4b natural w/ electric straightening comb


Active Member
Okay, so I’m tired of wasting my money! I’m natural with 4b hair. I’ve been trying to straighten my hair safely for about a year. Each time it looks like the pictures we’ve seen lately on the boards of a straighten hairstyle that goes bad. Now before I ask my question, yes I tried Sabino and it didn’t do squat! I wished other 4bs that tried Sabino spoke up before I spent $ on it. Anywho, I’ve seen talk about the only way to truly straighten the kind of hair that I have is to use a straightening comb. I’ve also seen talk (isn’t that funny, “seen talk”) where people say that they’ve gotten a better press with the comb that goes on the stove verses the electric comb.

My question is has anyone with hair like mine gotten a decent press with an electric straightening comb?
I'm afraid not. It's hard enough trying to keep a professional press straight. I just assume use a blow dryer to get the same effect that an electric pressing comb would give me.:ohwell:

Perhaps you can visit a stylist you trust to press your hair effectively, yet safely so as to avoid repeated attempts at straightening yourself.
What method are you using to straighten? Do you pre-stretch your hair or stretch with a blow-dryer before using the flat iron?

Sometimes it's not the tools or products, it's the technique. I'd just hate for you to burn your hair straight and still not be satisfied with the look.
I think I'm 4b. I'm still so confused about that.

Anyway, the only way my hair gets straight is with a comb that goes on the stove.

My edges have gotten straight with the electric one before but it was after stretching my hair with the blow dryer with comb attachement.

Do a deep conditioner and get a good heat protectant and you should be good!
Strive2Win, I know you're probably right. The last time I had my hair professionally straightened for my wedding I had heat damage.

Soliel, last time I deep conditioned, applied Qhemet moisturizer applied SMB, and let my hair air dry in twists. Once dry, I applied a teeny bit more SMB and proceed to flat iron on 450. It looked good for less then a day.