4a/4b naturals , how long did it take to get from mbl-wl?

How long did it take you to go from MBL-WL?

  • 6 months or less

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • 1 year

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 yr and half

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Girl, I lost count..I'm still trying

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters
^^The first year, I cowashed a lot, probably 4-5 times a week, and sealed it with oil (anything I could find)
Year 2 -I would wear twists 90% of the time and cowashed 2x a week and DC often
Now I wear u -part wigs and wash my hair once a week sometimes twice a week
Nothing special as you can see, just keeping my hair moisturized and protective styling
I'd like to know too. I'm at MBL and approaching my 4 year anniversary in July. I am a slower than average grower so I didn't expect to hit waist length in 4 years but I wanted to be at least half way there (between MBL and WL). I did trim my hair so that might have something to do with it. I'll do a length check in August so hopefully I'll be at the halfway mark then.
i was at MBL and hit WL a few times, but always end up having to trim for some reason. Most recently, I had to trim to BSL due to a setback (did some test spots of a Arosci cysteine treatment). I'm now almost MBL again.

I mostly:

-Protective style
-Only manipulate/comb/style when my hair is wet
-Straighten quarterly
-Trim as needed
- Avoid mineral oil, parabens and silicones
-Shampoo twice monthly, DC weekly
-Use Shea Moisture, my moisture spritz (in siggy), Joico MC Balm, coco/avo oils + Shea
-hendigo monthly (with brahmi/bringaraj)
-occasional baggying

I hope this helps :)

Protective styling usually gets me over the humps. I think I may do some sew-ins from october to april to get me over this hump. I've been so lazy with my hair!