4b girls...how often do you relax

I hear you, girl! I think that's the point I'm at now. 5 weeks MAX! LOL!
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Pumpkin said:
My hair is tightly coiled, thick and coarse.

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It sounds like we have the same type of hair. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

In the past, six weeks was the maximum I could go without a touchup; however, I think that my new growth has become much softer given all the vitamin supplements that I am now taking. Also, I believe that the nightly massages with essential oils help to soften my new growth too. As such, I'm trying to stretch my touchup this time to 8 weeks. HTH
I'm going 10 weeks, 13 is my max - any longer then that and I'm a tangled mess. I have 4a/b thin to med. strand.
I've used mizani in regular strength as well (dang i've used a lot of relaxers..)and i found it too strong for my hair...
I plan on switching to Affirm mild (lye). Does anyone know what is the best processing time for 4a/b thin strand hairs? /images/graemlins/look.gif
<font color="blue"> Hi!
Just thought i'd jump in. I nomally go 6-8 weeks like most of the girls here. Since I started airdrying I thought i'd be able to go a longer time without relaxing but my root now at 8 weeks is driving me nuts! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I getting my touch up on thursday!! </font>
Hi Jen,

I use Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair. I used this approaching the 12th week followed by a good moisturizing conditioner such as Elucence. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
I love that avatar nita4! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
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Nic I posted the times for Dionne. Let me see if I can find the link for you.

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Thanks London Diva, you're the greatest
((BIG SIGH))This was so good to hear. Well, read rather. I've been trying to extend the time between touch ups. But I believe that my hair suffers more that way, and is more likely to be damaged by combing ect. I kept washing my hair on schedule, but had to stop the closer I got to 8 weeks. My hair just would not cooperate. I eventually had to straighten it with a flat iron. And I have not done that for a LONG time! I'm so glad to know that other sistas get retouches around the same time I do. I don't feel so bad now.

I manage to go for about 4 months or more in-between touch-ups. 8 weeks out of braids and then another 8 weeks in braids.
I use to think I could not go more than 8 weeks. I went 13 week last time. It was not as hard as I thought it would be. I did wet sets and washed every 3 days to keep my new growth soft. Did very little combing, mostly finger combing, to prevent breakage between new growth and relaxered hair. It turned out alright, so I'm trying for 12 weeks again.
diamondlady did you do wet sets up until the 13th week? What size rollers did you use? Did you have any breakage? I'm up to the 6 week mark and I was thinking of rollersetting every three days until the 10th week.
Well i go every 4 weeks, because my hair is tough. My hairstylist says that she doesn't leave it on to get it bone straight. I think braids had a lot to do with me having breakage. I didn't know how to take care of my hair when i had the braids either. Every since I've been reading the boards, I understand now that *I* have to start taking care of my hair, and become less dependent on my stylist. I get my hair done on saturday, but i've been washing it during the week that's help, but I realize i still have to be accountable for some things still. I'm still looking for a better conditioner and shampoo. I think I will head to the aveda store this weekend. I also wanted to know if any of you 4a/4bs have very hard hair, how do you combat it? What are some of the oils you put on your hair? My scalp needs better conditioning. I've been doing searches on the board, and I think I will head to the healthfood store and talk to them. I found a great one in the town where I work. I will appreciate any help.
Thanks In advance,
I know I posted earlier in this thread that I go 5 weeks. I think I may change my mind. Its been 15 weeks since my last relaxer. I had braids and then cornrows. Its only been a few days since I've been wearing it loose (well in a pony, but no braids) And I have been WAITING for the breakage. There hasn't been any. I have shampooed and conditioned 2x since Thursday with the Pantene sleek and smooth and been using Ms. Adrienne's Worlds of curl and hair gel to slick it up in the AM. At night I use a little of London Diva's Profective Root Health and some Elasta Mango cream on the ends. So far, so good.
I relaxed on Sunday after 8 weeks, which is a milestone for me! I used to relax 6 weeks on the nose. Now that I stretched it out to 8, maybe I can try for 10. But for my hair, I would not go any longer than that.

