How long did it take for you to "get" it ?

It has taken me a year to get it. I realized the end of last year that I was making a mess. I was wearing extensions back to back and realized when I took them down one day that I had no clue of how to really take care of my hair.

This year I systematically built my regimen (replacing products 1 at a time starting with my shampoo). I tested products with questionable ingredients to see how my hair responded (cones, plastics, etc). I tested various oils and butters and combinations.

The more stuff I ruled out the better my hair got. So within a year I have figured out what my hair likes and have a product list, wash day regimen and twist regimen. My hair is healthier than it was January 2011. It is only a little longer because I had to cut off so much of the damage done in 2010.

I don't wear my hair out much, so I am giving myself another year to get my twistout and braidout regimens straight. But I won't start those until around April.
It took me a while, because I was doing too many things at the same time; oscillating between natural and relaxed and being a total PJ. Honestly it's taken about 4 years, but at least now I really know my hair and how to keep it happy, both natural and relaxed :yep: Styling is another story though :lol:

halee_J. Another 'class of 07' here. Thats one of the reasons I lurk and rarely post. I know its triflin' but I get so bummed when I see an 09' or even a class of 10' bc with hair longer than mine. :ohwell:
I think I will "get" my hair when it finally starts to look professionally done on a daily basis while minimizing splits.

I've been on my HHJ since 2007. I've had setback after setback. I think I finally get that my hair is different from others in that it spilts easily, needs to fingercombed daily ot it will mat, can dry out easily, needs more moisturizing, etc. I've finally found a DC that works well, still trying to style it right. I don't think I'm done learning about my hair
II think it took 2 years 1 year of lurking and and being a bandwagon jumperif it said grow hair I used it. Of course I stayed a PJ for a couple more years still with decent progress then I switched to a simple regimen and streamlined my products used mostly natural products and my hair took off.
I think listening to my hair simplifying and not jumping on every new product review really made a big difference. I don't even look at reviews anymore
When you've found the one (right regimen) you stop looking :lol:
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I think I will "get" my hair when it finally starts to look professionally done on a daily basis while minimizing splits.

I've been on my HHJ since 2007. I've had setback after setback. I think I finally get that my hair is different from others in that it spilts easily, needs to fingercombed daily ot it will mat, can dry out easily, needs more moisturizing, etc. I've finally found a DC that works well, still trying to style it right. I don't think I'm done learning about my hair
we seem to be at the same place. or in the very least my hair splits , drys out and will mat. I can not go without a comb. Not if i don't want to lose a handful of hair. abcd09 what dc are you using.

no i'm not there, i should be as i'm coming up on 3 years but i'm not :lol: I blame this on the fact that i'm forgetful and get distracted. And I'm reluctant to try more products, i am the opposite of a pj. I hate using stuff that doesn't work.

but anyway it's a journey. but in a year i'll revisit and be like yeah i got this now *hair flip*
we seem to be at the same place. or in the very least my hair splits , drys out and will mat. I can not go without a comb. Not if i don't want to lose a handful of hair. @abcd09 what dc are you using.

no i'm not there, i should be as i'm coming up on 3 years but i'm not :lol: I blame this on the fact that i'm forgetful and get distracted. And I'm reluctant to try more products, i am the opposite of a pj. I hate using stuff that doesn't work.

but anyway it's a journey. but in a year i'll revisit and be like yeah i got this now *hair flip*
@brg240 I've finally found something that instantly softens my hair. Before I'd try anything but the moisture never seemed to stay. Now I combine Kercare Humecto and NuExpressions Humective on my hair and there is so much moisture.I first apply the Humecto, then the Humective and sit under the dryer with a plastic cap. I've just been doing this for three weeks. Before I'd use them separately and while they are nice, my hair doesn't retain the same moisture. I get the humective online. Time will tell if it changes my hair for the best!

