HELP!! I am losing motivation.......Who is 4a/4b?

Your welcome,girl! You are so sweet.
Don't you worry, Girl! You are more than welcome. There comes a time in all of our lives where we feel that "there is no way my hair will grow as long as so and so's!" yet everyday our hair continues to grow... we need to retouch our roots. Once we learn how to take care of our hair, it makes all the difference. Rome wasn't built in one day.... you will notice the gradual change as people look at you and say, "Hey, I didn't realize that your hair was so long!" I am going through that phase now. Even more wonderful is when you run into ex-boyfriends and they're like, "Is that all you?" referring to your hair. I was the wig and hairpiece bandit so the reply would be "How come you didn't wear your hair like this when we were together?" I reply, "Well, now I now how to take care of it!" How lovely is it when your hubby gets to reap the benefits!!! Keep it up, taking care of your hair and you'll soon reap the rewards.
Hi dyzne,

Don't let the fact that you have 4a/b deter you in any way. It really doesn't matter if you're mixed or white or 100% African. Your hair can grow. As an example, my sis has a biracial friend and her hair has nothing but problems. In fact my hair is longer and healthier than hers so it really doesn't matter what you are just take care of what you have.

I have 4a/b hair that's about 3" above waist. I chopped it down to 1/2" almost 4 years ago. I don't have a good regimen right now...I get lazy in braids and interlocks. But what I do have I'll share with you:
I oil 1x every week and I spray scurl 1x a week. I was spraying and oiling 2x/week but my hair and scalp seem to be getter softer and softer over the weeks so I cut it down to 1x/week. I'm not even going to tell you how often I wash nowadays cause IT'S BAD
I would suggest you wash about 1x/week. I don't have a shampoo of choice right now cause I'm trying to use up what I have. I don't use a conditioner while in braids because it causes really bad buildup for me.

I plan to take new pics in December...and I'll post the steps I took to get my hair the way it is in the December pics.
When I do take my hair out in May (I know many have heard this before
) I will post a better regimen and more pics.

HTH! Hang in there. Just know that IT'S POSSIBLE
I just wanted to tell you to be encouraged. I didn,t think it was possible to grow my hair type 4a to waist length either, until I saw the photos on this board. I'm not there yet but I feel confident I will make it. You will meet your goal also, you are already on the right track by being proactive, taking the time to learn more about hair.
Re: HELP!! I am losing motivation.......Who is 4a/

This is a very inspiring post -- just wanted to thank all who contributed. This will help countless people.
Wow Teenie your hair is totally gorgeous!!! Now Dyzne, now that you've seen all these awesome photos of women with 4a/b hair down their backs, I'm glad you know that in a year or so, that will be you too!!! I fully believe you're not only capable of growing your own hair down your back, but that YOU WILL!!!! And what Faith said is so right! I have white friends who have really bad hair!! It's super thin, lifeless, just sits there, gets oily too much on it's own. Yes it grows because of all the natural oil sliding down a straight hair instead of getting stuck on coils, but still they have their share of hair woes too! And styling....they are VERY limited when you have thin, bone straight hair that won't hold any kind of curl, etc. All you can do is try to cut it into some style and keep it just like that for a long time. Also, our hair has more variety than any hair type on the planet! When I say "our" I mean all our African hair types from 3A to 4C and everything in between! We're so versatile! We can be straight, coily, kinky, curly, wavy, all in one week - WITH OUR HAIR! Not a weave or hairpiece! God BLESSED us with this hair type - NOT cursed us!!! I have white friends who wish they could get their hair in two styles in one month, and here I am and can wear my hair in a different style each work day of the month including updo's!! So see yourself as the beautiful girl blessed with 4A/B hair that you are!!!
Hello Hair Family:
Thank you so much to each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for your encouragement and wonderful pictures.
Just like I have to train my hair I have to train my mind. Don't get me wrong I am learning a lot about myself and I don't mean to say one race is better than another. So please forgive me if it sounded that way. I have always been one that wishes to have something else besides what I have but like many of you have said I have to love myself. I am happy with me I just have to learn to love me I know that their is a difference. And sometimes to know where I am trying to go or what I am trying to accomplish I need a visual and at the time I used multiracial because their hair is so beautiful and grows SO FAST to me.
But thanks to all of you I am definitely finding out a lot more about myself than I expected to. And it is greatly appreciated. I have obviously surrounded myself around the wrong people for too long and my perspective may be clouded. So I thank all you. Pray for me as I do for all of you. This link is my start, and as I've said before I hope from a year from now I will be laughing at how this started and most likely a little embarrassed. But as it is in life everything is a learning experience. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU.

