30-Day Countdown to End-of-Year Goal!


New Member
Happy End of 2004 Everyone! /images/graemlins/clap.gif

Many of us started various journeys at the beginning of the year. Some of us had hair length goals that we wanted to attain by December 31st (shoulder-length, bra strap, waist length, etc.). Others had goals of attaining healthier hair, transitioning to natural, or just being consistent with a certain regimen.

Since this is the first day of the last month of 2004...

-How many of you are on track to reach your personal goals by December 31st?
-How many of you are not quite there, but will continue to stay on track into 2005 until you reach those hair goals?

For me, it's bra-strap length by the end of the year. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed, but I won't know until I relax again in a few weeks.

Keep going everyone! /images/graemlins/weird.gif Whether it's Baggie Method, No-Heat, Buns, or Braids, let's make these last 30 days really count!
Hmmm I was ona front and edges growout challenge. I have gained 3 inches since joining it so I guess I succeeded. Yeah ! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
During the summer, I had decided that I would get rid of my relaxed ends at the end of the year. I ended up getting rid of them at the end of summer. So, in a way, I reached my goal sooner than I thought. I am happy with the decision and glad that I can now concentrate on reaching goals with my natural hair. Also - a major goal I have reached is having a whole head of healthy hair after having short pieces due to breakage for a year and a half! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
That's huge Hairlove. I remember your posts earlier in the year, so it's awesome to see your progress. You have ALWAYS made me want to go natural. I've had lots of sleepless nights debating over it! Congrats 2 U /images/graemlins/smile.gif
By the end of December, I know I will not be reaching my goal of bra-strap, but I didn't set my goal to have bra-strap length in 2004; I want bra-strap length hair by mid-2005. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Since I'm transitioning, I want to be mentally strong by not being tempted to relax my hair. I will transition with the help of the baggie method and braids so I will leave my hair alone and not worry about it being straight. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Well...when I first joined the forum...I set my goal at 3 - 4 healthy inches by December 19th (my regimen start). This is something that I could never achieve before coming here. Right now I have 5 and a half...and it looks like I'm on track for 6 healthy inches by that time. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I was going to transition for 2 years...but decided to get it over with yesterday...so I reached my natural goal a lot ealrier than planned. Good luck to everyone in reaching their goal on the year!
My goal of mid-2004 was to be bra strap and to just stay natural and I made it! I didn't really set anything past that back then in '03...I was just doing my best of not cutting! lol! I succeeded at that too...Anywhoo, my goal of next December is the coveted waist length(straightened of course) my shrinkage will not allow waist length unless my natural hair grows to my feet and I ain't even trying to grow that much hair, lol!..I would truly go insane...other than that, I am going to continue the journey to continuously healthy hair! I love lhcf!
I'm right on track to reach my goal of bra-strap length hair by December 31! I'm so excited! Let the hair growing continue!!!
Well, I was able to get my hair highlighted using L'Oreal's colour Experte without any breakage. My back hair can touch my collarbone, very comfortably, my hair is also getting much thicker. The only goal I have set myself is to get longer healthier hair, without having to texturise or use a relaxer, which I am very pleased of, especially as I never had long hair as a child, although it was very thick it was never long, but the sides now, and back have grown tremendously which is astonishing, also using good quality products, especially Surge, which I am very pleased about it has helped a lot with my growth and thickness. Thank you very much for this, it was not for this forum, I would be still struggling to get length. Also mixing Surge with castor oil and wild growth oil, also I have noticed my hair is a lot softer, another idea learnt on this forum. This forum is a God send and the regime and methods are so simple, I can't quite believe it. Every time I undo my hair to wash I am amazed, even my teenage daughter is amazed also (teenage daughter's are not amazed by their mothers' hair growth). I hope to achieve bra length by mid length 2005 and waist length December 2005, however because of shrinkage, it would not appear waist length, but to be able to stretch it comfortably to waist length, that would be an achievement.
My personal goal was to grow out the middle section of my hair, which is always shorter than the sides. Finally accomplished this at the end of November!!! Now my hair doesnt separate and look all crazy in the back!!
My end of the year goal was for my hair to be below collarbone length. My last blowout revealed that it was ever so slightly at my goal. So I'm happy. My next goal is armpit length and I'm hoping to be there by the end of summer 2005.
SouthernGirl is like the Dr. Phil of Hair with this thread...lol. Very Positive Thread!

I didn't really have a goal to begin with but I went from September 2003 with hair at the bottom of my neck, to it being to the top of my shoulderblades in May 2004 - by just keeping it moisturized and protected. I'm just gonna keep on keeping on.

Now, I do have a goal for 2005 - armpit length by the summer.