I would say that using/trying more products is a waste of time when you're trying to learn to "get it". I've wasted much money on different products, and the fact that my hair still likes to split no matter how many times I PS or detangle carefully or abstain from heat or trim, will not be solved by products, although using the wrong ones does hurt more. Hopefully we will be on our way to getting it. :yep:
I still don't get it.... Been natural over 3 years, currently past APL. 4Z hair texture... very fine but kinky kinky kinky.....

Here are some things that I DO know...

1. My hair HATES to be manipulated... No matter how good the products - my hair likes to be left alone.

2. My hair HATES to be loose.... If I wash my hair loose, or detangle in the shower or any of that madness, I lose the equivalent of a small afro wig..

3. Hair likes moisture...

4. My hair HATES the kind of protein that's in Giovanni's smooth as silk conditioner.. Feels really nice on my hair and detangles it better than anything ive ever tried... but it dries into something extremely dry and crunchy...

5. My front and middle hair are extremely fragile... very very difficult to retain hair there... even with low manipulation

6. My natural hair ABSOLUTELY HATES the blow drier and heat...

7. Back texture is different from the front, and should be handled more gently..

I think i'm pretty okay with my hair techniques... but Im still trying to figure out the products...

I'm going to try AO HSR & GBP for moisture and protein alternating biweekly... who knows.. it may work!
Dear nzeee

In some periods i shed more than normal...wat helps me to stop the shedding (minimize) is Vichy Dercos Pro..I dont know if they sell it also in america..but it is one big hype here in Europe.

thanks so much for responding to me Nadia! and apologies for my late reply, i hadn't revisited the thread in a bit so didn't get your message.

i'm trying to keep all my hair together during detangling and washing sessions so at the end i can tell how much hair i shed in total. i'm still!! not certain but it seems as if its lessened quite a bit. thanks again for your product recommend :yep:
Dear nzeee,

You're welcome! Sometimes (can be stress can be hormones or your diet) the hair follicle doesn't stick as good in your scalp as it should.. This helps to close your scalp more tightly around the hairfollicle so it doesn't shed as easily.
It is medical proven that it works.
Just google on it and you will find the testresults and reviews of people.
Good luck!
It took me 3 LONG years of my HHJ to finally "get my hair". I read a WHOLE LOT and worked on one technique at a time. I finally get it now. Now I need to figure out my youngest daughter hair which is totally different from mine, she has very thick course hair. Every time I think I have her hair figured out something happens and I have to start from square one. But I must not be doing too bad because she's waist length :lol:!
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Great thread.

I think I'm still getting mine. Partly because of the different curl patterns in my hair (I think I'm 3b/c and 4a) and partly because I mostly hide it under a protective style....I'm afraid to experiment.
But the experience of becoming natural is unlike any other and I wouldn't take it back. I love being natural and I'm enjoying learning all the time.
i think i get mine,its taken about 2years, and also keeping it simple, i dont even consistently use the same products, i just stick to the same technique and leave my hair alone Nadia, what product in the Vichy Dercos Pro line do you use? there is loads :ohwell:,are you relaxed or natural?
...when I stopped transitioning...I got it. For some reason, it is easier for me to understand my natural hair...probably because I spent most of my life natural... If I could've understood my relaxed hair...I'd probably still be relaxed.
...when I stopped transitioning...I got it. For some reason, it is easier for me to understand my natural hair...probably because I spent most of my life natural... If I could've understood my relaxed hair...I'd probably still be relaxed.

Interesting. Several other naturals have said the same thing regarding when their hair was relaxed.
i think i get mine,its taken about 2years, and also keeping it simple, i dont even consistently use the same products, i just stick to the same technique and leave my hair alone Nadia, what product in the Vichy Dercos Pro line do you use? there is loads :ohwell:,are you relaxed or natural?

No my hair is natural. But there is no hairdresser that can handle my hair unless it is a black hair salon. Just saying to let you know that i do not have 'easy' hair. Also because of the coloring.
It is the vichy dercos pro. For women. I also use the shampoo ones a while. When i need to strip my hair. It keeps the hair soft but clean. The name of the shampoo is: vichy energy.
Hope i answered your question. Otherwise just ask :)