3C and 3B Hair types ----- confused


To each his own. :)
Do those of you with hair type 3C have strong curl definition?

Andre lists Cree Summer and Cleo Laine, which I'm showing below as 3B.


NC.com lists Gloria Reuben as 3C.

Based on Andre's definition, I've always thought that Gloria Reuben was a 3B. What's the difference? NC seems to be using curl size as criteria and I don't believe that Andre does this. He lists himself as 3B too.
I think the term 3c is something that is need. I see 3b as being a Kelis type hair, and 3c as being hair that is tightly curled but not nappy. Its very similar to type 4a except that the curles are slightly looser and is not naps. I see holly robinson peete as 3c.
I'm with you, CurlyCrly. In fact, I don't understand Andre Walker's distinction between tightly-curled 3Bs and "loosely kinked" (I believe those are his words) 4As...I dunno.... I categorized my hair as 3C (NaturallyCurly.com's category) because my natural hair looks exactly like Gloria Reuben's. Otherwise...I'm not sure if I would be a tightly curled 3B or a loosely-kinked 4A...
I agree.

From his description and from the pictures in the book, it looks like 4a's do not have strong curl definition or shiny hair. He says they have 'sheen'. My hair is tightly curled with major shrinkage when it is natural and my curl definition is naturally very strong and my hair is shiny. I don't know what I am either. I say 4A, but to be honest, I really do not know. lol

organicrevolution says "and 3c as being hair that is tightly curled but not nappy." What is the distinction between tightly curled and nappy? I thought it was the same thing. I feel so ignorant now.

Doesn't 4a grow down once it has weight to it? Gloria Reuben's hair is growing out more than down when you look at her pictures when her hair is shorter, doesn't it? The pictures of 4a hair in andre's book show 4a hair growing down, but we don't know if any manipulation was done.
this has been driving me nuts for a while now. I'm assuming from all the info I've gathered that I'm a 3c/4a cause while I have a wavy curl pattern, it grows down has more waves than spirals and its not "nappy" as organicrevolution said. It is thick and coarse but a comb or my fingers can easily part and separate it.I am actually having a hard time telling my where my new growth ends and my "texturized section begins! my hair is not shiny though and I alway thought type 3 hair was naturally shiny or glossy.
4a grows out, 3c grows down

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Well then I must be all 3c because all of my hair grows down...
Which is why I disagree with your statement. I believe length weighs the hair down...not just texture. I know some 4b's with long hair that grows down since they are past shoulder length.
I'm assuming from all the info I've gathered that I'm a 3c/4a cause while I have a wavy curl pattern, it grows down has more waves than spirals...

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Waves mean you are a type 2.
2c, 2d, whatever you want to call it,
A type 2 you be!

that confuses me. all of this confuses me. i know andre is a hair stylist but does anyone know where he came up with these categories? did he make them up himself? this is a lot of confusion on his system and other systems that dont have pictures are even more confusing. God bless you all.
that confuses me. all of this confuses me. i know andre is a hair stylist but does anyone know where he came up with these categories? did he make them up himself? this is a lot of confusion on his system and other systems that dont have pictures are even more confusing. God bless you all.

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I think the whole process of 'typing' hair is confusing. That's why alot of times I feel there shouldn't be a type...a lot of us have many textures in our hair. I try to go by what I feel will work for my hair rather than what type it was created for.
I'm assuming from all the info I've gathered that I'm a 3c/4a cause while I have a wavy curl pattern, it grows down has more waves than spirals...

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Waves mean you are a type 2.
2c, 2d, whatever you want to call it,
A type 2 you be!


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Not necessarily UmSumayyah.

Look at Ananda Lewis's picture. Ananda's hair is a 2a/b. There is no such category as a 2c or 2d.

Ananda's hair is wavy, fine and shiny. According to Godzooki, her hair doesn't shine. Also, because Godzooki has a relaxer, it is kind of hard to tell her true texture from the pictures posted. My guess from viewing her pictures, is that she is in the 3 category.

Godzooki, my hair is like yours.. I just have waves, no curls, very little shine (My last perm was August of last year). I have no trouble parting my hair at all. I think it possible to be a type 3 , but not have ringlets..
I agree that is possible to be type 3 and not have ringlets.
I like the idea of hair charts, they should have more types and more ways to characterise the hair. Such, lenght, denisity, texture, tightness of texture, shine/sheen, normal/dry/oily, thickness/thiness of strand etc etc
nice pics! did you have a relaxer and cut it off to go natural? I kinda wish I did have ringlets cause then I could play and twist them. cant do much with waves except play with the grooves!
Yes, I cut off all my relaxed hair. The back was breaking off and the sides were not in great shape either. It was really a necessity, I don't think my hair could take any more relaxers.

I wish I had ringlets too.. my hair will not stay twisted at all..
There is no such category as 2C but we can still make one up. I know some type 2s that have more wave definition than 2B. Besides, there was no type 3C before other who weren't satisfied with Andre's "system" I think he could have done a better job researching. And I believe a type 4C should also make an appearance. Not all hair types fit into just one category. He should have done a better job.

I have natural hair in the back where I not only cut off the relaxed ends, but had to shave it because it was cut crookedly. Some of the hair is in tiny ringlets, the rest of it is...just there, undefinable. Neither waved nor curled nor kinky. It's strange. Perhaps it will take on curl as it gets longer, but I believe you can be a frizzy type 3 with curls not easily coaxed into making a performance.
my mistake.
I was under the impression that he didn't. whatever :p I remember back at LLL people were saying that there should be one
Bodicea, when was your last relaxer? My last one was last August..I have lots of frizzies too, I think they will curve and be wavy with time..