Happy Growing to all! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
This is so great to hear!! I personally love to reflect on the past 11 months at this time every year, as I prepare for new ways to "stretch" myself in the upcoming year- be it spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, etc. (Okay Mona, now I REALLY sound like Dr. Phil or Oprah, LOL!)

I figured since all of our hair is "stretching" too, it would be nice to see what milestones we've accomplished.

Keep the feedback coming everyone! Now I'm off to look at some of those albums I have not seen, like Erica78's album so I can get some more inspiration! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I don't think I really set a goal when I started on this journey. I really just wanted hair that wasn't so dry and growing out was an added benefit. My hair is healthy and getting closer to my recent goal of bra strap. I'm still modifying my goals as I go but bra strap by 2005 is a definite goal that I'm getting closer to.
I didn't begin this journey in earnest until I joined @ the end of February. My goal (modified goal b/c my hair grows slowly /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif) was to have 8" of growth and retention at my one year hairniversary. I'm over halfway there, which puts me right on track. I'm looking forward to what I will accomplish by the end of 2005, b/c I'm happy w/the health and volume that I have now. But I'm not quitting, until I see the promise land /images/graemlins/wink.gif. I'm hoping by the end of this year I will have lush armpit length hair in the back w/sides and front comfortably at and over collarbone length. I'm a little less than an inch away /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
Great Simplycee and Sengschick!! I'm not stopping either. I just can't wait to reach my ultimate goal so that I can just be in maintenance mode and not have to use products that boost my normal growth cycle.
I didn't reach bra strap length, but I stayed consistent with my hair care practices and hardly had any hair trimmed this year. I plan on reaching bra strap length by the end of 2006, but I just have to be diligent about my hair care practices.
micarae said:
My goal of mid-2004 was to be bra strap and to just stay natural and I made it!

[/ QUOTE ] Wow Micarae! You're at BS length already? Didn't you go natural after I did???? /images/graemlins/rofl.gif Your hair is truly awe-inspiring!
I joined a very ambitious growth challenge that DSD started back in January! And while I didn't get to my goal of 9 inches, I did get about half that. I quit using Surge back in Feb, because I just got tired of the extra step (lazy woman here). Since I reached my first length goal I'm content now to just let my hair grow at it's own pace in it's own time. I did add a couple more styles to my regimen this year that are easy for me to acheive. So all in all, I'm very happy with all aspects hair-related for the year. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
SG, From the looks of your picture, I thought you were alreadty at BS!!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I am still on track. I had two too many trims this year. But I am confident I will reach my goals next year.
SG, you look like bra strap already to me, too! If not, i am sure you'll get there by December /images/graemlins/smile.gif. My goal was to get brastrap by my one year hairniversary, also. That is in May 2005...I haven't seen enough progress yet, but hopefully I can stay encouraged and make it. Good luck everyone on making your year-end goals /images/graemlins/smile.gif!
SouthernGirl said:
Hey Laketa, /images/graemlins/wave.gif

I just love that picture in your signature! LOL!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks /images/graemlins/cool.gif
I made my first goal of 23".

I made braclasp (for the second time). I just straightened my hair today after being in buns for the whole week. My hair is 23.75 inches long as of 12/2/04. I think by the end of the month I will be at 24".

Hopefully next year I can retain 4-6 inches of hair 4 inches if I do pruning trims, 5-6 if I don't. That'll put me close to waist next year.
Hey Mrslee and Dreemsold,

I have about 1 1/2" to get to bra strap- sometimes 2", but I guess it depends on what bra I wear. I guess I've been wearing some low ones, b/c it always changes /images/graemlins/spinning.gif!!

Hopefully when I relax at the end of the month I'll really be there!
jetcitygirl said:
micarae said:
My goal of mid-2004 was to be bra strap and to just stay natural and I made it!

[/ QUOTE ] Wow Micarae! You're at BS length already? Didn't you go natural after I did???? /images/graemlins/rofl.gif Your hair is truly awe-inspiring!
I joined a very ambitious growth challenge that DSD started back in January! And while I didn't get to my goal of 9 inches, I did get about half that. I quit using Surge back in Feb, because I just got tired of the extra step (lazy woman here). Since I reached my first length goal I'm content now to just let my hair grow at it's own pace in it's own time. I did add a couple more styles to my regimen this year that are easy for me to acheive. So all in all, I'm very happy with all aspects hair-related for the year. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Jet, girl, you are a mess! /images/graemlins/wink.gif Thank you! Your hair is absolutely gorgeous and I hope one day to be able to wear mine "out" like yours instead of "tucked away". /images/graemlins/drunk.gif I will just let it grow in my tucked in styles and see what happens. /images/graemlins/wink.gif