4B Naturals, do you go to Dominican salons?


Well-Known Member
I would love to get my hair done at a Dominican salon just once. Hoewever, I know that they will look at me like this :spinning: when they realize that I am there to get my hair done.

Have any of you gotten your hair done at a Dominican salon? What was the outcome?
My mom is a 4b/4c natural. This is what her hair looked like when she got a dominican rollerset. Sorry the pic is so small. She liked it, but her hair was very dry. She doesn't really know much about moisturizing and stuff (nor does she care) she just wanted it to stay straight :lachen:It lasted for a week. She did end up with some pieces that are heat damaged, and stays straight.


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Hi, I have gone before but you have to go to a very good one. I live in NY and there are a million and two dominican salons. Of course most of them will be able to do a decent job with relaxed hair but only the ones with skill can handle naturals with 4 texture. The best one I have went to was at Nagle Salon. I didn't get a roller set. I got a blow out and she didn't kill my hair. My hair came out nice and straight and it easily reverted back. I am not a big fan of the blow dryer so I never got it again.

82 Nagle Ave.
New York City
They couldn't rollerset me. Told me that my hair wouldn't hold to the rollers. I am still seeing damage that I think came from the blowdrying.
I hated my experience....I'm still seeing the major damage that was done back in July when I went to a Dominican salon. I'd rather just get my hair pressed!
My mom is a 4b/4c natural. This is what her hair looked like when she got a dominican rollerset. Sorry the pic is so small. She liked it, but her hair was very dry. She doesn't really know much about moisturizing and stuff (nor does she care) she just wanted it to stay straight :lachen:It lasted for a week. She did end up with some pieces that are heat damaged, and stays straight.

:nono: This is exactly what i'm afraid of. Your Mom's hair came out nice though. I am so careful with my hair when I flatiron it that I usually wind up with puffy hair in a couple of days.
They couldn't rollerset me. Told me that my hair wouldn't hold to the rollers. I am still seeing damage that I think came from the blowdrying.

They would probably say the same to me but it sounds to me like they didn't want to deal with it. I say this becasue I have tried roller sets at home (they weren't perfect) and if you stretch out the hair really well, I mean TAUT, it will roll pretty well.
Hi, I have gone before but you have to go to a very good one. I live in NY and there are a million and two dominican salons. Of course most of them will be able to do a decent job with relaxed hair but only the ones with skill can handle naturals with 4 texture. The best one I have went to was at Nagle Salon. I didn't get a roller set. I got a blow out and she didn't kill my hair. My hair came out nice and straight and it easily reverted back. I am not a big fan of the blow dryer so I never got it again.

82 Nagle Ave.
New York City

I know what you mean, I live in NY as well and there are a million of the on just 1 block (ok i'm exaggerating but you get the point).

ETA: Thanks, I just realized that you typed in the address, I missed it the first time. Cool :yep:
I’m transitioning now, and I doubt I’ll ever visit a dominican salon once natural. It kills me now with a relaxer to go to them, b/c that blowdryer is sooooo hot, it makes me want to scream. I think I’ll just do press and curls or blowdry/flatirons to get my hair straight, but I guess I don’t plan to wear it straight very often. Sorry I can't be more helpful:(
When it comes down to it, I'd just opt for a press and curl from a good ole fashioned Black hairstylist. The only reason I say this is because they know the hair. When I was a kid I used to get my hair presses every few months and I never once had heat damage from one time of wearing my hair straight. My hair sprung right back with water. Many people that frequent the Dominican Salons are looking for bone straight and the stylists there do it by any means necessary. There's nothing wrong with it. They got their system...its just not for me.
When it comes down to it, I'd just opt for a press and curl from a good ole fashioned Black hairstylist. The only reason I say this is because they know the hair. When I was a kid I used to get my hair presses every few months and I never once had heat damage from one time of wearing my hair straight. My hair sprung right back with water. Many people that frequent the Dominican Salons are looking for bone straight and the stylists there do it by any means necessary. There's nothing wrong with it. They got their system...its just not for me.

ITA with the above. I NEVER had a problem when my mom used to press my hair or when i'd get it pressed at a salon, my hair would ALWAYS, ALWAYS revert back to its natural state. More often than not I hear about folks with heat damaged hair when they go to the Dominican salons. They will blow-fry your hair straight in a minute without worrying about whether or not your hair will be daamged in the process.
I went once and I won't go back. The heat was RIDICULOUS and they had to do every strand of hair, TWICE through...once to make it straight and allll over again to get curl. It was just too much heat, I just felt like my hair was getting damaged by the second! No amount of Aveda Damage Remedy will keep my hair healthy through all of that!