4a/b relaxed/texlax ladies, I need advice!


New Member
My have is extremely thick and dense. I have a relaxer and will be taking my braids down in a few weeks(after final exams are over). I would normally get a relaxer since it will be over 4months; however, I have only been in Michigan a short time and the next semester will be 3wks after the winter break. I was wondering, do you think if I condition my hair and rebraid it for another 2months I am asking for breakage? I figured since my hair will be in a protective style it may be okay. Any opinoins. It is just easier not having to worry about a lot of hair manipulation during the semester.
Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks.
you may have some breakage because of the length of time you have't had a relaxer. i just took out some braids after 6 months with no relaxer and i am seeing some breakage. Do you think you could find some one to do a relaxer for you? or you could make a special trip home to get one done
I will be taking a very short break from my studies and then I will be hitting the books again for next term. One of the ladies on the forum(a few wks ago) mentioned someone here in Michigan. Maybe I'll try her out, as I don't want a lot of breakage. Several years ago, I would braid and rebraid, but that was back when I was natural. Thanks. :)
Ladykd9 said:
My have is extremely thick and dense. I have a relaxer and will be taking my braids down in a few weeks(after final exams are over). I would normally get a relaxer since it will be over 4months; however, I have only been in Michigan a short time and the next semester will be 3wks after the winter break. I was wondering, do you think if I condition my hair and rebraid it for another 2months I am asking for breakage? I figured since my hair will be in a protective style it may be okay. Any opinoins. It is just easier not having to worry about a lot of hair manipulation during the semester.
Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks.

I think you'll be okay. I mean, as long as you aren't manipulating the hair everyday and fighting against the newgrowth.
Thanks for responding locksoflove. That was what I was thinking. If I am very gentle w/the hair when taking it down and putting it back up & keep it moisturized while in the braids. I will see if anyone else has an opinion. Thank:)
Ladykd9 said:
Thanks for responding locksoflove. That was what I was thinking. If I am very gentle w/the hair when taking it down and putting it back up & keep it moisturized while in the braids. I will see if anyone else has an opinion. Thank:)
I agree if you keep your moisture up, don't leave them in too long and don't allow build up at the base of the braid, you should be fine. Be very gentle when you take the braids down, use a moisture spray of some sort...and don't make the braids too heavy, cause to much tension with added hair... You should be fine.
I just gave you all the laws of healthy braid wearing that I broke in the past when I wore them!! LOL You live and you learn!

I think you will be fine, the other thing is that they recommend you wait 2 weeks after removing braids to relax and to do a heavy protein treatment before your relaxer. Someone else might want to chime in on that one. I've just learned most of these things since I joined the board back in September.
Ladykd9 said:
Thanks AtlantaJJ. Great advice!:)
Perhaps you can go to the Dominicans shops right after you get the braids out for a deep conditioner and a gentle blowout...a lot of ladies on the board do that multiple weeks post relaxer. I would go for the deeeeep conditioner and have them go as light as possible with the heat. I think the blowfrier does more damage than a nice ceramic flat iron in my opinon. You could possibly do a twist out too for a while before you relax again, go to a natural hair care salon and have that done. I just figured out how pretty those can be looking at miss jessies' web site!!
Funny that you mention Miss Jessies. When I decided to go from natural to relaxed I went there to get the silkner/texturizer. It was great; however, no one in my then home town(IL) knew much about texturizers. I had someone touch it up and one was under processed and then the next was a little too straight. So now I am growing the texturizer out and keeping the hair relaxed, but just not bone straight.
Ladykd9 said:
Funny that you mention Miss Jessies. When I decided to go from natural to relaxed I went there to get the silkner/texturizer. It was great; however, no one in my then home town(IL) knew much about texturizers. I had someone touch it up and one was under processed and then the next was a little too straight. So now I am growing the texturizer out and keeping the hair relaxed, but just not bone straight.

We gotta get some Miss Jessies franchieses going out there!! Man those multiple textures have to be madening.. I think I would do the twist out style if I had that going on (and if I had some length that's exactly what I would do now :ohwell: ) Braids are our next best bet! Perhaps you can research a good salon that can do the Silkening thing, I was so impressed with those before and after pictures!!! :eek:
Girl, I know what you mean. I used to do the twist out on my natural hair, but now it is too straight(so I do the braid out).