4a/4b wash and go hair..Need Your Help


New Member
Good Morning Ladies :look:

I have 4a/4b hair I think! I am new to the site and need some help! I did the bc back in January and am now ready to show my hair to the world. Please give me your secrets for your wash and go styles what products do you use and how are you applying? When I attempted to do this last night I woke up and my hair was dry and had lost all of it's natural curl. So please please please help me. I am willing to try whatever will work :grin:

Oh yeah, my hair has tight individual curls and I have alot of shrinkage. If you have pictures of your hair in wet and go styles that would be nice to see. I'm starting to wonder if maybe wet and go isn't for everyone :wallbash:. Thanks for your help!
in the dark ages when i actually did a wash n go i could not sleep on it and wear it. i had to cowash in the morning with a V05 conditioner (tea therapy or strawberries n cream) and then leave a bit of the conditioner in

one of the keys was to shake my hair after cowashing to bring the curls out and get the water out

anyways, i dont wash n go anymore

also some ppl apply gel (fantasia ic) after they cowash to hold the curl
I usually co-wash my hair with Trader Joe's Nourish Spa and Ojon conditioners, then apply Kinky-Curly leave in conditioner followed by their custard. This holds my curls pretty well throughout the day. I still have shrinkage, but it's not as bad as it usually is.
When my hair was shorter I could wash n go w/o any issues but sleeping on it loose would be a disaster for me. I have to twist or braid it up at night, or either put it up in a high ponytail. If I twist or braid it I rinse it w/those and take them loose in the morning.
My hair stays damp all day. I wash every morning with conditioner and rinse. Then I leave a little in and put it up in a puff. The edges and nape dry but; inside the puff is still dry. When I return home I always mist with my homemade spritz of AV, glycerin and distilled water


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in the dark ages when i actually did a wash n go i could not sleep on it and wear it. i had to cowash in the morning with a V05 conditioner (tea therapy or strawberries n cream) and then leave a bit of the conditioner in

one of the keys was to shake my hair after cowashing to bring the curls out and get the water out

anyways, i dont wash n go anymore

also some ppl apply gel (fantasia ic) after they cowash to hold the curl

This is exactly what I do. I hate wet hair, so I'll also diffuse it some.
Yeah basically. I have 3 different textures in my hair, but mainly am 3c (in the back)/4a (in the front). I also CW daily, but what I do is apply my leave in and towel scrunch some with that, then add some kind of gel (aloe vera, garnier curl sculpting, or fantasia ic) and scrunch a little bit more with my hands. That's it. Sometimes I just leave it alone after my LTR leave in b/c the scrunch is enough.

The Fantasia IC is what I use the most b/c it keeps the style lasting longer. I don't know her name, but the member who does it in her fotki. . .oh I think it's queen t. . .has such pretty lasting results from it. Mine doesn't look AS pretty, but it is rather cute I must admit lol. Ppl have asked me if I'm natural with it. I will try to remember to take pics of it next time and put them in my fotki :yep:
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Thank you ladies :grin: I appreciate the responses, I will try it again this weekend and let you all know how it turns out. Please keep the threads of wisdom flowing, because I know that I will have to try several techniques to see which one works best for me. :weird:

Happy Growing