I also wanted to say again the pictures within this Post are absolutely awesome. Its starting to sink in ladies now I just have to remember that its not going to happen overnight. If its not one problem its another LOL First its was me not knowing if it was possible then it was me seeing to believe it now I have a time issue ( I want mine now)when will this vicious cycle end. LOL Thanks again. I am definitley including this in my journal so that I will always have it.
Hi Dyzne

I'm glad you started this thread. Sometimes I need to be reminded that meeting my hair goals requires patience and consistent TLC. Here's a thread started by DSD that might help you get through the waiting game (I know it helped me!): Click Here
You're welcome. Yeah, I just read the thread today too and was surprised to see the earlier date. Good info is always timely, though.
Happy Hair Growing!
Teenie I am absolutely speechless. Your hair is gorgeous how long did it take you and what is it exactly that you do? Please tell or write the book so that I can buy it.
I am a natural 4a/b with bra-clasp length hair, so it definitely is possible. Please don't get discouraged!! Just hang in there and keep doing what you are doing!! (:
I'm a 4a/4b also and my hair has been up and down over the years in length. The longest I've seen our hair type up close and in person was butt length (this was a family member). I am very encouraged and excited about the possibilities for my own hair since I've learned to take care of it properly.
Thanks Maestradiva77 for taking the time. I take every response to heart and I am very humbled by the support given to me from you and the rest of the hair family here. I use this as my daily motivation and daily I am growing more and more confident and confused by little details but the work of the searches have also been very helpful. when i guess loss on : IDEAS FOR styling SHORT HAIR (hint hint for anyone reading)right now I wear a wig because I am to ashamed of my hair I can't afford a weave and I just relaxed my hair so I don't want braids even though it tends to help with growth which I may have to start doing under my wig. but to all of you thanks again and many blessings to you all. Slowly but surely its sinking in.
bumping...I needed this motivation. So this is for the other 4a/4b on their hair journeys....good luck and stay motivated.
Don't give up, I am a 4a/4b and our hair can grow extremely long like the other hair types. Our hair just requires more TLC and moisture, as long as you keep it conditioned and your ends moisturized the length will come. I was in your shoes five years ago so I know how you feel. Stay determined
and continue to nutrure your hair and you will get to your goal.
teenie said:
I just wanted to tell you to be encouraged. I didn,t think it was possible to grow my hair type 4a to waist length either, until I saw the photos on this board. I'm not there yet but I feel confident I will make it. You will meet your goal also, you are already on the right track by being proactive, taking the time to learn more about hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

Great Googly Moogly...I had no idea when I entered this thread...I was gonna encounter such a beautiful inspiring head of hair! Teenie...simply beautiful! I can't believe there hasn't been a separate thread run on you...or maybe it was and I missed it...but I think maybe there should be an updated thread on you...sure makes a 4a/4b head feel good! /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif
I am a 4b natural who started from bald in october 2002. My hair is almost at brastrap now. It is possible. You just have to be patient and treat your hair gently. Please do not be discouraged. It took me a year plus to get used to my natural hair and just as long to learn how to care for it. You have a lot of support from the sisters on the board. It has helped me a lot.
It's funny that I first posted in this thread November 3 of last year and here it is a year later and we still re-visit this thread. I am trying to stay motivated although my constant hair shedding is depressing. This is a result of my hypothyroidism. I'm still pushing on though. I am really seriously considering getting a relaxer. Here's a thread that might help you.... This thread's for you!
AJD, have you tried dissolving biotin in your shampoo or conditioner? I suffer from constant shedding too and I tried this last night. I dissolved some biotin, hot water and EVOO together and poured the mixture into my Strawberries and Cream conditioner. It worked wonders on my hair. Consider giving it a try /images/graemlins/up.gif
my hair resembles 4a&b, and 1 of my main reasons for transitioning to au naturel was so I can have a head full of coils which to me is the most beautifullest hair in the world (IMHO not to be offensive) And several of the women on my mom's side of the family (she's Jamaican) have long healthy hair due to TLC, when my late great-grandmother died a few years ago her hair was so thick and so long the funeral people couldn't even style it so they put a wig on it! Just keep taking good care of your hair and keep your head up /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Not to fret girl. If you be good to your hair, your hair will be good to you.

I'm 4a/b and I really don't have a problem with growing my hair.