)
I'm not natural now, but I grew my hair out to its current length (or very nearly there) while it was natural.

I didn't really pay much attention to it, and that probably helped. I would put my hair in braid extensions in two month cycles ( 2 months in braids, two months out of braids) - kind of generally following the Crown & Glory method.

While it was in braid extensions, I would spritz almost daily with a mixture of water, glycerine and Elasta QP leave in (for protein).

When it was out of the extensions, I would wear it in twists for weeks at a time, and often have them pinned up. I would also really moisturise my ends, even when they were in twists. And I would detangle very gently and carefully so as to not rip my hair out. (Bear in mind that I was combing only every 2 or 3 weeks, depending on how long I kept the twists in).

So basically: protective styling, low-manipulation, and moisture.
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alrighty....thanks guys...

Anymore replies people?? I need to know, how did you guys grow on from Neck Length??
I agree with the low mani and not worrying too much about length increase but focusing on health. My regimen was a bit weird since I wasn't big on moisture but I did baggy nightly. Anyway I shared my regimen on this page.
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Shae, girl, protective styling. I tell you, it works. I went from shorter than neck length to past shoulder in 10 months. No lie, check out my fotki. I wore micro braids, and now I'm in kinky twists to continue growth. See, with braids/twists/extensions, you forget your hair and grow to enjoy the extensions, so long as you care for them well. I oiled my edges lightly nightly, sprayed with my mix of oil, giovanni leave-in, and water twice a week. I used dry shampoo to cleanse my scalp every two weeks and I'd alternate with a co-wash. This way, the elements, your clothes on your shoulder, aren't agitating your ends. You could possibly bun, but I think protective styling like braids cause the least amount of manipulation.

Check out this fotki: http://public.fotki.com/BeautifulBrownBabyDoll/all-about-me-and-my/

good luck! HTH
Well I am not shoulder length or pass it yet, but I recommend doing two-strand twist and twist-outs as protective styling until you reach your goal:)
I have very slow growing hair.
How i got to APL( before i had to BC again). I would wear twists( without extensions) for two weeks. I would moisturise them when i felt like it. After two weeks wear a puff for a day, wash and DC. Then start the process again

I BC'ed in April and i wore weaves which really helped. I've been weaveless for 3 months, but i use a rosewater/glycerin spray for my hair in or out of a weave
I think most of the answers are going to be similar, protective styling. Actually, I'm able to get my hair to at least apl wearing primarily puffs. But I only combed once a week even then. To get it much longer than that, though, I have to wear some sort of style that prevents tangling and makes it so that I don't have to comb too frequently or too harshly.
Patience, protective styling, moisture, patience.

I bc'd two years ago to an inch of hair. I've managed to retain 9-12 inches, depending on where I measure-well below neck length. I've worn twists for as long as I have been able to, and trimmed an inch twice due to my own mishandling of my hair. Since I've learned to be watchful of my ends, no more trims. Just be patient with yourself and your hair, and you'll see results! The length will come.
I just left it alone. I learned that I got the best results when I wasn't manipulating it all the time. I didn't do protective styles; I wore my wash-n-go for a LONG time. In fact, I only started bunning in late July/August, and I probably could have retained more length had I started protective styling sooner.
Adding another yes to protective styling and moisture. Just stay consistent with your conditioning routine and moisturize daily with sealing.
To protective style, I just do regular braids (no extensions). Eventually I got tired of the long styling session to do braids and twists howver. So I do bigger braids (about 3-4 every quarter of my head) and bun the ends.
Besides that, it's all patience and consistency.
I am all natural. Protective styling was a big factor in my accumulation of length and health. That's the best thing for the hair- just leaving it alone, and letting it do what it do!
Same answers as everybody else. I protected my hair and I made sure it was moisturized. I keep it as simple as possible. Work out, eat right, etc.