3 yr updates!!! Who says our hair don't grow :) (NATURAL HAIR)


Well-Known Member
:D I have a couple of 3 yr updates. My hair is approx 11-12 inches now. I trim about an inch every 3 mths or so. After I finished my protective hair challenge in April, I'll post some loose hair pics.
Which album? Password? The one in your siggy is not working for me...

Duh, I got too excited and didn't read well. Started clicking on the new albums.

The pics are here

Cute Twists...that's the one thing I regret about being a laxed head...no cool natural twists. I just love twists and your's are beautiful!

Thanks Ladies:D So many people thought I was insane for cutting my hair 3 yrs ago. Now those same people are eating their words. In a couple of mths my hair will be longer/healthier than it has ever been.:yay: I hope my pics will encourage anyone who wants to transition or bc. Just be patient in time your hair will grow back longer and stronger!!