Gorgeous!!! Please tell me how you achieved this look
BTW I remember when you did your BC. Your hair has grown like a weed since then, despite your one set-back.


Thank you BM!!
I just curled with my CHI flatiron. Nothing fancy.

Sent from my HTC EVO = TYPO GALORE!
Just beaurtifull!!! With an extra rrr. I think on someone else's body you would be bsl. You must be very tall bc I'm almost bsl and ur hair looks a lot longer than mine.
Wait, that's not BSL?? In my book you are! You must be really tall! Anyway, your hair is beautiful!

eta: I read the whole thread and you mentioned that you were 6 ft. Yup, that's a lot of hair - BSL or not. :yep:
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Yeah, Conterria! :) Congratulations! You're one of my favorite fotki-ins! :) LOL!

I'm a tall lady too, 5'11. Sometimes I measure down to where BSL and MBL are and I just shake my head! :)

You're an inspiration!