I use the large wire mesh rollers, end papers, and the plastic sticks and I used a little carrot oil on each section as I rolled it, and I let it air dry in the rollers. It took forever to dry but there was very little breakage. I was certainly surprised at how long my hair looked after my relaxer because the new growth was so wavy it took up a lot of the length.
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keeshesfromindy said:
Well i go every 4 weeks, because my hair is tough.

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girl, I can relate to your post. there are times when my hair just wouldn't take a relaxer. Even using bantu and revlon realistic, in three weeks, it seemed i needed a touch up. before i became more educated, i had to touch up every three weeks in order to comb it. my hair is in braids now and although my hair is very coarse and resistant i stopped using super and went to Motions Oil mild relaxer. There is a huge improvement. i only leave it on for 18 mins and i have learned my hair is healthier when it is not bone straight.i used to apply the relaxer and put a plastic cap on my head for 5 mins. to break down the curl faster and then smooth it out (old trick learned from cosmetologist).

I am still working on my vitamin regime, but my hair is not hard and dry. i use s-curl moisturizer mixed with motions oil moisturizer every day, even without the braids. i also use Wild Growth Oil and i just went back to glover's mane treatment. and when those roots start getting so that you can't see or feel your scalp, i use a really thick conditioner like ORS hair mayonnaise, or ION Effective Care Intensive Therapy Treatment(makes your hair wayyyyyy soft).

Sorry for the long post, but i can truly feel you and hope it helps.
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kenyana said:
I manage to go for about 4 months or more in-between touch-ups. 8 weeks out of braids and then another 8 weeks in braids.

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That sounds like a good plan, Kenyana. I think I'll try 6 weeks out of braids and 8 weeks in.
6 weeks has always been my limit. That was prior to the MSM. Now my new growth comes in much softer and is not as tightly curled (a/k/a NAPPY!) so I feel I may be able to stretch it to maybe 8 weeks.

BUTTTTTTT... I just ordered some that that Puritan's Pride biotin that has HAIR bustin' out of folks scalp and I'm EXCITED about it. Can't wait for it to come. I'll probably have to readjust my relaxer schedule again to probably every 2 or 3 days with all of this here growth I'm spectin' !!!!!!!!!
April 9th will be 8/wks. since my last relaxer. It's also the first time I've ever gone this long without losing a lot of hair.

Plus, my new growth isn't so kinky, so it must be the MSM &amp; upping my biotin to 15mg (Country Life). I'm going to try for one more month &amp; then re-touch on 9 May.

I forgot to mention I'm using coconut oil at the roots that maybe helping softening the new growth also.

Good Luck &amp; happy hair growing!!!

Nova that's great! Congratulations!! Are you using pure coconut oil or are you mixing it with something?
Dont know if I've responded yet so here goes. I am heading into wk 12. scheduled to relax at wk13 but I really feel I can go quite longer with the right products (profectiv root health, oils, s-curl and proper conditioning.) My new growth comes in wavy and it's thick as heck. I would probably wait longer but I've already got near 3 inches of waves on my crown and the difference between the waves and the relaxed hair is too obvious. I thought about going natural cause I really do like how the waves look and wonder how they would look on their own with no relaxed ends but I don't think I'm quite ready for that commitment and I want to achieve longer length first and don't want to cut my hair to get rid of relaxed lengths. Maybe after I reach my goal of just below bra strap and learn about hair care more, relaxed and natural.
oh, was this for 4bs only? sorry...I think I'm a 3c/4a (was told might even have 3b sections but still confeused by hair type charts!). did'nt read the subject correctly. My new growth is still thick enough that my comb gets stuck and some of my hairs (only a few of them but it's annoying) are doing strange things. some hairs wave together in this strange twisted wave. imagine a rope made of many fibers then crimp it so its wavey. no curling up though, just looks like I've twirled it between my fingers then crimped. my hair line is soft and frizzy though. sorry. Think I belong in about 3 categories!
Thanks Poo!

Right now, I'm using Spectrum Coconut Oil. On the jar, it states 100% refined coconut oil; no preservatives or additives. Next, I will order 76% Virgin Coconut Oil from: From Nature With Love.

Bumping for any updates....

Has anyone been able to stretch your relaxers longer that you posted originally? If so, what are your methods. I'm being forced to stretch my relaxer to 9 weeks
..(usually 7 weeks is pushing it) and I need some "Touch-up time extending" tips!!!!
