
Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I just wanted to share my experiment over the weekend. I did a 4 step process with my hair
1. prepoo with cheap conditioners mixed with oils+moisturizer. Sit under dryer for 1/2 hr
2. Wash with AtOne shampoo
3. DC with protein conditioner under dryer for 10min
4. DC with moisturizing conditioner under dryer for 1/2hr

My hair loved the prepoo concoction. I tried a few new products that I wanted to share with you guys.
1st is Mizani Kerafuse treatment conditioner. My hair loved this stuff. It felt so strong after I DCed with it.
2nd is motions oil moisturizer deep conditioner- this was also very good with my hair. It felt so soft
3rd is cream of Nature leave-in. I only had a sample of this one, it is new and it is organic certified-My hair did not feel 100% good with it, but it still worked very good for me, I would use it again.
4th was motions weightless clear moisturizer- I think this one is gonna become a staple for me. It is so light- I will see how it does with keeping my hair moisturized.
5th is a comb that I used for rollersetting. It worked really really well, I love it. Did not break my hair at all. I will attach a pic pf it below this post.:grin:

This was a really good experiment, my hair came out feeling really nice and soft. My NG loved it too.

Thats it ladies, just wanted to share:grin:
The teeth are more wide spread than any other comb I have used for rollersets.