30 Day Praise Report Challenge

He renews and forgives me everyday... so I'm just going to go with my theme of everyday being Day 1 again.

Day 1: I praise the Lord for His perfect will. I cannot try to map it out or understand it just trust that while I'm in his will, I'm safe.
He renews and forgives me everyday... so I'm just going to go with my theme of everyday being Day 1 again.

Day 1: I praise the Lord for His perfect will. I cannot try to map it out or understand it just trust that while I'm in his will, I'm safe.

Ditto what she said and Amen!
@newgrowth15 I am definitely going through a season of growth and maturity. With this, I have to keep in mind that the way God wants me to react or respond is totally different from what this world is accustomed to.

I praise God for surrounding me with His love.
I praise the Lord for going before me and making my crooked paths straight. He is always working behind the scenes on my behalf and I praise His Holy name.